
In the show Alias, Sydney Bristow works for a secret government agency. It’s a highly classified organization that no one supposedly knows about. But after revealing to her fiancé that she works for the CIA, Sydney finds him dead in the bathtub. Devastated, she decides to leave the organization, and soon, they try to assassinate her. She’s saved by her father, who is also an SD-6 operative and learns the truth about the black-ops division.
They are not who she thought they were.
She had been a part of this organization because she thought they could give her what she needed. She had a purpose with them. But when she realized the truth, she devised a plan to take them down.
“And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the chief priests, to betray him unto them. And when they heard it, they were glad, and promised to give him money. And he sought how he might conveniently betray him.” (Mark 14:10-11)
Yesterday, we read about Mary breaking the bottle of perfume over Jesus’s head and anointing Him. We pointed out that it wasn’t everyone that murmured or complained against her, but that John specifically records it as Judas.
This man had become the treasurer of the group. He was in charge of the money coming in and out for their needs. He had joined this group seeing just how profitable it might be. Jesus had a huge following. If the priests were so wealthy and powerful, surely this would happen to Jesus as well.
But in that moment, the perfume that cost nearly a year’s salary, was poured out on Jesus. Judas thought it was such a waste. Jesus corrected him and pointed out that Mary was doing the right thing.
This was not the organization Judas thought it was. He wanted fame and fortune and in this one act, his eyes were opened. He would not receive what he desperately wanted. Jesus was not the leader he had hoped for. He wanted someone that would take over the Roman government, destroy them and rule on earth. Jesus even said that the anointing was for His burying. He was telling His disciples yet again, “I am going to die.” This was not what Judas had in mind.
So he devised a plan to take Him down.
This one event put Judas at a crossroads. He had a decision to make. Would He follow Jesus knowing the cost? Was he willing to sacrifice everything he had dreamed of for this man? Or would he take matters into his own hands and find his own way of making money?
We, too, come to a crossroads. We have seen and heard who Jesus is. We know the truth about Him. He was the sinless Son of God and He came to this earth to die for our sins. He was crucified on the cross, buried for 3 days in a sealed tomb and then miraculously, He rose again, defeating death!
Today, He confronts us with the truth and we, too, must make a decision. Will we follow Christ knowing the costs? Will we sacrifice everything we have dreamed of or planned, for Him? Or will we deny Him? Will we walk the other way?
The choice is ours to make because God gave us free will. He did not force us to love Him, but offers us the opportunity to choose Him. What will you choose?