
Sep 29, 2022 18:30pm

Changed from the Inside Out

We can dress it up, make it look beautiful, appealing, delightful, and inviting, but if anyone were to see the inside of each of us, would they be shocked? The only thing that can change our heart is Jesus.

Sep 29, 2022 08:00am

He Knew

He knows us, even more than we know ourselves.

Sep 28, 2022 18:30pm

Are You Offended?

The truth is, the Word of God is offensive. It cuts deep to the core. The very innermost parts of our souls. Exposing our sin, shining light on the darkness we want to stay hidden.

Sep 27, 2022 18:30pm

Let Us Be Great Leaders

Joshua was a great leader and example for his family, his community and all that he encountered. Could the same be said for you and me? Are we the leader God has instructed us to be? To our families, to our community, to all those we encounter… let us be great leaders and show them the truth of Jesus Christ!

Sep 26, 2022 18:30pm

If These Walls Could Talk

Even rocks, which are cold, hard, and stubborn, recognize the power and authority of God! If God’s people fail to recognize the Lord for who He is, even the rocks will cry out as a witness!

Sep 25, 2022 08:00am

The Message of Psalms

The Psalms teach us how to pour our hearts out to God.

Sep 24, 2022 08:00am

Think about…

God commands us to delight in Him!

Sep 23, 2022 18:30pm

Now, Therefore…

We are saved by the grace of God. Nothing we can do ourselves can save us. If we could, we would boast about it and then what would be the purpose of the cross? Why would Jesus have had to suffer and die if I could earn my way to heaven?

Sep 22, 2022 18:30pm

Confusing Patience With Approval

Sometimes the Lord does not intervene immediately when we sin. He is patiently waiting for us to confess our sin and turn away from it, choosing His way over our own. But just because He may seem or feel silent does not mean He approves of our sin.