What Now?: Atonement
Ever wonder what atonement really means and how it applies to us? Learn how Jesus’ ultimate act of love can wipe away our biggest sins.
By the Authority of the King
If you want to experience the true power of God, open up His Word, pray to the King, and let Him transform your life.
Guarding the Bride
What do we do with this sin in our lives? Pray and confess your sins to the Lord and make the decision to turn from it. That is repentance.
Grace in Action
How can you show grace in giving this week? As followers of Christ, it should be part of who we are.
Let’s Talk
Ever felt the peace that comes from talking it out? Explore how the power of prayer and talking to God can provide strength to face anything.
Powerful Prayer
Learn the power of praise, prayer, and unwavering faith to witness God’s miracles in your life.
On Repeat
Discover how intentional Bible reading can deepen your spiritual understanding and bring lasting peace in life’s cyclical challenges.
They Need to Know
People are dying and going to hell every day because we’re not bold enough to share Jesus with them. They need to know. Will you tell them?
What Now?: Assurance
Read on to learn about the incredible assurance you can gain through faith, offering you peace and freedom from doubt.