More Than a Paycheck
What if your everyday job is not just a means to earn a paycheck, but a divine mission field where your unique skills and passions can transform lives?
Will You Believe?
When Paul spoke of the resurrection, some called him crazy, but others heard the truth, sought more, and believed; will you?
Letters to My Children: When I Fail You
As older children begin to see our parenting wasn’t perfect, it’s a good time to
humbly reflect and rest in grace.
I Know This!
Like Paul’s knowledge of an “unknown god” led to salvation in Athens—God can use your experiences in powerful ways to reveal His truth too.
Unbelievable Truths
Some things may seem unbelievable at first glance, but like the Bereans, when we examine the truth through God’s Word, we find that what’s hard to believe can actually be real.
Many Parts of the Body
Feeling out of place and questioning her purpose, a woman discovers that God can use her limitations to bless others in unexpected and powerful ways.
A Storm Sent to Save
Sometimes, the storms we fear the most are God’s merciful wake-up calls, sent to bring us back to His loving embrace.
Leaving a Legacy that Points to Christ
As we reflect on our lives, the most powerful legacy we can leave behind is one that points others to the life-changing message of Jesus.
What Now?: Busyness
In the midst of a busy life, God showed me that true purpose isn’t found in packed schedules but in being still enough to hear His voice.