
Oct 07, 2023 06:00am
No Harps for Me

We’ve all seen the pictures of what some artists think Heaven will be like… some get it right and some get it wrong! We see paintings of streets of gold, walls of jasper and gates of pearl–those things are talked about in the Bible. But we also see paintings showing everyone up there as an angel with wings, flying around and strumming a harp…

Umm, I don’t see that anywhere in the Bible!

First of all, it can’t be true because God made angels and God made humans — separate and distinct, and one can’t become the other!
So what will be in Heaven? Although I plan on going there someday, I haven’t seen it yet, so I can’t be an eyewitness. However, since the Bible is the inspired, infallible, Word of God we should consult it for what heaven will be like.
• Heaven (prepared for believers in Christ) is real, and so is Hell (a place for those who don’t believe in Christ and accept Him as Savior).
• God lives in Heaven, and His desire is for all of us to join Him there when we die or when Jesus comes back to earth and takes us there. I believe that fact is the best part of Heaven — we’ll be with Him forever!
• He has prepared a place of dwelling for every believer, a place of our own where we will live for eternity!
• Just as God works, and Jesus works, He will have work for all of us to do there. But it will be enjoyable work and we won’t get tired or be burdened by it.
• We will think differently in Heaven than we do now. Will we know everything? I don’t think so, because only God is omniscient, but we will have the answers to any and all of our questions and our wisdom will far surpass the greatest Bible scholar on Earth today.
• We’ll be reunited with Christian loved ones who have gone on before us — they’ll know us and we’ll know them!
• We’ll have emotions — we know that because we’ll be like Him and God has emotions! Based on that, I think we’ll have personalities like we do on this earth, but they’ll be perfected and “in His image.”
Of course, all this just skims the surface of what Heaven will really be like, but it’s surely enough to make you want to “book your flight,” isn’t it? And you can do that right now by simply:
• Admitting that you’re a sinner;
• Believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He came to earth and paid the price for your sins; and
• Confessing your sins to Him, repenting of them and asking Him to save you.
It’s as simple as ABC… but it will change your life forever and your ticket to an eternity in Heaven will be held in the hand of God until it’s time for you to go home to Him!
My ticket was stamped by Him many, many years ago. But I’m so glad I won’t be flying around, playing a harp all the time when I get to Heaven, because (with my personality) that would drive me crazy!
What I am looking forward to is seeing Him, face-to-face, and praising Him with every ounce of my being — forever in Heaven! I sure hope I see you there, too!

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