
Mar 23, 2023 06:00am
Courage > Culture

“That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings becoming like him…” – Philippians 3:10a (ESV)

Relationship Status is a “thing” these days. Social media makes it no less than a click of a button. But, let’s face it, if you have changed your status more than your hair style lately, you might consider defaulting to “fickle”. Don’t get me wrong, relationships matter, but one of the best signs of a healthy relationship might be very little sign of it on social media. Take Paul for example. His resume provided scads of opportunities for self-promotion, but promoting your own Facebook status is like giving yourself a high-five in Kroger…awkward. Intimacy with God is a transparent, peeling back of our self-imposed layers of protection, provision, and power. It is a choice we step into or away from. It is not about perfection, but in the messiness of life it resembles honest connection. Certainly obedience deepens our intimacy; and the love affair of prayer bonds our union with Christ, but we all determine our own level of commitment. Perhaps we begin with an awareness of our weaknesses. Shame, comparison, and bitterness are poisonous arrows the Deceiver can aim at our hearts. Since time can be an ally or an enemy, be intentional about sharing your godly “giftings” as a part of your interactions, within your circles of influence.

What are you giving to others that originated from your intimacy with the Lord?

What “counterfeits” (busyness, procrastination, selfishness) are time-wasters you have gotten accustomed to tolerating? Ask your kids. Ask your spouse. Better yet…ask God to show you and hit delete. Distractions waste time and work against intimacy. Update your relationship status to “His”. That’s worth posting across the heavenlies!

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