
Identity is an important concept in our perceptions of ourselves as humans. When we introduce ourselves to another person, often the initial conversations involve the disclosure of something personal that is important to us and impacts how we perceive ourselves. It might be talking about what you do for work, or it might be how many children you have or if you are married or not, etc.
When social scientists talk about identity of the ‘self’, most include three metaphors: 1) the actor- which is the social/relational role that you play out when with other people; 2) the agent- the person that is motivated by your desires, goals, and values, etc.; and 3) the author- the one who decides how past, present, and future will be constructed in such a way that it shapes the story of our lives.
There is so much confusion in our world today about identity, because we tend to not base our identity on things that bring stability to our lives. For example, if your social role is dependent on what other people think of you and your actions, you will likely seek to please people rather than live by a set of values or pursue goals that you have set. Or if you consistently view yourself as a victim of circumstance or emotion rather than having the ability to choose or be an agent of change and choice in your own life, you will feel chaotic and unstable.
As I think about the impact of our identity, and the three metaphors, I ponder all the various identities people take on and how it shapes their actions, their values, their goals, and their behaviors. If a person derives purpose and identity from their passion to create a clean environment, it impacts what they eat, what they buy, how they clean, how they handle their trash, and even impacts the people with which they spend their time. If a person believes that women are oppressed and need to be elevated in status, it shapes their thinking, the places they go, the people they hang out with, possibly clothing, possibly hairstyles, etc.
What if there was an identity that gave us purpose, taught us that we are free to be an agent of change and choice in our life, made relationships stable and fulfilling, and guided our values and desires to things that would satisfy? Not only that, but this identity also provides us peace with our Creator and an eternal home in heaven as sons and daughters of the King of kings. As followers of Jesus, these are all benefits and privileges that come with faith in God and a life of following His principles. So why do some believers not enjoy these benefits?
I believe it’s because we do not allow our identities to impact us like many of the other identity options in our world. If we allowed ourselves to be impacted as heavily by our identities as children of the one True King as much as we allow our identities as feminists, or vegans, or lawyers, or doctors, or rebels, etc., I believe we would witness something very different!
If our identity as Christ followers impacted every part of our life, it would surely resemble more of what Psalm 133 describes. This very short 3 verse chapter describes relationships that are possible among believers as unified, precious, refreshing, soothing and holy like anointing oil. This Scripture says that they have the ability to provide fertile ground for growth for others to come to, inviting, like a lush, green mountain standing tall in a desert. These similes create a picture of what is possible because the Holy Spirit of God is working in our hearts to shape our desires, and give us strength to obey God’s principles, which call us to mercy, forgiveness, obedience, love, steadfast hope, speaking truth and confidence. The sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross makes it possible for us to pursue these values without the worry of whether they are enough because Jesus’ sacrifice covers what we cannot achieve in the area of righteousness. This is true freedom! God’s Word gives us guidance for what will make life more pleasing to God and more pleasing to us as well. Because God is our Creator, he knows what works best for the human life.
Instead of letting our identity in Christ shape our thinking, our choices, and our behaviors, we often put on our Christian name when it is convenient for us and accepted by those we are with at the time. But when we find ourselves in the company of those who disagree, question, or criticize, we set our identity aside and try to blend in enough to not be rejected but not enough to be called a traitor. However, Scripture says there is no middle ground for us as followers of Christ. Luke 11:24 says “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with me scatters.” God says not only can you not straddle the fence of being for or against Him, but He also says that if we are not drawing people to Him, we are scattering them farther from Him.
If you are not a believer and follower of Jesus, I would like to challenge you to look at what the world offers you, not only in the short term but also for eternity. Is it truly bringing you peace and filling the emptiness in your heart? If you are a believer, I would like to challenge you to look at your life as whole, be honest with yourself and with God, how much of your life is impacted by your identity with Christ? If I ask the people at your work, school, sports friends, etc., would they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you follow Jesus? Would they tell me about the time that you shared Christ with them? Identity should shape everything about you.
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