
Jan 03, 2023 06:00am
Finding Jesus: Finding Faith to Face the Fire

(The following is a family devotional guide with suggested questions and scriptures.)

Talk Time

Tell me if you would trust in God enough to be able to face each situation:

  • Do you trust God enough to be thrown into a fire because of your faith?
  • Do you trust God enough to stand near the sea, lift up your staff, and expect it to part?
  • Do you trust God enough to march into a battle, one that you are vastly outnumbered in, with your praise and worship band in front, leading the way?
  • Do you trust God enough to fight an army of 135,000 with only 300?

Bible Connection

Oh, these are tough questions for any of us! Do we love and trust the Lord so much that we are willing to take a huge risk and trust Him with it? Today’s focus story is about three young men willing to take a huge risk and trust God to help them face it.

Let’s see what led them to take this huge leap of faith by reading Daniel 3:1-30.

These men took a stand against idolatry knowing the consequences of this decision…and yet, they stood firm in their decision. Go back and read their response in verses 16-18. They trusted God to rescue them, but they were prepared to face the fiery furnace even if God chose not to. How in the world did these three men get to this point in their lives? Something happened when they were younger (perhaps as young as eight) that helped their trust.

Read Daniel 1:3-16 to see the first test of faith recorded in this book.

These young boys, along with an older Daniel, took a stand on eating the king’s food. They asked to drink water and eat vegetables over the king’s wine and meat, something that was considered “unclean” for them. They asked the chief official to test them for ten days to see how they looked. At the end of those ten days, they looked healthier and stronger than the others who had the king’s food and drink. This step of faith helped build these men’s trust so much that when it was put to the bigger test, like a fiery furnace, they could stand strong knowing their God was faithful – He would help them face it.

Faith Connection

Taking faith-based risks in life are opportunities to experience God in a big way! In Matthew 13:58, people in Jesus‘ hometown questioned Jesus being the Son of God. As a result, Jesus did very few miracles there. This shows us that when we believe little, we experience little. Let’s be people who trust God so much, we get to experience his miraculous interventions many times in life!

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