Blog Archives

Grace Alone
Salvation is not earned—it’s a gift of grace. No works required, just faith in Christ alone. Discover true freedom in Him today!

When Answers to Prayer are Hard
When God’s answer leads to suffering, His will is still at work. Trust, surrender, and know He sustains through every trial.

It’s That Simple
Salvation is a free gift—but it cost Jesus everything. Will you accept it? Believe, confess, and be saved. It really is that simple.

Repentance is Not What You Think
Repentance is more than turning from sin—it’s turning toward God. Discover the gift that restores, satisfies, and transforms your life.

Nothing Can Separate You From God’s Love
Discover the unbreakable bond of God’s love. Nothing can separate you from Him, no matter the trials or troubles you face.

The Purpose in Your Story
Your experiences shape your purpose. Even in hardship, God works for good. Trust His plan and let Him use your story for His glory.

Say His Name
When words fail, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. Trust Him to guide your prayers and bring peace in every situation. #Faith #Prayer

What Now?: Money
Trust God over money! When you invest in Him, He provides beyond measure. Where’s your treasure? #Faith #Provision #TrustGod

My soul waits in silence for God only. (Psalm 62:1) Who do you trust? At the end of the day, […]

Just the (Life-Changing) Facts
There are moments when we need just the direct facts. This is especially true with the good news about Christ. For there are few who know the real facts, and it is on these facts that our faith must rest.

Keep Fighting
Spiritual warfare doesn’t begin in crisis—it starts when we place our trust in Christ and continues daily as we seek His glory over our own desires.

Standing in Awe
May we never lose that sense of awe and amazement that we can stand in the presence of the Almighty God forgiven, freed, and cherished.

The Ultimate Trade
Jesus took the raw end of the deal for us, offering salvation not because we could ever repay Him, but simply because He loves us.

Faith Over Works
Why trust anything but faith to save you when God has already made it clear—righteousness comes through belief, not works.

The Invitation
A teacher told her young students that she was starting a new club and they should watch for an invitation. […]

We must rightly understand that salvation comes not through our own works, but through Jesus alone.

Stop Making Excuses
What happens when we try to justify our sins before a holy and just God?

What Makes You Different?
“What makes you different?”
It’s a simple question with a profound challenge. If your life doesn’t reflect Christ, how can others see the need for Him through you?

An Un-Payable Debt
When a stranger paid for my meal, I was overwhelmed by the kindness I couldn’t repay—reminding me of the debt I owe to Jesus for saving me. Like Paul, we can’t repay Christ’s gift, but we can offer our lives in gratitude and share His love with others.

When God Says “No”
How do you respond when God says “no”? Paul’s humble trust in God’s plan, even when his desires were denied, challenges us to surrender, believe, and trust that every “no” has a purpose for our good and His glory.

Relatable Teen Struggles (Pt. 3): Addictions
Addiction greatly affects many lives. By anchoring ourselves in God’s Word we can break free from addiction and find true satisfaction in Christ.

Feeling busy? Paul, under house arrest, used his limited time and space to share the gospel with purpose—challenging us to rethink how we can shine Christ’s light in the midst of our own busyness.

Advice from the Only Reliable Advisor
Jesus, who faced every trial and temptation, invites us to come boldly to Him, the most reliable source of grace, comfort, and guidance.

Faithful Promise Keeper
When life’s trials strike unexpectedly, it’s easy to question God. But He remains faithful, and His promises carry us safely to His purpose.

Good News and Bad News
When the journey seems impossible, God’s promises remain steadfast, offering hope to anchor our hearts.

His Plans > Our Plans
Our plans are so small compared to God’s. Let’s put our plans aside and follow Him. He’s got something greater in store than we can ever imagine.

Let Go of Control
Let go. God is the one in control, and His mission for your life is greater than anything you could imagine.

When Opinions Distract
When we elevate personal stances over the gospel, we risk losing sight of what truly matters.

Shipwrecks and Sovereignty
A ship full of men awaiting judgement, along with officers appointed to accompany them, crammed together as they set sail […]

Be Prepared: Know Trials Are Normal
In a world full of challenges, are you prepared to navigate life with the biblical mindset that trials are not exceptions but expectations?

Unexpected Detours
When life reroutes your plans, could it be God opening a door for a greater purpose?

Facing Your “No Way” Moments
We’re all in for the ride—until God asks us to go where we least expect, to do what we least want to do.

Use Your Voice
When you’re given a platform, will you use it to make noise—or to make known the power of Jesus to transform lives?

The M Bridge
Staring in awe at the mighty M bridge in Memphis, I realized that just as I trust this marvel of engineering without fully understanding its mechanics, I can trust God’s faithfulness to carry me through life’s challenges, even when I don’t comprehend His ways.

A Journey to the Truth
Paul ignites a mission to share the only message that can truly heal and transform lives: the name of Jesus.

Finding True Light
the true light of Christ shines brightest when we stop relying on the illusions of this world and embrace the power of His name.

The Invitation
An invitation from the Prince of Peace has been sent to all, and the question is—will you accept it?

Don’t Forget the Soap
In the busyness of life, don’t forget the most important ingredient—just like laundry without soap, faith without Jesus leaves us missing what truly cleanses.

Your Gifts for God’s Glory
Apollos, gifted with eloquence and knowledge, revealed the true identity of Jesus as the Messiah to those who needed to hear the full story.

Ready to Follow
Are you ready to pack your bags and follow where God leads, even if it means leaving behind your comfort zone for the promise of something greater?

Will You Believe?
When Paul spoke of the resurrection, some called him crazy, but others heard the truth, sought more, and believed; will you?

Leaving a Legacy that Points to Christ
As we reflect on our lives, the most powerful legacy we can leave behind is one that points others to the life-changing message of Jesus.

Leading Your Family to Faith
Just like the jailer who led his family to Christ, your example could be the light that guides your family to faith.

Praising in the Dark
Even in the darkest prison, Paul and Silas sang praises to God, showing us that true faith shines brightest when life is at its darkest.

Trading Freedom
As Paul traded his freedom to free a slave girl, Jesus willingly took on our sins, offering us freedom from death—will you accept His gift of life?

Benefits For the Body
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom. (Colossians 3:16a) When […]

Breaking Through Closed Gates
Today’s world still shuts its gates to truth, but Lifeword uses the power of digital media to spread Christ’s love in even the most restricted places.

Faith Alone
The early believers wrestled with letting go of old traditions, but true salvation comes through faith alone, not by adding to what Christ has already done.

Facing the Storm
Nineteen years after Hurricane Katrina, we’re reminded that the risks we face—whether in reclaiming a home or sharing the gospel—are always outweighed by the eternal rewards.

From Fear to Faith
Trust in God to provide all that’s needed and to use you however He deems necessary for the gospel to be shared.