
Jan 30, 2022 08:00am
Truth: You Can’t Just Make it Up

I’ve never known of one single event in my lifetime that has thrown our society into such an upheaval as the Covid pandemic has. It has altered everything we do in America. You could never have convinced me that a virus would close church doors or force our kids to stay away from school. But it has. Covid has been devastating to families, churches, businesses, and our country as a whole. I’m praying that God will deliver us from this plague very soon. 

As devastating as Covid has been physically, there is another plague gripping our nation spiritually. The damage this plague has done to America, I believe, is even more damaging than Covid. I would call this plague “Individual Truth.” It’s the belief that I have the right to set my own standards for what is truth for me. And so do you. We can each have our own “truth” and both be correct. 

May I be blunt? This philosophy is nothing but a lie. In fact, it is satanic in its origin. To have my own truth means that I can set the standard for what is right and what is wrong. It means that I can choose my own identity or my own gender. In fact, I don’t have to be male or female if I don’t identify that way. I can be a combination of the two. With my own truth I can set standards of morality for me that will only apply to me. You have no right to question my morality. That is my truth, not yours. And if you decide to oppose my truth that makes you, in fact, a bigot. 

This, my friends, is insanity. The sad reality is that “individual truth” has become as pervasive in America as the Covid virus. It’s not a new way of thinking. It’s just more pervasive. Remember the first time that man decided to create his own truth, right? “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?” In other words, “Eve, God’s not telling you the truth! Create your own truth!” Satan started telling mankind that lie in Genesis chapter 3. Man bought it then and he’s still buying it today. 

As followers of Christ we must stand for truth. We must start with our children. We must not be shy about sharing truth with friends who are both saved and lost. We can’t be afraid of being called names, belittled, or canceled by those who would war against God. But most of all, we must be careful that we aren’t enticed by the same lie. These are the facts: 

We cannot have our own truth, because truth already exists! Jesus is truth! God’s Word is truth! We must be bold in making that clear to a world dying to know The Truth! 

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