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Day by Day Hacks

Day By Day Hacks
Clif walks through his current method of daily devotional.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Mar 04, 2024
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A daily word of encouragement

The Beatitudes - #1
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 01, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

The Beatitudes - #2
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 01, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Will it ever be enough?
Those “if onlys” will never end so long as we are searching for happiness in anything other than Jesus.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Feb 29, 2024
Outdoors with Shaun Merrell

Stored Away
Shaun's off on another hunt. This time he's searching for squirrels to make a special recipe. He shares with us why we can find many of them on the ground this time of year.
By: Shaun Merrell
Aired on Mar 01, 2024
Day by Day - 1 Samuel

Is Personal Vengeance Really That Bad?
God avenges justly even when we don’t understand.   ~~~   In this unfolding story of 1 Samuel 24, we are given two big comforts that should lead us to trust God’s path, even though it may be treacherous at times, even if we don’t understand it. The first comfort is that god avenges justly. We learn this truth from David’s speech to Saul as Saul is leaving the cave. David rushes after Saul, perhaps keeping a spear’s throw distance away from Saul, calls out to him and then bows down. This is an immense act of humility on David’s part. In fact, it is a sign to us of repentance. He had initially sought to humiliate Saul and give a warning shot to him that he was about to rip the kingdom away from Saul. That was the message behind the cutting off the corner of the robe. But David had been convicted. He had realized that the test before him was whether or not he would seek personal vengeance on Saul, or would he humbly allow God to avenge him. David realized that his actions would not have been an act of faith but an act of personal retribution, and the LORD stopped him in his tracks, and David was humbled. How about you? How humble are you when an opportunity for personal vengeance slips into your hands? How much vengeance do you have brewing in your heart right now towards someone else who has done you wrong? How much justice do you think you could bring, and deserve to bring on someone in your life? A father who abandoned you? An ex who cheated on you? If you were David in this situation, would you be bowing down in humility, or would you be pouting in the cave, frustrated with God, and telling God all the reasons why He should let you continue down the path you started on? How long would the conversation be? How long would you sit and sulk, and convince yourself that you were right and God was mistaken?
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Mar 01, 2024
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A daily word of encouragement

Leave everything behind & follow me.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Feb 27, 2024
Day by Day - 1 Samuel

Is That Open Door Meant For You To Walk Through?
We must trust God’s way of accomplishing His will without our help.   ~~~   Well, this move on David’s part is really quite symbolic and shocking. The robe of the king signified his power and majesty. So to cut off a piece of the robe was to symbolically declare that you had intentions of cutting off the power and majesty of the king. Do you remember when Samuel told Saul that the kingdom would be torn from him? What happened next? Saul reached out and grabbed Samuel’s robe, tearing it. And Samuel said, “The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you this day and given it to a neighbor of yours, who is better than you.” Basically, David, by this act of cutting off the corner of Saul’s robe, was declaring that a transfer of power is taking place from the house of Saul to the house of David. He was declaring that he would tear the kingdom away from Saul and seize it for himself. But as we read in 24:5 that there is instant sorrow and regret in David’s heart and mind. There is immediate conviction. We see him go to his fighting men and begin to explain to them why he cannot carry through with fulfillment of the symbolic action. He quickly realized the danger he was in and the company he was joining if he followed through with this brash reaction to Saul moseying into the cave. But what danger could David possibly be in? Perhaps David remembered Miriam and Aaron, who lifted their voice in defiance against the Lord’s appointed leader, Moses, and how they were then struck with leprosy. Or maybe he brought to mind Korah and a few other men who rose up against Moses, the LORD’s chosen prophet, in defiance and revenge, only to suffer the ground beneath them splitting apart and swallowing them up. You see, it had been written long before, in Exodus 22:28 “You shall not revile God, nor curse a ruler of your people.” And yet, that is exactly the path David was heading down, and he quickly realized it, and repented of it. His men were not as quick to understand or believe David. His men still thought it was providential that God had led Saul to them in this way. In fact, the text tells us that David had to “rebuke” his men, and had to keep them from attacking Saul. Never forget, sometimes what looks like an open door to walk through is really a test of obedience and discernment. Will you take the shortcut, or will you trust the LORD completely? The end does not always justify the means. There are no shortcuts to holiness And that is really the message from the text today. We must trust God’s way of accomplishing a matter. Trusting God’s way is just as important as trusting the end result of His will. He needs not our help in accomplishing His will. Even when it looks like His will will never pan out or come to fruition, we are still called to trust His way and walk in obedience to His word.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Feb 29, 2024
Show Day by Day
Lori Cline

Take A Leap Of Faith
We can always have confidence in who we are in Jesus.   ~~~   Are you ready to take a leap of faith? Let’s go! And you know today happens to be a great day to do just that. It’s leap day, because it’s a leap year! Today is the extra day we get in February, which is added to the calendar every four years to keep it in alignment with the Earth's revolutions around the Sun. Whatever that means, I love it because we get one extra day and I always LOVE more time. So if you were already thinking about stepping out into something new, what better day than leap day! Say yes! Get off the couch! Do something today you’ve been putting off and let’s leap into what God has already set before us. As you think about that, where do you need to take a leap of faith? Maybe it’s not some BIG thing, but maybe it just needs to be in smaller areas of consistency. Daily leaps lead to BIG leaps and they all begin with faith walking steps. Since this is a bit of a pep talk for the day, guess where I’m headed in scripture? The hall of faith, Hebrews chapter 11! It’s my favorite. Come on let’s get fired up to take our leap of faith by remembering the faithfulness of those before us. Now I can’t read it all here today, that would make this way too long, so YOU take a leap into God’s word and dig deeper into it on your own. I’ll highlight a few things to get us started and to begin I’ll actually start with the last verse of Hebrews chapter 10. Hebrews 10:39 But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved. I could stop right there. But I won’t. We do NOT belong to those who retreat, shrink back and are destroyed. Why? Because we have Jesus! We are saved and walk by faith embracing ALL we have and are IN Christ! This is a wake up call to remember WHO you are in Christ and the resurrection power you have access to on a daily basis. Our faith IN CHRIST is what sets us apart from the world. He has overcome the world and so through Him we are overcomers and the race we are running, no matter what it looks like down here, ends in victory. Hebrews 11:1-2 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. In Christ I am confident. When I try to walk in MY strength, I fail. That’s what fuels faith. Being confident of who you are and what God has for you to accomplish. The Apostle Paul was a man confident in Christ and he encouraged the Philippians with that confidence, reminding them then and us today that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. When you walk with confidence, by faith, you walk different don’t you. When you leap with confidence, by faith, you leap different too! The men and women that are mentioned in Hebrews chapter 11 were known for that confident faith. It’s what drove them to obedience and faithfulness in their chapters of the greater story of God’s plan. Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Sarah were full of confident faith. They weren’t perfect. They were flawed just as we are today, and in need of a savior, but while yes they were flawed, they followed by faith. By faith Isaac blessed his sons. By faith Joseph, in his final days, gave future vision and instruction. By faith Moses took many leaps throughout his journey. By faith the walls of Jericho fell and by faith, Rahab did not perish. There are so many more. Ordinary men and women, used by God, who simply walked by faith. As a result the gospel story advanced. Now it’s our turn to take the steps and move the gospel forward. Will you take a leap today? If you’ve lost your confidence, repent and acknowledge that your confidence hasn’t been in the Lord, because when we know who we are IN CHRIST, we are confident that nothing can stop us. That’s the truth. Take a leap of faith. I don’t know what that looks like for you, but be encouraged by those that have gone before you, paving the way for YOUR story today. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Feb 29, 2024
Tailgate Talks

You Haven't Seen A Fight...
Even if someone hurts us, they are not our true enemy.
By: Blake Martin
Aired on Feb 28, 2024
Day by Day - 1 Samuel

A Quick Potty Break
Sometimes an open door isn’t opened by God.   ~~~   Last week we observed where Jonathan reminded David of God’s promise to David that God would make Him king. That chapter ended with Saul being forced to stop his hunt for David and face the Philistines because they were raiding the land. But now, finally, it looks like Saul will get what is coming to him. Finally the tables have turned and David now has the upper hand. I mean, what are the chances that Saul would choose the same cave that David was hiding in, along with his men, and that Saul would enter the cave, not with an entourage, a torch and a spear or sword, but comes in for a quick potty break and makes himself completely vulnerable? This seems to be the text book, “open door” situation that we often pray for, and that it seems God intends David to walk through! Finally God’s people will be rescued from a crazed, tyrannical king! The kingdom of God will be ruled by a righteous man! The army of God will be led by a military hero! Enemies Beware! Let the people rejoice! So at the end of verse 4 in chapter 24, we see David sneak up behind Saul, maybe duckwalking his way there, in the darkness. He reaches for Saul’s robe, grabs his pocket knife, and quietly slices off a piece of the robe. Wait, what? Slice off a corner of his robe? What is this? Why not send a shank right through him like Ehud did Eglon? Doesn’t the end justify the means? Come back tomorrow to hear the rest of the story.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Feb 28, 2024
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Day by Day - 1 Samuel

Machiavelli, The Prince, And David
It is all too easy to justify dishonesty by saying it will lead to something good.   ~~~   “The end justifies the means.” How many of you are familiar with that phrase. The statement declares that if the end goal is valuable enough, worthy enough, then any means, any avenue, any scheme or strategy it takes to achieve that goal, is justified—whether it be right or wrong, just or unjust, fair or cruel. The end justifies the means. For example—How many of you have been to a revival, crusade of some sort…perhaps it was a youth conference, and at the end of the sermon the preacher said something like, “I want everyone to bow their heads and close their eyes. No one looking around but me. If you want to give your life to Jesus, raise your hand. Look at that, hands go up all around the room.” But while he is saying that, you happen to open your eyes, and you see that only a couple of people have raised their hands. Why would the preacher say, “Hands go up all over the room”? Because in his mind, the goal of getting someone saved justifies the means of making people think that many people were coming to Christ, so they should as well.” The idea of the phrase “the end justifies the means” is accredited to Machiavelli, an Italian diplomat and philosopher of the 15th-16th centuries, in his book The Prince. There Machiavelli wrote, “It is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them…let a prince have the credit of conquering and holding his state, the means will always be considered honest, and he will be praised by everybody;” (Chapter 18, The Prince). I don’t think it would take very long for any of us to recount a time or two where we justified dishonesty, sinfulness, because we thought it would lead to a noble, even godly purpose and place. And we wouldn’t be the first generation. But if you want to see what any of this has to do with David and King Saul, you have to return tomorrow.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Feb 27, 2024
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Lori Cline

Drop Your Weapons
God sees whatever battle we are in and will fight for us.   ~~~   Is it time to drop your weapons? I don’t know about you, but when I’m attacked, I don’t readily want to lay my weapons down. The natural response is to weapon up like you see in the movies. You fire at me, I’ll fire back. Now I’m not talking literally, but goodness we have some sharp arrows in our proverbial arsenal we like to throw at the ready don’t we? Remember the power of your tongue and the power of your comments? I won’t dig deep into that today, but if you need Godly wisdom, there is much to read in His word about the heart and what flows out of it by way of your tongue. Dig into that and ask God to reveal and heal the roots of your words. Today I wanted to remind you of what is true if you are in a season of verbal attack, hurt or betrayal. First, remember you are never alone. God sees and He knows what you’re facing. Take your hurts to the Lord and allow His love and healing grace to meet you there. In Genesis 16 we read how the Lord met Hagar in her sorrow. “You are the God who sees me”, she prayed. He sees you today and in Him there is comfort, wisdom and peace. Second, drop your weapons. We don’t battle as the world does. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. Paul was being slandered by the church he planted in Corinth and his authority as an apostle of Jesus was being challenged. His faithful obedience, empowered by the Holy Spirit, was all he needed to stand strong against his accusers. Like Paul, let your life be the witness to silence the words of those against you. Fight on your knees in prayer. Love your enemies and those who come against you. Your soft answer and unexpected response of grace to their anger could bring them to repentance. Third, remember the Lord is your shield. Psalm 3:3 But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. When King David prayed these words he was being attacked at every turn. To make it cut a little deeper, his son Absalom was leading the attack. David prayed, ‘Lord you are a shield around me’. If you read about David, you quickly get a glimpse of the great warrior he was. No doubt he was familiar with a full body shield that shields one from the arrows AS they would MOVE forward. David’s faith, identity, character, even though all were being attacked, were shielded and protected by God. Charles Spurgeon wrote, “What a divine trio of mercies is contained in this verse! Defense for the defenseless, glory for the despised, and joy for the comfortless.” Whatever battle you may be in, remember God sees you. He IS always at work around you and the war that rages is not against flesh and blood. Don’t fight as the world does. Go to the Lord in prayer. He is your shield. He is your glory. Lift your head and remember what is true. You are never without hope, you are loved and you are never alone in the battle. That’s the truth. Let’s drop our weapons. Whatever that looks like for you today, allow God to lead you, guide you and give you strength to love, even your enemies through the battle. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Feb 27, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

When the fairytale story starts to crack.
What will you do when the fairytale starts to crack?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Feb 26, 2024
Day by Day Hacks

Day By Day Hacks
We should be faithful to pray specifically for individual missionaries serving across the world.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Feb 26, 2024
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Refocus Monday

Bread of Life
The bread of life. Have you eaten this meal?
By: Ronnie Mills
Aired on Feb 26, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Our God is not a God of confusion.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Feb 23, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Tactics of the Devil
If satan tried all of these tactics on the son of God who literally is God's word become flesh.. No one knows it better. Then you better believe he’s going to try it on me and you.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Feb 22, 2024
Day by Day - 1 Samuel

The Ministry Of Friendship: Pledge Your Commitment
We should be committed to gathering with our fellow believers.   ~~~   David’s misery and fear needed the company of someone who knew God’s word. David needed the fellowship, the brotherhood of someone devoted to God and His word. Which situation are you in this morning? Are you in the position of being a Jonathan? Is there a Christian sister or brother that you know is growing tired…weak…discouraged? Go to them. Or maybe you are that Christian who is in the position of David. You have followed the LORD, yet pieces of life still seem to crumble, and it makes you want to close up shop or give in. You just want to quit trying. Don’t neglect the gathering of the saints. The fellowship of the brotherhood is a means of your own endurance and perseverance.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Feb 23, 2024
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Mental Health Minutes

Memory Supplements
Vitamin B1 helps improve short and long term memory.
By: Brian Sheppard
Aired on Feb 22, 2024
Day by Day - 1 Samuel

The Ministry Of Friendship: Point To Promises
We should point our friends to God’s promises when they are struggling.   ~~~   We not only see Jonathan being present with David in his time of crisis, but Jonathan POINTS DAVID TO PROMISES OF GOD. vs. 17 “…and strengthened his hand in God. And he said to him, ‘Do not fear, for the hand of Saul my father shall not find you. You shall be king over Israel, and I shall be next to you. Saul my father knows this.” Being present with a brother or sister in the midst of a struggle is good. It is needful. But it cannot end there. The purpose of Jonathan’s visit and fellowship was not to wallow in misery or fear with David. That is a form of empathy. Empathy feels what the other person feels. Empathy tries to put yourself in their shoes. But our ministry to one another cannot end there. Empathy sees a brother and sister in the middle of the marsh of despondency and jumps in there with them, saying, “Yeah, this really is miserable. I see what you mean.” Jonathan does not do that. He goes to David, and then strengthens David. Get that image in your head. Jonathan made David’s grip on God stronger. How did he do that? He pointed David to the promise God made to Him. “David, God anointed you with His Spirit by His prophet Samuel. You will be the King of Israel. And if you will be the king of Israel, then you will not be killed by my father before that time. Take heart. Do not fear!” Jonathan gave him a command (Do not fear) and then the basis of the command was rooted in God’s promise. Proverbs 12:25 “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.”
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Feb 22, 2024
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Lori Cline

I Dare You To Pray This
We should be willing to go to work wherever Jesus is moving.   ~~~   Have you ever been dared to pray something? Me either! But I loved it and now I’m daring you to pray it too! But, before I get to the prayer, let’s talk about mission. What is your mission? If you’re a believer in Jesus, I really hope you know the answer. If you don’t, let me give you a refresher. Matthew 28:18-20 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” What’s our mission? We are to go and tell and teach the world about Jesus. Mission is the heartbeat of God. It began with Jesus and now it is to continue through you and me. Jesus said in John 20:2, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” That’s you and me! Yes, it’s also all of our missionaries we support and pray for that are all around the world, but it’s also YOU and ME, right where we are. Luke 10:2 He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers or laborers are few. Why are the workers few? Because our eyes are only seeing what we want to see. We’re not even seeing the harvest field around us. Where we work, where we live and where we play, that’s where the harvest is. There are people all around us that need Jesus. They need a friend to listen. They need a helping hand to help them with a meal. They need someone that won’t judge them. They need someone that can lay aside their agenda to see a divine opportunity to love. They need someone who will put their needs above their own. That’s Jesus. That’s what people need. Why do you love like that? Jesus. Why do you listen like that? Jesus. Why do you serve me like that? Jesus. Why do you care for me like that? Jesus. That’s our mission. Will you accept it? If so, I dare you to pray this prayer. Jesus, where are YOU already at work where I live, work, learn and play? Jesus, how can I join you? That’s it. That’s what I’m praying in this season. Join me. I dare you. Don’t miss where God is at work around you. There’s no better place to be! Is it uncomfortable? Yes! Will you get your hands dirty in the field? Yes! Let’s go! You can read all through scripture how God used ordinary men and women, just like you and me. Go and tell the world about Jesus. Show them His love. That’s YOUR mission. That’s the truth. May our prayer be, ‘Jesus, show me where YOU are at work’, then may we be willing to go into the field. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Feb 22, 2024
Tailgate Talks

My Wardrobe Choices
As we mimic those who came before us, those who come after us will mimic us.
By: Blake Martin
Aired on Feb 21, 2024
Day by Day - 1 Samuel

The Ministry Of Friendship: Be Present
We should be willing to step out of our comfort zone and be present for the people in our lives.   ~~~   1 Samuel 23:16 “And Jonathan, Saul’s son, rose and went to David…” Jonathan goes to David, even though David is in hiding, and even at great risk of Jonathan’s own life. The encouragement of a fellow brother or sister who is pensive, or depressed, is worth a risk! Jonathan initiates. He doesn’t wait for a letter or request from David. He is not waiting by the phone saying, “If he needs me, and asks, I will go to him.” NO! He takes initiative. He moves. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in a time of trouble… God is in the midst of her.” He is here, present with us. This is one of the distinguishing features of the true and Biblical God, that He is immanent and close to His people. He is not a far-off God who has no concern or care for his creation or people. The God-man entered His creation. Jesus left behind the glory and splendors in heaven, he humbled himself to come to us. He arose from his throne and came to us. And so too we should be able to say about God’s people, that they are close and with us, a very present help in a time of trouble. Sometimes the providence and grace of God includes the presence of other believers in order to help us persevere and endure. Are you there, present for people? Are you willing to push things off of your busy schedule in order to be there for your faith family? What are you willing to risk in order to be there for your people? It can definitely push us out of our comfort zones, but look at what is at stake. You may be helping your brother or sister from being crushed under the weight of fear, the cloud of confusion. Your presence is comforting and useful. Just like a newborn baby needs the physical presence of her mother, so too does the believer need the presence and warmth of Christ that is often felt in Christian fellowship.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Feb 21, 2024
Show Day by Day
A daily word of encouragement

What to do when God answers all of your prayers.
Have you ever been in a season of blessing? And you feel like you need to show God how thankful you are somehow?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Feb 20, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Would John look at my life and call me a viper?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Feb 20, 2024
Mental Health Minutes

Night and Day Wiring
People are wired to be a morning person or night owl
By: Brian Sheppard
Aired on Feb 20, 2024
Day by Day - 1 Samuel

Man On The Run
The ways and providences of God are innumerable.   ~~~   Can you imagine the emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical strain and pressure, perhaps even exhaustion that David was feeling throughout this narrative? Let’s just consider the physical. He has just fought a battle with the Philistines in 1 Samuel 23. Don’t overlook that. Running, jumping, swinging swords, stabbing, chopping. We cannot even begin to imagine the adrenal and physical toll that took on a body. But don’t stop there. Think about the mental and emotional aspects as well. The fear, the uncertainty, experiencing war AGAIN. Leading men into battle and losing brothers and friends in battle. The brutality and horror of it all. And then under all of that, the foundation, is David’s spiritual life. He, who had the Spirit of God, who was hearing from God, had to be on the run from a maniacal king who was devoid of the Spirit of God. As we read these stories and turn these pages, we are not meant to forget, or to push to the side any of these things. David was not superhuman. He was a human, a man, just like the rest of us. So 1 Samuel 23:15 says, “David saw that Saul had come out to seek his life.” Here we go again. Another chase. “Will I escape this time? How much longer LORD? I can’t take this any more.” We know this was, at times anyway, how David felt because we have the Psalms. Psalm 55 says: “Attend to me, and answer me; I am restless in my complaint and I moan, because of the noise of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked… My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of death have fallen upon me. Fear and trembling come upon me, and horror overwhelms me.” We know this is not the last time something like this happens. In fact, the back half of 1 Samuel 23 is another story of more of David’s fellow Israelites turning on him, wanting to appease Saul and avoid Saul’s savageness. The Ziphites run to Saul saying, “We know where David is and we can put you on his trail” I don’t think any of us can quite relate at the exact level of David, but that doesn’t mean we don’t know what it’s like to be tired from fighting the enemy; to be confused as to what exactly is going on in this life, when you are trying seeking the LORD and face nothing but battle after battle. To doubt, to be afraid, to want to give up. So what happens here is of immense importance to us. This is not David’s first foray into being chased, neither will it be his last. And the common theme that we have seen throughout this story is the providence of God directing, protecting, providing for His future king. The ways and providences of God are innumerable, and we will witness another on in this text, but you have to come back tomorrow to discover it, OR you could read it for yourself!
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Feb 20, 2024
Show Day by Day
Lori Cline

Singing In The Rain
God is able to deliver us from whatever we walk through.   ~~~   Do you ever sing in the rain? I don’t either, but I’m starting to think we should! Here’s why, I was in the car rider line to pick up my girls from school. It was pouring rain. As I get closer I’m seeing kids using umbrellas, hoodies and backpacks to try to cover their head as they make their way to their car. Then I see this boy. He is not even walking fast. He’s almost kinda struttin’ a little. Is he not getting wet? Yes, he is. Does he not care? No, apparently not! I’m having this conversation with myself, in the car of course. As he gets closer to me, I see he’s singing, in the rain! This kid was in his own little world. Earbuds in, hair dripping wet and he did not care one bit. He was walking, had a song in his ears and he was singing every word. As he walked by my car I said out loud to myself, “he’s just singing in the rain”! You know what, it made me smile! He was soaking wet, walking along, singing his song. I want to be like that kid. I want to sing in the rain and not care that I’m getting wet. You know why he didn’t care, he was way more focused on the song than the rain. Do you have a song to sing today? I don’t know if you’re walking in sunshine or a heavy downpour, but do you have the JOY of the Lord? I’m not talking about fake smiling, sweep the pain under the rug, I’m fine talk. I’m talking about peace in your heart and hope for tomorrow, even in the rain, kind of joy that only comes when you know God is WITH you. Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Here in Isaiah 43, God is reminding Israel, to not be afraid. He knew the journey ahead for them would be rough. They would face many obstacles along the way, but He would be with them and He would deliver them. God is still making a way for us. Through faith in Jesus we have the promise and hope of heaven. This world is not my home! So in a way, like that boy singing in the rain, I’m in my own little world a bit. I can walk out each day and no matter what comes my way or tries to bring me down, I can keep on walking with a song in my heart. That’s mountain moving kind of faith. You see a mountain and yes it’s big and yes you don’t see a way around it, but God is WITH you! Remember Daniel’s friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego in the Old Testament? Go read Daniel chapter three. They were FULL of faith. They were ‘singing in the rain’ kinda boys. They weren’t gonna bow to the king’s idol. NO! The King asks, ‘and who is the God who will deliver you from my hands?’ “O King” they said, “we have no need to answer you in this matter. Our God is ABLE to deliver us, but even if He does not, we will not worship your God.” Yep, they were thrown into the fire. The guys that threw them in died it was so hot. But those boys, I can just imagine them walking around singing in the fire with Jesus right there beside them. Remember those words back in Isaiah? I will be with you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Those boys had faith in that promise, so they just kept on walking. That’s the truth. Trust the Lord with all you’re walking through. He will walk WITH you and he’ll even give you a song to sing. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Feb 20, 2024
Day by Day Hacks

Day By Day Hacks
Being a missionary begins with mindset that comes from a Scriptural understanding of God’s mission.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Feb 19, 2024
Show Day by Day