Blog Archives

Your Time Will Come
Jesus’s words urge us to focus on our own path rather than comparing ourselves to others, trusting that God has a unique plan for us.

Follow Me
Leave the old life behind, He has something new in store. A purpose beyond our own strength and abilities. But we have to trust in Him. And we have to be willing to Follow. Are you?

Learn the biblical significance of Sabbath observance and learn the importance of aligning the heart, mind, and spirit with God’s rest.

Be Imitators
Explore the transformative power of imitating God’s kindness, forgiveness, and love, and learn how to cultivate these virtues in your life.

Empty or Full?
Is your heart empty or full? Learn how examining our hearts and filling them with the Holy Spirit can transform our lives.

The Jesus Way
Uncover the truth that fulfillment comes from following “the Jesus way”—a life of surrender to God that leads to eternal peace and salvation.

Shifting Gears
Discover how letting go of the need to control can deepen your spiritual journey and bring you closer to God’s true purpose for your life.

Tell the Story
Someone needs to hear the story of your salvation. It’s a story of redemption, truth, reconciliation, unconditional love and forgiveness.

Just like the disciples, all believers are to be sanctified. Are we being sanctified for His purposes? Are we daily getting into His Word and growing closer to Him?

The World
Ever wonder what it means to be truly “worldly”? Click to see how Jesus’s profound love for humanity triumphs over worldly desires.

The Secret to Life
Discover how embracing the crucifixion of your will can lead to a richer, more fulfilling existence, and deeper relationship with God.

Our Guide
Jesus did not leave us alone. He and the Father provided for us a guide, One who will always be with us, the Holy Spirit.

Peer Pressure
Read about Hezekiah’s inspiring faith and the life-changing benefits of staying grounded in truth.

Three Imperative Questions
Explore the most pivotal questions you’ll ever confront in your journey: “Is there a god?”, “Who is he?”, and “What does he want from me?”

How Long Will It Take?
In the midst of uncertainty, God’s provision unfolds in unexpected ways. Through Nehemiah’s story, see how God equips us with all we need.

You may be facing a tough situation, a temptation, a trial. Seek the Lord in the midst. Let Him lead you. Pray for wisdom and guidance.

Faithful Follower
In the midst of life’s unfair turns and circumstances, the story of Joshua and Caleb offers profound lessons in faithful endurance.

The Scenic Route
If you find yourself in a season of waiting, take heart—there’s beauty to be found along the scenic route, and it’s worth every moment.

Living Intentionally
Discover the significance of purposeful actions and intentional living, inspired by Jesus’s deliberate interactions and commands.

Staying Committed
Ask yourself, “Am I committed to Jesus or religion?”

No Easy Button
Why doesn’t God speak to us audibly anymore? Learn about the truths found in His Word and how to commune with God today.

The Unexpected King
Discover the importance of trusting in God’s plan and patiently waiting for His guidance, even when it differs from our own expectations.

The Ultimate Report Card
Discover the transformative power of surrendering to Christ and allowing His righteousness to testify on our behalf.

My Way or His Way
Accepting all aspects of God leads to a deeper understanding of His sovereignty and the path to true worship.

Delve into the challenges of maintaining faith amid life’s chaos and discover the vital importance of recovery in the Christian walk.

Lessons from Parking Lots and Miracles
Uncover profound lessons about seeing beyond rules, recognizing miracles in our midst, and ensuring our actions reflect the love of Jesus.

The “Perfect” Diet Plan
Amidst the noise of dietary claims, learn why feeding on grace, God’s Word, and a deepened relationship with Him is the perfect diet plan.

Isn’t It Ironic?
Today, let’s allow the Lord to shine His truth into our lives, searching our intent and refocus on what’s really important.

When we look at our daily routine, do we have a time set aside for getting alone with God?

I Would Never…
When we find ourselves in that position, in the middle of never-where, we have a choice. We can follow the example of Judas or we can follow the example of Peter.

Run With Endurance
We can run with endurance because God supplies what we need along the way.

Attention, Please!
Today, let’s remember what God has called us to do and do it. Don’t get focused on the wrong things, the things that won’t really matter in eternity.

Putting Off Procrastination
Why do we put off doing what we want to do?

Do Something
If you’ve been saved by Jesus, if you’ve put your faith and trust in Him, you are His servant. It’s time to get to work. It’s time to build the kingdom of God!

Cut Off The Dead Ends
By God’s grace, we are to “cut off” the things in our lives that do not honor Him.

He’s Still Workin’ On Me
The cure for hypocrisy is telling the truth.

All Consumed
God calls each of us to present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice.

Pray About It
In all things, the Lord has heard my cries and answered my prayers. Some are still waiting for answers, but while I wait, I pray, continuing to bring that to the Lord and trust that He will answer it, in His time.

Reasonable Service
It’s always good to examine ourselves and our motives. Are we serving God because we love Him and want to obey, or are we wanting extra credit for it?

Let’s Get Salty
To be a Christian means you are a disciple of Christ. And to be a disciple of Christ means you are to be a disciple-maker.

Sit, Stay, Obey
God is not looking merely for human improvement, He wants a commitment of surrender; one that will be more than reactions to commands and more like responses His love.