Blog Archives
Leading Your Family to Faith
Just like the jailer who led his family to Christ, your example could be the light that guides your family to faith.
Praising in the Dark
Even in the darkest prison, Paul and Silas sang praises to God, showing us that true faith shines brightest when life is at its darkest.
Trading Freedom
As Paul traded his freedom to free a slave girl, Jesus willingly took on our sins, offering us freedom from death—will you accept His gift of life?
Benefits For the Body
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom. (Colossians 3:16a) When […]
Breaking Through Closed Gates
Today’s world still shuts its gates to truth, but Lifeword uses the power of digital media to spread Christ’s love in even the most restricted places.
Passing the Torch
A simple invitation can change a life, just like Paul’s call to Timothy, and yours might lead someone closer to Christ.
Facing the Storm
Nineteen years after Hurricane Katrina, we’re reminded that the risks we face—whether in reclaiming a home or sharing the gospel—are always outweighed by the eternal rewards.
Set Your Aim!
If you’re curious about how a simple prayer can shape your heart to earnestly seek God, this article offers a powerful takeaway for you.
From Fear to Faith
Trust in God to provide all that’s needed and to use you however He deems necessary for the gospel to be shared.
Share the Truth
When you know you have something that will change someone’s life, you want to share it. The Gospel is for everyone. Tell them about Jesus.
Shining Light in Chaos
In a world filled with chaos, fear, and uncertainty, it can feel like everything is out of control. Yet, God is at work bringing light to the dark.
Pray Boldly
Do you really believe when you pray, or are you just going through the motions? Acts reminds us to trust fully in God’s power and pray boldly.
Choosing Trust
When grief shakes your faith, what will you choose? Learn how faith in God’s promises can bring peace and hope, even in the darkest moments.
The Power of Giving
A simple act of giving can help spread the gospel globally through ministries like Lifeword, where your support can make an eternal difference.
Don’t Settle for the Easy Way Out
Don’t settle for what’s easy. I know there are days you’re ready to give up, but God is always working for your good and for His glory!
United in Christ
Come be a part of this mixture of people from every tribe, every tongue, and every nation. Come be a Christian.
What Now?: Birth
Life consists of a multitude of choices and accepting or rejecting Jesus is one of them. This choice will affect where you spend all of eternity.
More Than A Teapot
As a follower of Christ, we have a purpose. God wants to use us as a vessel to pour out His message of love, repentance, and forgiveness.
Follow Faithfully
Oh friends, let us not just walk in God’s light, but let us learn to live in it.
Breaking Barriers
Do you want to wage war on the enemy? Share the gospel. The battle is already won, my friend! And the victory can be found in Jesus Christ!
Our Good, His Glory
Today, take a moment to look back on where and what God has brought you through and how He’s using it today for your good and His glory.
From Enemy to Friend
The scripture says that as sinners, we are enemies of God. But because Jesus stepped in, we can be called friends of God.
You Were Born for This
God is ready to use your talents and passions for His Kingdom. Will you say yes?
“Oh Be Careful…”
Mastering your words not only aligns your actions with your faith but also deepens your relationship with the Lord—because every word matters.
Change of Plans
Read how a detour from the original plan became a cherished memory, reminding us that God’s plans, though they differ from ours, bring blessings.
What’s God Calling You To?
Is God calling you to something new? Following God’s lead, no matter how difficult, brings you closer to His perfect will.
Scrambled Eggs
Discover how discipleship can turn confusion into clarity and why having someone to guide you in your walk with Christ makes a difference.
Turn Back
God’s relentless love calls you back, offering forgiveness and the refreshing presence of His grace. Turn to God today.
What’s Stopping You?
Discover how the early Christians’ unwavering faith and mission can give us a powerful tool to help fulfill our calling to make disciples.
Using Your Gifts for God’s Mission
When we are focused on the mission of Christ we will see eternal blessings.
Going Deep
Click to read how embracing deeper waters can lead to miraculous moments and life-changing trust in Jesus.
Responding with Grace
Let the Holy Spirit guide you as you navigate this situation and respond with grace.
By the Authority of the King
If you want to experience the true power of God, open up His Word, pray to the King, and let Him transform your life.
On Repeat
Discover how intentional Bible reading can deepen your spiritual understanding and bring lasting peace in life’s cyclical challenges.
What Now?: Assurance
Read on to learn about the incredible assurance you can gain through faith, offering you peace and freedom from doubt.
Second Chances
Dive in to find out how you can transform your setbacks into comebacks with a renewed sense of purpose and faith.
All In
Discover how the timeless principles found in Acts 2:44-47 can inspire you to live “all in” for Christ every day.
What Now?: Armor
Have you ever wondered how to stand firm in life’s spiritual battles? Click to learn how you can be a victorious warrior for Christ.
What’s Your Response?
When the Good News of who Jesus is and what He has done is shared with you, what do you do with it? What is your response?
The Groom is Waiting
Just as a bride readies herself for her groom, we are the bride of Christ, and He awaits us with a love that transforms and renews.
He Paid It All
Have you received God’s beautiful gift of salvation? The debt has been paid for your sins. Have you accepted it from Jesus? Have you recognized that He is the only way?
Read on to find out how facing your fears can lead to profound spiritual discoveries and strengthen your relationship with God.
Make a Splash
Just as those waves ripple out from a splash, so does the power of the Holy Spirit spread the message of Christ to the ends of the earth.
Follow Me
Leave the old life behind, He has something new in store. A purpose beyond our own strength and abilities. But we have to trust in Him. And we have to be willing to Follow. Are you?
The Jesus Way
Uncover the truth that fulfillment comes from following “the Jesus way”—a life of surrender to God that leads to eternal peace and salvation.
Garden Moments
Learn from Jesus’ example and see how creating your own “garden moments” can transform your relationship with God.
The Power of the Holy Spirit
God’s Spirit is available to all who believe in Him and repent of their sins. And He’s always available, working, leading, and convicting.
Is It Worth It?
Is following Jesus worth it, even when life gets tough? Discover why understanding the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made is worth it.
He Calls Us Friend
Discover how this divine friendship with Jesus redefines your relationship with the Creator and enhances your faith—click to learn more!
The Secret to Life
Discover how embracing the crucifixion of your will can lead to a richer, more fulfilling existence, and deeper relationship with God.