Blog Archives
Lay Down Your Fears and Worries
What fears and worries do you need to lay at His feet in surrender?
The Bible Recap: Days 78-84
Our timetable may not be God’s timetable, but make no mistake, He is the Promise Keeper!
Without Compromise
Jesus will take you to the Father and keep you there.
The Name You’ve Been Waiting For
The One you’ve been searching for is here. His name is JESUS.
Think you aren’t VIP material? You are in the eyes of the LORD! He is ready and willing to use us, we just have to surrender to Him.
The Master’s Voice
What can our fur babies teach us about our Christian journey?
Are You Ready To Tell Your Story?
Are you ready to tell your story? I encourage you to do that today. Share what God has done in your life.
Not That One, God
It’s time to recognize that our God is bigger than our problems and has all authority in our lives! Give it to God and trust Him to do what needs to be done!
Faith Matters
Life is hard. Faith can be hard. But, remembering what God has done for you in the past and believing that He will be faithful in the future can help you face those times with faith.
You Will Bloom In The Right Time
The blessing will come and you will bloom, in the right time.
The Bible Recap: Days 71-77
We can’t love what we don’t know…that is what this Bible plan is teaching us: knowing God. Knowing His qualities and character. This knowledge leads to a deeper relationship, one built on love and faith.
Growing Through Suffering
Pruning is painful, but it’s necessary and causes us to become the person God had in mind when He created us!
Under the S-O-N
As believers, let’s not get caught up in the things of this world, but in the things of the one to come.
Do You Believe?
As you read through the Bible and study with us, do you believe what you are reading? And do you feel compelled to share it with someone else so that they too might have the hope that is within you?
It’s Time To Serve
It’s time to get off the seat and move your feet. It’s time to serve!
Divine Lenses
Do we look for detours of comfort and convenience, or simply seek to follow the next step of obedience to the Father?
He Chose You!
Whatever job you’re in, He can use you. Whatever family you are a part of, He can use you. Whatever place you live, He can use you. You just have to be willing!
Don’t Be Shocked
He has told us this would happen and we must be ready for His return. Don’t be shocked when it happens; He said it would!
There is Help Coming Soon
Right now, it may not seem like it. It may feel like it will never end. But there is help coming soon.
The Bible Recap: Days 64-70
When it’s hard to see the goodness of God in your life, trust the character we see of Him in the Bible.
Connected to the Vine
If you are feeling “withered” and “dried up” today, remember the source of your life: the True Vine.
Jesus Has Called You By Name
He’s calling your name today. Can you hear it?
It’s All Been Taken Care Of
God has it all taken care of. He is a God of order and detail. He is in control.
Divine Destinations
God wants to be more than your roadside assistance. He wants to be your navigation system, your heart and engine, directing your path and speed for His glory.
A Whole New World of Possibilities
He commanded those that believed to follow Him. Will you take that step and learn what that means and commit to being His follower?
I’m The Guilty One
Jesus has already paid the debt we owe. But unless we confess our sin to the Lord, we will still have to face the judgment.
The Heart of the Matter
What does God see when He looks at your heart?
Spotless. Blameless. Redeemed.
But one day, He will come again, with all power and authority to judge the earth. Every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.
The Bible Recap: Days 57-63
No matter how much you have messed up, doubted God, or disobeyed God, He is there—still guiding, still teaching. There is grace and mercy there!
No Place Like Home
Do we live as though this world is our home or do we live with a longing to be with our God in eternity?
Unity Despite Differences
God calls us to unity, but what exactly is unity?
Pick Up Thy Cross
Pick up thy cross and follow Jesus! Share the story of what He has done for you!
Jehovah-Jireh, Our Lord Provides
God was providing that sacrificial lamb yet again. Instead of it being us to pay the debt, Jesus would go to the cross.
Divine Appointments
Examine your plans for the coming week, pray over them, hold them loosely, and invite the One who most deserves your attention, devotion, and energy to interrupt your plans for His.
Through Jesus Christ
Pray to the Lord and He will hear the cries of your heart. Pour it out to Him and He is faithful and just to forgive!
Hold Your Tongue
As much as we want our side of the story to be told, the bottom line is, the truth will eventually come out. And God will use the situation to bring about something even greater. We simply have to trust Him.
Creatures of Habit
We must get into the “habit” of doing the simple things God asks of us instead of looking for the big things.
Make Time for Jesus
But how can we remember the words if we don’t read them? How can they deter us from sin if we don’t know them?
The Bible Recap: Days 50-56
When we look at the world, we lower our bar. But, when we read God’s Word, He raises it.
The Joy of Canceling Debt
We can forgive others because we have been forgiven.
Till There’s Nothing Left
Full, abundant, true life is only found in Jesus Christ.
Despised and Rejected
Have we turned on our heels away from Jesus? We sing His praises and worship Him on Sunday mornings, but what about the rest of the week?
Are You Ready?
Are you ready for His return? Have you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ?
True Courage Waits
The timeless biblical examples of courage are more than relevant in our day-to-day. The connect, strengthen, inspire, and carry us to the truth that God can and should be trusted.
We Have an Enemy
So what can we do to withstand the enemy? Watch and pray.
Will You Be Sleeping?
Jesus is coming soon. Will He find you sleeping?
What Did It Cost?
The cost of my sin is not just about consequences here on earth. But instead about how it grieves my Heavenly Father.
The Bible Recap: Days 43-49
God is so good to us sinners! He doesn’t give up on us—He gives us second and third and fourth chances to get it right.