
Jun 13, 2024 06:00am

I remember getting a special dress when I was little. It was fancier than anything I had ever had. It had ruffles and the material seemed to glitter in the light. Even though it was in my closet with other clothes I wore, this dress was different. It was only for very special things. I took extra care of it, making sure to not get anything on it. I would never dream of wearing it to play down at the fort we had created. Or to make mud pies behind my grandmother’s house. And I certainly wouldn’t wear it trudging through the woods.

No, this one was special.

John 17:15-19
“I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”


Set apart. Holy. For sacred use.

Jesus was praying to the Father before He was arrested and crucified. Here, He is praying for His disciples. He asks the Father to sanctify them through His truth, His Word.

This type of sanctification is continual or progressional throughout a believer’s life. It’s the daily studying of Gods Word and applying it to every day life.

The disciples were to be holy, to be set apart, for God to use to share the good news of Jesus around the world.

Just like the disciples, all believers are to be sanctified. We are to be holy, set apart, and to be used for God’s purposes.

Are we doing that? Are we daily getting into His Word and growing closer to Him? Are we being sanctified for His purposes?

Just like that little dress, we are to be different, set apart from the others, special. We wouldn’t drag that little dress through the mud, so why do we allow ourselves to be caught up in the dirt and grime of this world?

Get into God’s Word and let His truth resonate within and sanctify you.

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