
I finally made it to Proverbs 30.
And it is a weird chapter. Planted smack dab in the middle of the Bible, this random chapter was written by Agur, son of Jakeh, apparently someone whom scholars don’t really know and no one remembers. A “nobody” wrote 33 profound verses and disappeared from the record of history.
So strange.
The chapter stands alone in Proverb’s unique collection of “wise sayings” and reads like we’re listening to a desperate intelligent thinker vent random thoughts. However, he expresses a laser focused intention and desire to understand truth. Agur, whoever he is, seems determined to separate lies from truth while working through his own observations. I think he desires to reconcile what he knows of God’s character and word with the acts of mankind and the natural ways of creatures.
Interestingly, he begins by expressing how exhausted he is and how stupid he feels, basically admitting it is impossible to grasp the ways and power of the Holy One.
So true.
But here’s what stands out:
Agur writes, “Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.” Proverbs 30:5
Have you ever thought about how rich a statement?
Every single word God has spoken, Jesus has taught, PROVES true.
It’s tested. God, while being GOD has no obligation, has allowed mere men and women, created beings to see for themselves His truth. Every word has been tested and refined and found true. God’s truth is observable.
What He says will happen…does.
His principles…work.
His creation…speaks.
Over and over again, God and His word have proven true.
Put another way, the scriptures we read in the Bible are true, not because they are in the Bible, but because they are truth. It is because they are true, they are in the Bible.
Read that paragraph again.
If every word of God proves true, then we always have proof. Proof, not only of His existence, but proof of His honesty, proof of His faithfulness and proof of His power. His truth can be observed and His truth can be trusted.
So powerful.
So why do we struggle so much? Why the doubt? Why the anxiety? Why the overwhelm?
Perhaps we can learn another lesson from our long-lost friend.
Agur is the only author in Proverbs who wrote a prayer. How’s that for some Bible trivia? In verses 7-9, he addresses two topics. First, he expresses his desire for God to help him know the truth, he asks for falsehood and lies to be removed from his life. A solid prayer because deceit is also so powerful.
The only thing that will ever rob us of the truth is a lie.
And secondly, Agur asks God to only provide what he really needs, what is most suited in order to keep him in alignment with the LORD. He doesn’t want too much for fear he will dismiss his need for God, and he doesn’t want too little for fear he will resort to his own sinful ways to provide for himself.
He wants only what God wants to give him.
So good.
Agur is humble and an unsung hero of the Bible. While the words are peculiar, the message of his heart is clear; God’s word is enough for him. Rather than pushing God away because he doesn’t understand; because he doesn’t understand, he wants to draw closer to God. Regardless of the hardships and complexities of life, he has come to realize one simple statement: the word of God proves true.
And if the word of God is true, nothing else matters.
Friends, we are living in a world so complex. The issues we face are daunting and overwhelming. For many of us, it is a weird chapter. Technology has opened our eyes and flooded our minds with more to observe and study than we can bear. We know of human atrocities, famine, illness, natural disasters, political nightmares, drug cartels, human trafficking, struggling economies and wars without end.
In our isolated “worlds” we deal with mental health challenges, illnesses, divorce, neglect in homes, bitterness, greed, ministry pressures and financial stress. Our capacity to understand is limited and in the midst of seeking solutions, desiring to solve problems and reconcile a connection between all of this madness and the power of the Holy One, we too, like Agur, might say:
“I am weary, O God, and worn out. Surely I am too stupid to be a man. I have not the understanding of a man. I have not learned wisdom, nor have I knowledge of the Holy One.” Proverbs 30:1-3
And in this desperation and in all the weirdness we cannot control, I hope we settle the same two things Agur did in our hearts?
God’s word proves true. Watch. Observe his truth in the world. See Him at work. Focus on His faithfulness. Rest in knowing He is the Holy One and He is right.
Draw near to God. Pray. Ask God to orient your life with the goal of closeness in mind. Would you be bold enough and brave enough to ask God to only give you what you need so your heart will not wander and pride will not flaunt itself, but to provide enough so you do not become bitter or take matters into your own hands because of lack. Ask Him to keep you in a sweet spot of surrender and awe.
He knows your heart, just like He knew Agur.
I am so thankful for the practical wisdom found in Proverbs and for this random guy who penned a powerful reminder to observe the truths of God and see for ourselves proof of who He is. I have been so desperate for wisdom in a world full of weirdness, it is a blessing to rest in God’s word. God is true. He proves it. And nothing else matters.
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