
Apr 16, 2023 06:00am
I’m Dying

In his book, Joy in Your Life, Charles Spurgeon recalls a story of an elderly woman who, when asked about the fear of dying replies, “Afraid to die, sir? I have dipped my foot in Jordan every morning before breakfast, for the last fifty years, and do you think I am afraid to die now?”

Writing to believers, Spurgeon continues,

“We die hundreds of times. We ‘die daily’. We die every morning; we die each night when we sleep; by faith we die. And so, dying will be old work when we come to it. We will say, ‘Ah, death, you and I have been old acquaintances. I have had you in my bedroom every night. I have talked with you each day. I have had the skull upon my dressing table. I have often thought of you. Death, you have come at last, but you are a welcome guest. You are an angel of light and the best friend I have had.’ Why dread death since there is no fear of God leaving you when you come to die?”

It is easy to say that as a believer, I welcome death. It is another thing entirely to live it out daily. We live in such a self-focused, self-absorbed, self-centered world. Our very nature is selfish. Our very sin nature, that is. I know the struggle well. My own flesh, the world around me, and the great enemy cries out: Focus on you. Put yourself first. Look out for number one. Do what is best for you. Who cares about others? Do whatever it takes to make you happy. These are the lies whispered in my ear.

Self. Self. Self.

Because of the infatuation with self, I want the life that is easy—not the life that is best.
I want happiness—not true joy.
I want to be without pain—not growing.
I want to be free of all troubles and trials—not a witness.

But something within me recognizes the enemy’s lies. My spirit is quenched, and in that fleeting moment of clarity, I run back to the Source of all truth. I pick up God’s Word and dwell in the reality of death – death to self.
As Paul addresses the Corinthians he says, “I die daily.” In Colossians he exhorts us to put to death the old man and put on the new man. For we are dead, and our life is hid with Christ in God.

Like the dear saint in the story, I should every day wake up to die; die to myself, die to my flesh, die to my desires, die to my wishes, and die to my wants. And in that death, I live for Christ (Romans 6:6-11).
There is victory over death; therefore, there is a death that is welcome. It is because of the resurrection of our Lord that we live in hope. The grave has been conquered! Sin no longer reigns! And death has no sting!

Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Corinthians 15:57.

Copyright © 2023 by Kimberly Williams @ No part of this article may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from