
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” – Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:14)
As the disciples sat on the Mount of Olives overlooking the city of Jerusalem, they listened to Jesus teach then asked him to explain one of the greatest mysteries of all time: “How long before the end of this world?” I’m sure that Jesus’ answer seemed formidable to the disciples. He said, “The entire world will hear the gospel. Then the end will come.” They must have thought, “How impossible! There’s only twelve of us to tell your story! How in the world will that ever come to pass?”
Lifeword is playing its role in the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy. Through The Lifeword Cloud, millions, even billions, of people around the world can ask and receive the answer to the most important question of their lives: “Who Is Jesus?” Through the link, people from around the world will be introduced to the reality of Jesus and have the opportunity to accept him as Savior.
On July 15 The Lifeword Cloud will launch with its first five languages, English, Arabic, Swahili, Spanish and Garifuna. When Lifeword team members from around the world complete the task of meta-tagging and repurposing Lifeword broadcasts then uploading them to The Lifeword Cloud, more and more languages will continue to appear. Very soon we anticipate hundreds of languages to be represented on The Cloud.
“This gospel shall be preached in all the world…” That was the prophecy of Jesus. That prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. And God is using the Lifeword Cloud to bring the kingdom of God to the nations of the world.