
Apr 20, 2023 18:30pm
Who Am I?

A man, a woman, and their dog all sat at the intersection begging for help. The man held a cardboard sign, “Anything will help, God Bless”. The dog just looked pitiful sitting there with them. The man and woman both looked like they had lived a pretty rough life. All day they sat in that same spot.

That evening, they picked up their milk crate, the dog, left the trash from the day and crossed the street over to the bushes next to a business nearby. Then, they loaded up their dog and jumped into a nice SUV that had been parked at the business. They drive off into the sunset with their paycheck from a hard day’s work.

Now, I’m not saying every person who is on a street corner is just like this. But for many, this is a way of life. Look the part and people will believe it. They prey on the hearts of others. There are some that are truly on hard times and just need a little help. Sometimes it’s easy to spot the ones truly in need, but other times, we are all fooled.

“And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces, And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts: Which devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.” (Mark 12:38-40)

Jesus was warning of those that claimed to be religious, yet they were far from the Lord. They wanted to be seen doing religious things. They wore long robes, public displays of their religious acts, long, drawn out prayers that made them seem pious, and all the while enjoying the perks of their role – best seats in the house in the synagogue and at the table. But truly, these men were all for show. There was no truth to their actions, no depth. They told about the Lord, but they didn’t know Him. And Jesus warned about them. Why?

Because a real relationship with the Lord brings humility. To know that God gives us mercy and grace is beyond understanding. I am nobody, yet He chooses to love me and desires to use me for His kingdom. Who am I, Lord? Who am I? It’s not a question of identity, but of humility.

People can claim to be a Christian, they can even do many good things in view of the public eye, but what lies beneath? What happens at home? What happens when no one is looking? Who are they really?

The Lord knows our hearts, our intentions, our motives. If they are for self-preservation and prominence, we will be judged accordingly.

Let us consider our motives today in what we do for the Lord. Do we need to repent for being prideful and stealing God’s glory?

At a recent event, Alex Kindrick said, “I had to step back and allow my dream to die in order for full surrender to the way God wanted to do it, His way.”

We don’t need religion. We don’t need tradition. We need a heart to heart relationship with God. It must be personal. If you want to know more about how to have that personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I’d be glad to talk with you. Send me a message and let’s chat about who He is and how He can change us!

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