Blog Archives

Facing the Storm
Nineteen years after Hurricane Katrina, we’re reminded that the risks we face—whether in reclaiming a home or sharing the gospel—are always outweighed by the eternal rewards.

From Fear to Faith
Trust in God to provide all that’s needed and to use you however He deems necessary for the gospel to be shared.

Pray Boldly
Do you really believe when you pray, or are you just going through the motions? Acts reminds us to trust fully in God’s power and pray boldly.

Choosing Trust
When grief shakes your faith, what will you choose? Learn how faith in God’s promises can bring peace and hope, even in the darkest moments.

United in Christ
Come be a part of this mixture of people from every tribe, every tongue, and every nation. Come be a Christian.

My Unbelief
Discover how to transform your doubts into steadfast faith and see God’s powerful hand at work in your life.

Will we believe in Jesus? Or will we deny Him as the religious leaders did? Not choosing is still a choice.

Believe and Receive Life!
This passage from John 20:24-31 highlights how Jesus understands our doubts and provides exactly what we need to have faith.

Action is Required
The truth has been revealed and action is required. What will you believe?

Even If
What if, even in the face of unanswered prayers, God remains worthy of worship? Discover the unwavering worthiness of God’s worship.

Do you trust that God provided what you need through Jesus? Turn from your sin and to God. Ask Him to save you.

Festival of Shelters
Read about cherished memories and profound insights into spiritual resilience and having faith in God during uncertain times.

Join me as we unpack the timeless truths of Exodus and learn to embrace an unwavering “I do” to God.

Childlike Faith
Uncover how embracing childlike faith leads to a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with God.

Extra Credit
Still doubt that Jesus is real? Still say that there is no God? He has given us all that we need to not only believe, but to be His disciple.

Having a Solid Rock Faith
Did you know that Peter, the disciple with rock-solid faith, faced uncertainties similar to us? Discover how to strengthen your own faith.

Lessons from Love and Faith
While we may yearn for love and acceptance from others, true fulfillment ultimately lies in surrendering to the unconditional love of God.

Seeds of Sacrifice
Jesus Christ died so that you could live. He offered Himself because He loves you that much. What will you do with that gift?

Amidst uncertainty and doubt, discover the comforting presence of God, guiding each step with unwavering love and strength.

You may be facing a tough situation, a temptation, a trial. Seek the Lord in the midst. Let Him lead you. Pray for wisdom and guidance.

Finding Comfort in the Care of the Good Shepherd
Discover the comforting role of the Good Shepherd in guarding and caring for His flock, as portrayed in John 10:14.

You Can Trust Him
David’s journey from isolation to trust offers profound lessons of repentance, seeking God, humble waiting, and understanding His character.

There is no greater freedom, relief, peace, or victory than when you surrender to Jesus.

Challenging Truths
If you want to know the truth about what you believe, test it against scripture.

Recognizing the Treasures of Faith
Embrace the priceless jewel of faith that has been within reach all along. Jesus’ message is simple – believe.

The Unexpected King
Discover the importance of trusting in God’s plan and patiently waiting for His guidance, even when it differs from our own expectations.

Simple Faith
Uncover the beauty of Jesus’ words, offering a clear path to eternal life through faith alone, and explore the salvation of Christ.

Feast of Faith
Uncover the deeper meaning behind the preparation and labor involved in reaping a spiritual harvest, drawing parallels from John 4:34-38.

Stepping into Belief
Do you believe in Jesus? And if you believe, are you following Him? It’s time to take that step.

True Fandom
There are Hogs fans, and then there are Hogs fans. IYKYK Ok, let me explain. The hogs stink. They’ve stunk […]

Spotlight on Purpose
Join the reflection on John 2:11 and learn how every miracle, including salvation, serves the purpose of revealing Christ’s glory.

Eternal Miracles
God doesn’t give us what is good; He gives us what is best. Discover the importance of trusting God’s perfect timing.

The Bible Recap: Days 344-350
The same power that brought forth Jesus from the dead resides in us. May we walk each day trusting He can flip our scripts in life and amaze us with His love and grace and mercy.

Do You Know Him?
Do you know this man, the very Son of the Living God? Do you know Jesus Christ? Not just a knowledge of Him, but an intimate relationship, a surrender of your will to Him?

Turn to the Creator
Today, let’s turn from the things of this world and turn to our Creator. The One who offers true peace, freedom and love.

You’ll See
What did it take for you to believe and become His witness?

Perfectly Planned and Timed
Whatever you’re going through or waiting for, I promise you, God is at work! He doesn’t waste time. The Lord almighty is in control and time is in His hands. Trust Him.

Front Row Seats
Are we still begging to be close to Him, found on our knees in prayer? Or are we now at a distance, watching to see what unfolds next?

Everyone Will Be Watching
Jesus is the Prince of Peace. With Him we have nothing to fear. Without Him, we have no hope.

Water and Fire
It may be that God wants you to be satisfied with Him, the giver of great blessings, before getting the blessing. It may be that He is getting you ready to experience Him in a whole new way. A fiery sort of way.

God Wins in the End
Like Jesus did often, take time to get away and pray. Seek the Lord’s wisdom and ask for discernment in this situation. Study His Word and live it out. You know who wins in the end.

Like the pressure of the earth creating diamonds out of carbon deposits, God is creating something beautiful out of you. It doesn’t make the trial or the storm any easier. But knowing God is at work is comforting in the midst.

Isn’t It Ironic?
Today, let’s allow the Lord to shine His truth into our lives, searching our intent and refocus on what’s really important.

Jesus and Avocados
Like my avocado aversion, we can live our whole lives seeing God from a distance, never truly experiencing Him. We can miss out on incredible moments of God because we’re too afraid of letting go of our life preservers and getting out of our safety boats.

A Fiery Faith
Fearing God isn’t being afraid of Him – it’s being scared of living life without Him.

You’re Invited
Jesus has invited all of us to the table. Will you come?

Time to Celebrate
If God has saved you, you have been brought into His marvelous light, as the scripture says. You have been changed! And it’s time to celebrate!

His Word is Good
God’s Word is worthy, withstands the pressure of change, and it’s an eternal commitment. If God says it, I believe it.