
The entire community was in need.
The entire community grumbled.
When the hour of lack lasted too long, their spirits fell apart. Can you relate to this? I know I can. You can handle a small amount of discomfort if you are like me. But when the pain continues too long, our spirits, like the Israelites, are tempted to fail within us. The condition of our fallen nature is to place our hope in a different set of circumstances. The hungry Israelites grumbled in pain, “If only we had…” All they could see was lack. As feet journeyed forward, minds turned back—their time as Egyptian slaves became romanticized as their minds processed the present.
If only we had…
Fill in the blank. These words whisper from the garden— if only we had. I find myself asking the same questions. If only I had _______, things would be okay. Because we are born with sinful natures, looking for things to satisfy our needs apart from God is our default mode. When we become born-again children of God through the blood of Jesus, our default mode changes. We are no longer slaves to our former default mode. There is a new provision for the journey through the sacrifice of Jesus. God promises to meet every need we have. Elisabeth Elliot wisely said, “The secret is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances.”
We believe a change in our circumstances that would help ease the pain is the answer needed, when really, God in our circumstances is what will infuse the present with all that is needed.
The Israelites thought their biggest problem was hunger. What they really needed were eyes fixed on God and His provision. Focusing on our lack produces a tangle of wrong thinking every single time. Although the grumbling can be verbal, often it is in the thoughts of the mind where this war is waged. It is a hidden battle of the mind. Hidden sins are sneaky. They take root in the mind subtly. These unobtrusive, quiet thoughts tinged with grumbling are in no rush as they weave into the web of the mind.
If only we had…
Four poisoned words that color everything. I have tasted the bitter bite of these words. They produce what you imagine they would: a spirit of discontentment. They color the landscape barren.
Yesterday, our family car decided not to start. We are already stressed financially, and the car not starting sent me into an inward spiral of fear. How are we going to resolve this issue? My temptation is thinking we would be okay if only we had a more reliable car. As I remember the Israelites this morning, I am reminded that I have all I need in Christ today. God has not forgotten our family. He sees our resources, and He sees the need at hand. Because He is our helper, there is no need to be afraid. With His help, whenever the words “if only we had” creep into my thoughts, I use them as a reminder to point me back to who God is. He is our Faithful Provider in every circumstance.
Lord, you see the places apart from You where we are tempted to place our confidence. Change our mindsets. Help us lay down the idol of looking to anything apart from You to save us. Amen.
Copyright © 2023 by Anna Wanamaker @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from