
Mar 04, 2024 18:30pm
Spotlight on Purpose

The stage was set. The actors took their places. The curtain opened. The spotlight shined bright.

But it was in the wrong spot.

As the star of the show began to speak, the lighting crew frantically moved the light around but struggled to find their intended target because of the darkness.

The scene was over. The actor left the stage. And the lighting crew scrambled to get back on track for the next scene.

The spotlight has a purpose. It illuminates the actor so you focus only on them. You hear their voice even more clearly. You recognize they are the only thing you should be paying attention to at that moment. However, the spotlight will only fulfill its intended purpose when used correctly.

John 2:11

“This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.”

Let’s break down this scripture for a minute. What has happened? Jesus performed His first miracle by turning water into wine. Many times, that’s where the spotlight goes, straight to the wine. In fact, many people use this text to defend their stance on wine itself. But we’re missing the point if we let our eyes and minds rest solely on the miracle. Instead, the spotlight shines on the purpose of the miracle. And this verse declares it.

What was the purpose of the miracle? The verse says it manifested or revealed the glory of Jesus. So, our primary focus here should be on the “Who” and not the “what.” So, then we ask why there is a need to reveal Jesus’ glory. And again, this verse tells us.

“His disciples believed in Him.”

Miracles have a specific purpose: to point us to Christ and His power. If the spotlight were to shift to just the miracle itself, we lose focus and miss what God wants us to see. These men Jesus had called to follow Him were about to see incredible things that would continue to confirm and strengthen their belief and faith in the One they had chosen to follow.


Even the miracle of salvation. While yes, it is for our benefit, it is for the glory of God. We are saved with a purpose – for our lives to show His glory! Our lives, including our speech, shine the spotlight on Christ and His power to save.

Is your spotlight reaching the intended target? Knowing Jesus and making Him known is our purpose for this life. Are we doing it?

The stage is set. It’s time to put the spotlight on Jesus.

Copyright © 2023 by Yalanda Merrell All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from