Blog Archives

My Unbelief
Discover how to transform your doubts into steadfast faith and see God’s powerful hand at work in your life.

Jesus is King of All
The King has invited us into His court. He has extended His scepter to us and given us a chance to live, an opportunity to serve, a beautiful gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.

Through the story of the disciples waiting for the Holy Spirit, discover the profound impact of divine timing.

Are We Entitled Christians?
Discover why living for the glory of God, rather than personal gain, leads to true fulfillment and purpose in this captivating read.

What Now?: Appearance
Discover how focusing on inner beauty, like Jesus, can transform how you see and treat others, enriching your relationships and spiritual life.

Your Time Will Come
Jesus’s words urge us to focus on our own path rather than comparing ourselves to others, trusting that God has a unique plan for us.

Follow Me
Leave the old life behind, He has something new in store. A purpose beyond our own strength and abilities. But we have to trust in Him. And we have to be willing to Follow. Are you?

Believe and Receive Life!
This passage from John 20:24-31 highlights how Jesus understands our doubts and provides exactly what we need to have faith.

Where is His Power Found?
Let’s quit wasting our breath and share His truth! Offer the salvation of Jesus to someone today who needs it.

Be Imitators
Explore the transformative power of imitating God’s kindness, forgiveness, and love, and learn how to cultivate these virtues in your life.

Action is Required
The truth has been revealed and action is required. What will you believe?

Empty or Full?
Is your heart empty or full? Learn how examining our hearts and filling them with the Holy Spirit can transform our lives.

The Jesus Way
Uncover the truth that fulfillment comes from following “the Jesus way”—a life of surrender to God that leads to eternal peace and salvation.

Garden Moments
Learn from Jesus’ example and see how creating your own “garden moments” can transform your relationship with God.

Shifting Gears
Discover how letting go of the need to control can deepen your spiritual journey and bring you closer to God’s true purpose for your life.

Tell the Story
Someone needs to hear the story of your salvation. It’s a story of redemption, truth, reconciliation, unconditional love and forgiveness.

Is It Worth It?
Is following Jesus worth it, even when life gets tough? Discover why understanding the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made is worth it.

What Now?: Accountability
Are you ready to stand before God and be held accountable for your actions, whether good or bad?

Not Goodbye, Just Goodnight
Jesus is coming back. Soon. Are you ready? Have you accepted His salvation? Are you looking forward to His return?

Extra Credit
Still doubt that Jesus is real? Still say that there is no God? He has given us all that we need to not only believe, but to be His disciple.

You’re In Good Company
Are you struggling with the wait for God’s answers?

Discipline Yourself
Just as physical training yields tangible results, so cultivation of spiritual disciplines lead to profound growth and intimacy with God.

How Long Will It Take?
In the midst of uncertainty, God’s provision unfolds in unexpected ways. Through Nehemiah’s story, see how God equips us with all we need.

Power of Words
But amidst the beauty of language lies a sobering truth: words possess the power to wound as well as heal, to build up as well as tear down.

Amidst uncertainty and doubt, discover the comforting presence of God, guiding each step with unwavering love and strength.

At the Feet of Jesus
As we read of Mary’s actions, we should examine our own reactions to encountering Jesus. Are we willing to fall at His feet in full surrender?

Transformed Masterpieces
God can and will use unlikely individuals and circumstances to fulfill His grand plan for redemption of the lost.

Faithful Follower
In the midst of life’s unfair turns and circumstances, the story of Joshua and Caleb offers profound lessons in faithful endurance.

Living Intentionally
Discover the significance of purposeful actions and intentional living, inspired by Jesus’s deliberate interactions and commands.

Facing the Truth
The truth has also been laid out in front of us. But what will we do with it? How will we respond?

Journey of Discipleship
Are you ready to answer the call and experience the freedom of true discipleship? In John 8, Jesus challenges believers to become disciples.

Both Sides
Join us as we navigate life’s complexities, guided by the light of scripture, towards a future filled with promise and possibility.

Consumed by Christ
Have you been united with Christ? Have you accepted His physical sacrifice and blood poured out on the cross for your sins?

Recognizing the Treasures of Faith
Embrace the priceless jewel of faith that has been within reach all along. Jesus’ message is simple – believe.

The Ultimate Report Card
Discover the transformative power of surrendering to Christ and allowing His righteousness to testify on our behalf.

My Way or His Way
Accepting all aspects of God leads to a deeper understanding of His sovereignty and the path to true worship.

Lessons from Parking Lots and Miracles
Uncover profound lessons about seeing beyond rules, recognizing miracles in our midst, and ensuring our actions reflect the love of Jesus.

In Jesus’ Name
Understand how aligning your prayers with God’s character transforms the power and purpose of your supplications.

Jesus Had A Prayer Life
Did you know Jesus had a prayer life? Experience the impact of genuine prayer in changing lives and making a difference in the world.

Feast of Faith
Uncover the deeper meaning behind the preparation and labor involved in reaping a spiritual harvest, drawing parallels from John 4:34-38.

A New Year and Your Closest Neighbor
Let’s seek to glorify God in and through our marriage this year.

Run With Endurance
We can run with endurance because God supplies what we need along the way.

Draw Closer to God
Wherever you find yourself today, know that there is always an opportunity to draw closer to God. To understand Him more. To see what has happened more clearly and to understand what’s ahead for the future.

Looks Aren’t Anything
The way things appear on the outside matters very little if they are not indicative of a change on the inside.

Let’s Get Salty
To be a Christian means you are a disciple of Christ. And to be a disciple of Christ means you are to be a disciple-maker.

Watching My Feet
Sometimes we’re so focused on the destination, we forget to take the beauty along the way!