
Mar 09, 2023 06:00am
Weed Whackin’

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot.” – Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 (NIV)

Weeds. They turn up everywhere these days (and year after year) a lot like some of our most difficult family members at reunions. They can be stubborn, independent to a fault, and tolerated at best. They don’t blend in and, in fact, choke a lot of the beauty out of their surroundings! Maybe it’s the rush to enjoy all things spring, but opportunities abound for those with green thumbs lately. Are there lessons Believers might learn from weeds? I think so…

  1. Weeds must be intentionally removed. What might be sprouting up in your life that needs discarding? Greed, complacency, self-centeredness, apathy? Put on gloves and deal with it!
  2. Weeds can blend in through camouflage and easily spread. Are you watchful where you are planted? Are you alert to damaging pests such as false teachings or worldly values? Are your roots grounded in Him?

Gardeners plant for success through sowing good seed, setting boundaries for their plant’s protection, and daily tending. Christians might increase their crop load by following The Creator who fashioned the first paradise in The Garden. Grow toward the Son, bloom with grace, and allow 2023 to be a replanting time for you with a plentiful harvest as unto the Lord. Perhaps this past year produced in you a “reset” of where you might scatter new seed and watch it grow. Instead of throwing mulch over past practices, you might consider enriching your soil with more nutrients from God’s Word.

Whatever your practice, ask God for wisdom in the process. Knowledge may be knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but wisdom is withholding it from the fruit salad. Don’t get lost in the tall weeds of the earthly journey. Bloom in The Gardener’s care.

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