Blog Archives
Restore. Refresh. Renew.
It’s time to let Jesus do what needs to be done in our lives. Restore. Refresh. Renew.
Do Something
If you’ve been saved by Jesus, if you’ve put your faith and trust in Him, you are His servant. It’s time to get to work. It’s time to build the kingdom of God!
Are You In The Fire?
Are you struggling against your sin or are you complacently accepting it?
Hungry for More
Do people praise God because they see the difference He has made in our lives?
Cut Off The Dead Ends
By God’s grace, we are to “cut off” the things in our lives that do not honor Him.
O Christmas Tree
Let’s find ways to point our hearts toward Jesus throughout Christmas and everyday.
Do You Know Who Jesus Is?
Recognizing Jesus as God is the first step toward faith. Without the knowledge of who He truly is, we can’t go further.
He’s Still Workin’ On Me
The cure for hypocrisy is telling the truth.
All Consumed
God calls each of us to present ourselves to Him as a living sacrifice.
Seek the Lost
Let’s follow Jesus’ example and seek the lost, pour into them the truth and rejoice when they come home!
Let’s Get Salty
To be a Christian means you are a disciple of Christ. And to be a disciple of Christ means you are to be a disciple-maker.
The Invitation
God doesn’t care who you are, what you’ve done, where you’ve been, who you know or what’s in your pocket. He has invited you to accept His invitation through Jesus Christ. Will you?
Jesus Loves You Unconditionally
This morning, hear His words, see the truth in them, and pray for His overwhelming love to fill your heart.
Fence Sittin’
We are on an earthly mission to serve the purposes of God! Is fear or intimidation silencing us?
It Starts Small and Grows
How has the Gospel changed you? What are you doing with it?
Watching My Feet
Sometimes we’re so focused on the destination, we forget to take the beauty along the way!
Is Jesus Worth It?
The treasure that awaits is worth far more than the pains of this earth.
In Over My Head
If you find yourself in new, uncomfortable seasons, run to your God.
Cleaning Out the Pot
Unless we are filled with something meaningful and lasting, we will never see true growth or fruit. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit.
We’re All In This Together
Even when we face storms or apparent defeat, God is working!
Pure in Heart or Good Enough?
A pure heart is transparent with an uncompromising desire to please God in all things.
Addressing Our Prayers
Today, let’s focus on this one opening line in our prayer and listen as the Holy Spirit brings to our minds all the names of God.
Are We Out of Shape?
Are we out of shape when it comes to prayer? Are we exercising this beautiful form of communication with our Father as we should?
Hot Water Can Cause Shrinkage
To reflect Jesus’ image and to testify of His attributes is to choose to be vulnerable, devoted, and authentic.
The Bible Recap: Days 183-189
Our God chases us down in the storms of life, pursuing us. He never gives up on us. He’ll use every element of nature and every life situation to point back to Him.
Refining by Fire
Be reminded that more life-changing than s’mores, hayrides, and cider is the captivating life of abundance in choosing Christ.
The Bible Recap: Days 176-182
God saved His child, who cried out to Him.
Worthless Armor
We’ve been given the armor of God, and now we must use it!
Caring for Our Shepherds
Let’s take some time to pray this morning and ask the Lord how we can better serve Him through our giving and support of our pastors and staff.
Raise Your Right Hand
Truly our spiritual exoneration only comes from our guilt/sin being covered with his Son’s innocence “doing the time” for us.
Remember the Mission
May we take the time to refocus our thoughts, plans and actions back to Jesus and His mission.
The Same Goal
If we have the same goal, the same motives, and the same message, we should encourage and rejoice that others want to follow and do the same.
The Bible Recap: Days 169-175
Good things happen when we trust and follow God with our whole hearts!
Do You Hear Him?
Open your Bible. This is where you will find Jesus speaking to you today. Hear His voice.
What Do You Want?
What are you seeking, and are you looking in the right place?
Who are You Inviting to Your Table?
As we open up our table, let’s be mindful and intentional to welcome those that need the great physician.
Our goal should never be for others to simply follow us, but to follow us in pursuing Jesus!
Dethroning Desire
Our God-given desires must be submitted to God’s authority.
Make the best choice to gently and prayerfully yield to His placement, His power source, and His sovereignty.
Wisdom Matters
Not only can God help you become wiser in life and in making decisions, but having an undivided heart can help guard you from putting your faith and confidence into other people and things.
All Part of the Plan
Wherever you are, whatever is going on, I want you to know that there is a God who created you and loves you and cares about you. Not only is He working in your life for your good, but also for those around you.
Dwarfs or Disciples
Are your actions and attitude reflecting those of a disciple of Jesus Christ?