Blog Archives

Discover how understanding Jesus’ scars can transform your pain into a powerful testimony of faith and renewal.

Work to be Done
Reflect on the disciples’ mission after Jesus’ ascension and how His command to “go and make disciples” applies to us today.

Make a Splash
Just as those waves ripple out from a splash, so does the power of the Holy Spirit spread the message of Christ to the ends of the earth.

Today, we choose. Will we choose to disregard this eye witness account? Will we throw out all of the proof and ignore the truth?

Believe and Receive Life!
This passage from John 20:24-31 highlights how Jesus understands our doubts and provides exactly what we need to have faith.

Learn the biblical significance of Sabbath observance and learn the importance of aligning the heart, mind, and spirit with God’s rest.

Love Mercy
Discover how mercy, as a force of salvation, not only rescues us, but invites us to a deeper understanding of compassion and grace.

What is Truth?
What is truth? Unveil the profound, life-changing, and transforming truth about Jesus’ sacrifice and how it offers us eternal salvation.

Empty or Full?
Is your heart empty or full? Learn how examining our hearts and filling them with the Holy Spirit can transform our lives.

Even in life’s deepest trials, such as the loss of a loved one, Jesus promises an unshakable peace that the world cannot offer.

Festival of Shelters
Read about cherished memories and profound insights into spiritual resilience and having faith in God during uncertain times.

Our Guide
Jesus did not leave us alone. He and the Father provided for us a guide, One who will always be with us, the Holy Spirit.

Extra Credit
Still doubt that Jesus is real? Still say that there is no God? He has given us all that we need to not only believe, but to be His disciple.

Three Imperative Questions
Explore the most pivotal questions you’ll ever confront in your journey: “Is there a god?”, “Who is he?”, and “What does he want from me?”

Beyond Words: The Time for Action
Explore the timeless lesson of Christ’s example and the call to emulate His selfless love in our own lives.

He’s Coming Soon
Today, you have a choice. I pray you choose Jesus. He loves you in an unconditional and ultimate way, far beyond comprehension.

God is Bigger
Do you want to know more about who God really is? Study the Word of God, the Bible. Don’t just read it, study it.

The Ultimate Invitation
God is calling you today. Will you accept? Your invitation to salvation and a personal relationship with Him is waiting.

Tree by the Water
In God’s sovereignty, He has a plan for us that is far more than we could ever ask for or imagine.

Our Good, His Glory
I don’t know what you’re going through right now, but I promise you, God does. It will not be wasted.

At the Feet of Jesus
As we read of Mary’s actions, we should examine our own reactions to encountering Jesus. Are we willing to fall at His feet in full surrender?

Do You Believe?
Embrace the promise that even in the darkest moments, God is present, offering peace, strength, and the opportunity for a fresh start.

Finding Comfort in the Care of the Good Shepherd
Discover the comforting role of the Good Shepherd in guarding and caring for His flock, as portrayed in John 10:14.

Blindness and Revelation
Our decision about Jesus is the most important one we will ever make.

Singing the Truth
Uncover the joy of embracing truth and glorifying God, even when it challenges our long-held beliefs, and learn to sing a new song of faith.

Who Do You Belong To?
To whom do we truly belong? Are we heirs of God’s family through faith in Christ, or do our deeds align more closely with the enemy’s agenda?

There is no greater freedom, relief, peace, or victory than when you surrender to Jesus.

Beyond Expectations
Join us as we uncover the profound truth that greatness can emerge from the most unlikely of places.

Tasting the Real Thing
If you think this life is good, just wait until you taste the real thing. Heaven, in all of its perfect glory, awaits those who believe.

Discover how slowing down in a fast-paced world can help deepen your prayer life and scriptural understanding.

Challenging Truths
If you want to know the truth about what you believe, test it against scripture.

No Easy Button
Why doesn’t God speak to us audibly anymore? Learn about the truths found in His Word and how to commune with God today.

Recognizing the Treasures of Faith
Embrace the priceless jewel of faith that has been within reach all along. Jesus’ message is simple – believe.

Finding Peace in Life’s Storms
Jesus is present amid our trials, offering hope and peace even in the most overwhelming circumstances. We need not fear.

A Liturgy of Light
Today, as you behold light and darkness, be reminded of God’s first words of Creation, “Let there be light!”

The Unseen Purpose
Explore the profound connection between Jesus feeding the 5,000 and the impending Passover feast, foreshadowing Him as the sacrificial Lamb.

Unveiling Truth in the Face of Unbelief
Uncover the significance of belief in Jesus as the divine Savior who came to reconcile humanity with God through John 5:16-18.

Breaking the Chains of Pride
Uncover the transformative power of surrendering pride and acknowledging the need for a Savior through the message of John 4:46-54.

Metamorphosis of Faith
Discover the powerful message that God can use anyone, regardless of their history, and explore the call to live a transformed life.

Eternal Love, Never-Ending Life
Join the journey of embracing salvation and experiencing the never-ending love that transcends into eternity.

The Bible Recap: Days 358-365
This has been God’s command since the beginning: love God, love others. It hasn’t changed throughout the whole Bible. It’s always been about love.

When Is On Time?
Reflect on God’s perfect timing and the lessons learned through waiting and trusting in His plans.

Swept by the Waves, Saved by Grace
If you’re drowning in life’s challenges, this poignant message invites you to cry out to the One who came to save.

True Fandom
There are Hogs fans, and then there are Hogs fans. IYKYK Ok, let me explain. The hogs stink. They’ve stunk […]

The Unquestionable Authority of God
Learn about the message of forgiveness, redemption, and the unparalleled authority that calls each of us to a transformative relationship with the Almighty.

The Bible Recap: Days 351-357
We are called to lay aside every weight and every hindrance and every sin that can easily ensnare us and to run our race with endurance, keeping our eyes on Jesus.

The “Perfect” Diet Plan
Amidst the noise of dietary claims, learn why feeding on grace, God’s Word, and a deepened relationship with Him is the perfect diet plan.

Known and Loved
Uncover your true identity in Christ. Embrace forgiveness, redemption, and the assurance of being a cherished child of the King.