
Aug 21, 2022 08:00am
Identifying, Investing, Inviting, then Increasing

The word saturation means “to fill completely with something that permeates.” Saturation evangelism has been defined as “an approach to spreading the gospel that functions much like leaven in bread dough. Its purpose is to spread the gospel until an entire area is permeated and affected.” It describes a passion for evangelism, not taking on the “whole” world but taking responsibility for “your” world. In God Dreams, Will Mancini states, “We will define a geographical area around us and take responsibility to personally communicate and demonstrate the gospel to everyone in that area.”  

In What Jesus Started: Joining the Movement, Changing the World Steve Addison traces the steps of Christ going village to village spreading the gospel. He writes: “Matthew records that Jesus’ ministry touched all 175 towns and villages in Galilee. To reach them all, Jesus could rarely have stayed in one place for more than a few days; he would have been constantly on the move. By the end of His ministry, most of Galilee’s 200,000 people would either have met Jesus or known someone who had.” Now that is saturation and living out His mission, “For the Son of man has come to seek and to save the lost,” (Luke 19:10). 

In God Dreams (which I highly recommend) Mancini offers four depictions and challenges: 

“Vision Advances” is an arrow and we must Take It.

“Vision Rescues” is a plus sign and we must Save It.  

“Vision Becomes” is a circle and we must Grow It. 

“Vision Overflows” is a wave and we must Let It Go.  

Mancini utilizes templates for you to pray and think through this process. Every church has a mandate, the Great Commission, which is why your church exists and what you have been called to do. How are you doing at that?  

In advancing the vision, God Dreams offers three additional templates that walk you through how your church’s vision should advance through geographic saturation and targeted transformation and if you live on a college campus, where you work, the city you live in, or the two to three blocks around your house. This requires a laser focus connected to an intentional strategy and plan to reach those on your spiritual map with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible shows us that a “dedicated minority” can make a huge impact. First there were 12, then 70, then 120, yet in Acts 17:6 this “dedicated minority” is described as having turned the world upside down.  

While teaching in the Ukraine several years ago, one leader was giving a testimony of how he came with a map of the zone he believed God had given him the responsibility to reach with the gospel. He then said the training and challenge of the conference had convinced him that he needed a larger map. May God expand our vision and territory in spreading the gospel.  

Every believer and every church must be mobilized for evangelism. Even then in some cities and nations, you would still be a minority in comparison to the total population. This should not hinder you and your efforts to saturate your area through evangelism. When God does great things through a few people, all the glory goes to Him instead of man. At our church we like to state our purpose as “People helping people to find and follow Jesus!” That begins by identifying those we need to get on our missional maps. What place or person do you need to get on your spiritual radar? What faces have you learned so you might know them by name? 

After identifying them, you begin investing into their lives. God has called us to love others.  How can you demonstrate the love of Christ to those on your missional map in practical ways?  Who can you bless so they might feel a sense of belonging in order to consider believing in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior?  

Now that you have identified them (geographic saturation) and you begin investing in them (targeted transformation) you can then decide what you can invite them to attend. You may need to start small and invite them to a cookout in your back yard or some other non-threatening activity. Notice the progression of identifying, investing, inviting, then increasing. You begin to truly live missionally when you develop a heart and mindset that is aware and deliberate about sharing the good news through word and deed (people-group penetration). This requires building an outward focus in your individual life but also requiring it of all church groups. Who should be seated next to you in your small group or worship service? Where do they live and what do they look like?  What steps must you begin taking to show them the love of Christ and share your testimony?

It really is not that complicated. He has called us to follow Him and fish for men.  People are either lost or saved. If lost, witness to them.  If saved, disciple them or be discipled.  

Saturation evangelism requires the same passion Jesus had in reaching everyone in His geographic area and accepting the responsibility of exposing them to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Remember, a dedicated minority (you) can have a huge impact just like Jonah in Nineveh and the disciples in the early church. 

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