
Sep 21, 2023 18:30pm
Are We Out of Shape?

My legs felt like they were on fire. My lungs felt like knives made of ice were slicing through with every breath I took. An even bigger hill was before me and I sighed with dread.

I stopped.

“Just let me get my breath.”

But my companions were relentless.

They trudged on through the thick snow.

Thankfully Maverick, my trusted friend who always thinks he has to be first to do anything, pulled me up the hill with his leash.

I was out of shape.

No question about it. My exercise routine had taken a dive. I wasn’t doing anything on a daily basis. So, what little I was doing, wasn’t really benefiting me much.

It’s not that I don’t like it, I do. But it’s easy to get out of the habit I guess. And sometimes, I think, if I do just a little, that’s enough right? It’s like something I can check off my list even if I only did it for 10 minutes.

But where was the true benefit of that?

I needed help. Not just to get up the hill, but to get back in shape. Someone to show me, to lead me in what would be best and not just what would be good.

Luke 11:1

“And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.”

The disciples of Jesus saw the connection Jesus had with the Father. Often times, they had seen Him get away to pray alone. He would be gone for lengths of time and when He returned there was evidence of peace from spending time with the Father.

They wanted that.

So, they went to the best example they could have, and they asked Him to teach them how to pray.

Prayer is our communication with God. It’s a time to praise Him, pour out our deepest concerns, worries, and hurts. It’s a time to confess our wrongs and ask on behalf of those in need. It’s a time to listen. And prayer should be done regularly, not just half heartedly or nonexistent.

Are we out of shape when it comes to prayer? Are we exercising this beautiful form of communication with our Father as we should? How much greater could our prayer life be? And is there a way in which we should pray?

For the next several days, we’ll study through Luke 11 and the model prayer Jesus gave His disciples. If you’re seeking a deeper walk with Christ, prayer is a great place to start.

Copyright © 2023 by Yalanda Merrell All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from