
Jul 12, 2022 18:30pm
We Are Each Accountable

When we were little, I hated seeing my brother get in trouble. I never wanted to see him get a whooping or grounded. Many times, I thought it would be so much better if I could just take his punishment. I thought I was stronger than him and could handle it. But I couldn’t take his place.

I feel the same way now with his son. If Witten does something bad and needs to be punished, I want to step in and say, it was my fault, don’t punish him, I’ll take his punishment. But I can’t take his place.

In Deuteronomy, Moses instructs the people according to what God has revealed to him as the law. In chapter 24, there are various laws about marriage, divorce, stealing, leprosy, servants and pledges. And tucked away in verse 16, we find a seemingly small scripture with a big impact.

“The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.” (Deuteronomy 24:16)

When a father saw his child sin, he would want to step in and save his son from the punishment. But the Lord was clear, no man could take the place of another for his sins. We are each accountable for our own actions.

Just as it will be as we stand before God. We cannot count our parent’s righteousness for our own, or vice-versa. We are each accountable. No man can take our place. No man can take away the punishment of death for our sins.

But God can. God, rich in mercy, sent His Son Jesus Christ, to take our place. On the cross, the Lord chose to take on all our sins. And at that moment, the Father turned His face away. He couldn’t look upon the sin that was now upon His Son because of His holiness. The Son had to face death. The Father could not take the place of His Son, it had to be this way. Jesus, the One who took our place, died for our sins.

But then, just as it was written, because Jesus was the true and living Son of God, He overcame death and the grave and victoriously rose from the grave 3 days later!

Your sins have been paid. You no longer have to face an eternal death and separation from God. You simply must accept His gift of salvation to you!

As much as you love your children or your parents, God loves us that much more. Only Jesus can offer to take your place! Will you accept Him?

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