
Oct 03, 2022 07:00am
This Love, part 1…

Don’t you just love a good series? Well, each Monday morning in October we’re sharing about God’s love in a five-part series called, This Love.  Join us and share with your friends!


This love. This love is supernatural and mysterious. This love pursues and summons in the midst of running and rejecting. Persistent and determined, this love rescues, delivers, restores. This love is unknown and while it is unknown is moving toward, relentlessly pursuing. Beckoning, preparing, plowing up. Loosening this compact heart soil. Painful? Sure, sometimes. But nothing compared to the pain involved in the hardening. This love has called me, broken me, remade me.

This love is better. Better than my hopes, thoughts, or pleas. This love is present. Never leaves. Faithful. Committed. This love is eternal–forever back and forever forward. All encompassing. Long-suffering.
Ordinary love is give and take and always in a certain proportion. This love is give give give. There is no ratio that will do. This love depends on His unchanging character. This love is not a response but instead calls forth a response.

This love goes deep, down to the depths deep. No matter how far down I go, this love is there, not always to bring me up but to sit in the depths with me. This love is with me.

This love is wide, wider than my mind can dream and wider than my mouth can express. This love goes and goes and goes. No matter how far I roam, this love finds me there. This love doesn’t rush, but woos and takes my hand and leads me home. This love goes the distance.

This love is high, far above any loves I’ve known. This love goes up up up, all the way up. Exalted above the highest heart, worthy of the highest praise. This love lifts me and then lifts my eyes further still. There is no limit to this love. There are no adjectives that will do. A love like this cannot be repaid, only adored.

Do you think little of this love? You are forfeiting a gift you were created to receive, walking away empty handed, searching for another guaranteed to disappoint. The cost for this love has already been paid. Paid in the midst of your “No Thanks.” Paid while you were striving and rushing and grasping empty things. Things destined to leave you without.

Has this love caught up with you? Do you have a heart to receive? Because receiving is all you can do. Receive and never be the same. Receive and find the song your heart has been longing to sing since the first note was heard. This love is your song, your melody, your anthem. This love was sung over you from the beginning. Now join your voice with its song. Can you hear it? Join its chorus. Sing. Dance. Live.

Copyright © 2022 by Heather Harrison @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from