
Jul 12, 2023 18:30pm
Awake My Soul

Eyes closed, take a deep breath in. Feel the air fill your lungs and slowly let it out.

The past three weeks had been a whirlwind. I’ve had to remind myself several times to just take a moment, take some deep breaths and feel a little peace.

My father in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on July 29, 2022. He was scheduled for surgery Aug. 23. Since then, we had been driving back and forth to Jonesboro, swapping out someone to stay with him. Finally, Wednesday, Sept. 14, we were all back at home. He still had some recovery and therapy to do, but home was a good place to be.

In all of that time, it felt like we were meeting ourselves coming and going. The world didn’t stop just because of this surgery and rehabilitation process. Things still needed to get done.

But in my rush to get it all squeezed in, one of the things I put on the back burner, was my morning alone time.

For years, I’ve gotten up every weekday morning, grabbed my coffee and snuggled into my chair. Cozied up with my Bible, I opened the pages and dove in. And while I knew this was the best way to start each morning, in light of all that was happening in our lives, I would scarcely take the time to get alone with God.

My days felt rushed. I’d find myself feeling more scattered, overwhelmed and anxious. My heart yearned for the Word. I even noticed myself glancing over at my chair and seeing my Bible laying beside it and thinking, “I’ll sit down soon, I promise.”

But out of 23 days, I only took the time to actually do that on 12 days.

No wonder I felt depleted.

I needed the Word.

I needed that alone time with God.

Luke 4:42

“And when it was day, he departed and went into a desert place:”

Jesus, in the midst of all He was doing – healing the sick and lame, preaching the Word of God in the synagogues, seeking the lost – He still made time to get alone with God.

He arose early, when it was first breaking light. Even though His days were filled, He made the decision to rise earlier if needed and spend that time in prayer.

Desert place means lonely or alone.

Where is our desert place? We say Jesus comes first in our lives, but what does our schedule really say? Are we truly giving God our first, our best?

This morning, stop. You’ve taken the time to scroll through social media, shouldn’t you talk to the one true friend that loves you unconditionally? Shouldn’t we get alone and spend our time in the Word and in prayer?

To commune with God in the stillness of the morning renews our weak, broken and feeble spirit.

Awake my soul.

Speak life into my heart this morning, God! Fill me with your presence.

Copyright © 2022 by Yalanda Merrell All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from