
Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples! Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! Psalm 105:1-2
I love a good prescribed plan. In my daily job, I prescribe treatment plans for people who are working on their health. The plan gives them parameters to work within and allows them to let go of second-guessing themselves about every decision they make regarding their health. I too find myself in need of a prescribed treatment plan when it comes to how I move through each day spiritually.
God graciously spelled out part of that prescription in 1 Thessalonians 5:18… Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
While the prescription is simple, it is far from easy. How do I generate a heart of gratitude? A better question might be, how does the Spirit grow gratitude in my heart? Psalm 105 gives us the answer when it tells us to …Make known His deeds among the peoples!… Tell of all His wondrous works!
God has redeemed us, called us by name, and ransomed our souls from the enemy. Much time is spent on this truth, and rightly so, but when is the last time you’ve reflected back on what He has done for you individually, in your day-to-day life? You know, the things only He could have done at just the right time? I call these instances little kisses on the forehead from God, and sharing these stories is one of my absolute favorite things to do as it bolsters my faith and hopefully, the faith of the reader as well! Can I tell you one now?
Just a few years ago, I was in the first few weeks of working my new dream job when I realized I had made a serious administrative mistake. A client had ordered a large package and I had neglected to confirm if the address we had on file was correct. Sure enough, just after I received notification that the shipment was out for delivery, the client emailed me to be sure we had her NEW address on file! My heart dropped into my stomach as I realized that I had likely caused the company to lose several hundred dollars. This client would not be able to wait for the package to be returned and reshipped, so we would have to pay for a new package to be sent out.
I immediately began praying and asking God what I should do. Surprisingly, even though we serviced clients all over the world, this shipping issue was with a client in my city. While it is no thriving metropolis, at over 60k and with two large post offices that have at least a dozen delivery trucks each, tracking this package down would be no small feat. After more time in prayer, I decided to head to the incorrect address to see if there was any possible way to intercept the package. Did I mention that I only had my lunch hour to perform this miracle?
My stomach growled as I drove and I knew God was leading me to stop and grab lunch. “There’s no time!” my mind reasoned. But God clearly directed me to trust Him and stop and get some chicken, by faith.
With lunch in hand, I finished the short drive and parked at the large apartment complex where the shipment was headed. Chewing my chicken salad, I wondered aloud, “How will you do this God? I passed at least five different mail trucks on the way here!” I finished my lunch and started driving around, waiting for more directions. Suddenly, out of the side of my eye, I noticed a mail truck across the street at another complex. Without hesitating, I drove directly to him. Surely he could give me some advice on what to do! Before my mind could catch up and argue with me, I jumped out of the car and walked right to the mailboxes he was busy filling.
“Hello,” I said. “I have an issue I was wondering if you could help me with.” The kind mailman listened to my conundrum but never looked up as he continued depositing mail into each of the 50+ boxes. Suddenly, at the mention of the name of the client, he abruptly stopped his work and made eye contact with me.
“I know her.” He declared. “I deliver packages to her door all of the time. I cannot give you the package, but I know her new address and will deliver it to her as soon as I’m done here.”
We both stood silent after he finished speaking. He was as gobsmacked as I was at what had just occurred. I, barely able to talk, whispered to him, “This is a miracle, isn’t it?”
“I believe it is.” He responded. I backed up a few steps, not wanting to lose eye contact with this man who not only saved my job, but also reminded me that my God is with me. There is nothing He does not see, hear, or know. If I ask, He answers, every time, according to His will, my good, and His glory.
Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples. Psalm 105:1
Copyright © 2023 by Annie Hale @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from