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Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Passing The Torch
The Christian walk is about training others to fight their battles in faith. Pass the torch.
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David didn’t just fight battles—he raised up men to continue the fight.
Jesus calls us to do the same.
Discipleship isn’t about gathering knowledge for yourself. It’s about pouring into others so that the next generation can stand strong in the faith. You may think that you do not know enough and that you are not able to train someone else. The reality is that you know more than someone else, who needs to know what you know! Discipleship does not mean you have graduated from the school of sanctification. It means that you know the importance of training others in what you know and how you live according to biblical truth and reliance on the Holy Spirit
3 Points of Prayer
Lord, show me who I need to invest in.
Give me wisdom in discipling others.
Continue to grow my faith so that I am more and more like Christ
2 People to pray for
Huber Aliaga, our Associational Missions Promotor in Peru
The Hindi Lifeword broadcast for the people of India & Nepal
Summary Thought
The Christian walk is about training others to fight their battles in faith. Pass the torch.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 28, 2025
Day by Day
00:01:45 min.
00:01:45 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Equipped For The Fight
A warrior without armor is a casualty waiting to happen. Put on the full armor of God.
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David trained warriors and made sure they were equipped. Jesus does the same thing.
One of the most dangerous things a Christian can do is step into a battle unprepared. The Bible warns us that we have a real enemy who is constantly trying to destroy us. But God has not left us defenseless—He has given us armor.
The belt of truth – because deception is Satan’s favorite weapon.
The breastplate of righteousness – because holiness guards our hearts.
The shield of faith – because the enemy will try to shake our confidence.
The helmet of salvation – because our hope in Christ protects our minds.
The sword of the Spirit – because God’s Word is our greatest weapon.
Are you putting on your armor daily? Or are you stepping into battle exposed and vulnerable?
Points of Prayer
Lord, help me to recognize the spiritual battles around me.
Equip me with Your armor so that I stand firm in faith.
Teach me to wield the sword of Your Word effectively.
2 People to pray for
Gerson Orellana and his family, our National Changemakers in Peru
The Cebuano Lifeword broadcast for the people of the Philippines
Summary Thought
A warrior without armor is a casualty waiting to happen. Put on the full armor of God.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 27, 2025
Day by Day
00:01:54 min.
00:01:54 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Jesus, The Greater King
David was a mighty king. But Jesus is the eternal King who has won the greatest victory.
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David was a great king. But Jesus is the greater King.
The battles in 2 Samuel 21 remind us of David’s first battle—the one against Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. But this time, it isn’t just David slaying giants. His men are stepping up, proving that David has raised up warriors who will continue the fight.
In the same way, Jesus doesn’t just fight for us—He fights through us.
Where David fought against the Philistines, Jesus fights a greater battle—against sin, death, and the enemy himself.
David defeated giants with a sword; Jesus defeated Satan with the Word of God (Matthew 4:1-11).
David was a lamp to Israel; Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12).
David raised up warriors; Jesus raises up disciples to continue His mission (Matthew 28:19-20).
David was great, but Jesus is infinitely greater. And here’s the good news: Jesus has already won the victory. The battles we fight now are fought with the full assurance that the war has already been won.
Points of Prayer
Lord, thank You for fighting the battle I could never win.
Help me to trust in Your victory rather than trying to fight in my own strength.
Teach me to walk in the confidence of Your triumph.
2 People to pray for
Regino Acuna and his family, our National Changemakers in Paraguay
The Burmese Lifeword broadcast for the people of Myanmar/Burma
Summary Thought
David was a mighty king. But Jesus is the eternal King who has won the greatest victory.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 26, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:11 min.
00:02:11 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
The Lamp Of Israel
A life lived for Christ is a light in the darkness. Keep your lamp burning.
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David was more than just a fighter—he was a light to the people of Israel. That’s why his men said to him, “You shall no longer go out with us to battle, lest you quench the lamp of Israel.”
Think about that.
These mighty warriors recognized that David was more than just a king; he was a guiding light for the nation. His leadership, his devotion to God, and his courage shined brightly, illuminating the path forward for Israel.
And this isn’t just about David. The imagery of light runs throughout the entire Bible.
Psalm 119:105 – “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”
John 8:12 – “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Matthew 5:14 – “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.”
David’s men weren’t just protecting a king; they were protecting a lamp—a light that helped guide the people in righteousness. They knew that without his leadership, Israel would be in the dark.
Now, here’s the challenge for us: Are we shining as lamps?
Does your life bring light to your home?
Does your presence bring clarity and guidance to others?
Are you pointing people toward God, or leading them into darkness?
Perhaps the greatest tragedy isn’t when a lamp is extinguished—it’s when a lamp refuses to shine in the first place.
3 Points of Prayer
Lord, help me to shine as a light in my home, workplace, and community.
Keep me from growing dim with discouragement or sin.
Let my life point others to You.
2 People to Pray for
Pablo Munoz and his family, our National Changemakers in Chile
The Bicolano Sorsogon Lifeword broadcast for the people of the Philippines
Summary Thought
A life lived for Christ is a light in the darkness. Keep your lamp burning.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 25, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:31 min.
00:02:31 min.
Day By Day Expressions
Day By Day Expressions
We can use life experience as an opportunity for discipleship.
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By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 24, 2025
Day by Day
00:04:55 min.
00:04:55 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Fighting The Right Battles
Not every battle is worth fighting. Spend your strength on the ones that advance God’s kingdom, not your own pride.
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One thing that stands out in 2 Samuel 21:19-21 is the sheer number of battles being fought. This isn’t just one showdown—there are four separate battles recorded, each against a Philistine warrior, each involving a different man of Israel stepping up.
This reminds us that life is filled with battles. But not all battles are the right ones. What are you fighting for?
David’s men fought for Israel, for their people, and for God’s honor. They weren’t fighting over personal grudges, political opinions, or petty squabbles. They were fighting for something that mattered.
Compare this to the battle that Saul and Israel refused to fight against Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. The whole army was paralyzed by fear, unwilling to step up, even though the cause was just. Now, under David’s leadership, we see a completely different picture: men who are willing, even eager, to stand in the fight.
We, too, are called to fight the right battles. Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:12 that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.” In other words, our fight is not against people—it is against sin, against the enemy, and against the darkness that tries to creep into our lives and homes.
How often do we waste our strength fighting the wrong battles?
Fighting for our own reputation instead of for God’s glory.
Fighting for comfort instead of fighting against sin.
Fighting with people instead of fighting for their salvation.
David’s men show us what it looks like to engage in the right fight. The question for us is, Are we fighting the battles that actually matter?
Points of Prayer
Lord, help me to discern which battles are worth my energy.
Give me wisdom to avoid conflicts that are distractions.
Strengthen me to fight for truth, righteousness, and Your kingdom.
2 People to pray for
Marco Gaspar and his family, our National Changemakers in Portugal
The Blaan Lifeword broadcast for the people of the Philippines
Summary Thought
Not every battle is worth fighting. Spend your strength on the ones that advance God’s kingdom, not your own pride.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 21, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:42 min.
00:02:42 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
A Legacy Of Courage
A true leader doesn’t just win battles; they raise up others to fight as well.
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David’s legacy as a giant-slayer was never just about his victory—it was about inspiring others to fight.
Earlier in his life, when he faced Goliath in 1 Samuel 17, no one in Israel had the courage to step forward. The entire army cowered in fear, including King Saul. David changed that narrative. Under his leadership, Israel was no longer afraid of giants.
Now, in 2 Samuel 21, we see the evidence of this shift. The men who follow David are no longer afraid to step up and fight the giants themselves. Sibbecai, Elhanan, and Jonathan all defeat formidable Philistine warriors, showing us that courage is contagious.
What kind of legacy are we leaving behind? Are we inspiring bold faith in those who come after us? The goal of every believer should be to raise up others who will stand boldly for Christ.
Points of Prayer
Lord, help me to inspire and encourage those around me.
Show me where I can invest in the spiritual growth of others.
Give me the courage to fight the battles You’ve placed before me.
2 People to pray for
Milan Bulak, our National Changemaker in the Czech Republic
Armenian Lifeword broadcast for the people of Armenia & Lebanon
Summary Thought
A true leader doesn’t just win battles; they raise up others to fight as well.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 20, 2025
Day by Day
00:01:53 min.
00:01:53 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
The Weight of Leadership
Even leaders grow tired. The wise ones surround themselves with faithful warriors.
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Let’s look deeper into the story we started yesterday from 2 Samuel 21:15. In ancient warfare, kings often fought on the battlefield with their soldiers. David had always been a warrior-king, leading Israel in battle from his youth. But in this passage, something significant happens—David grows weary in the fight.
No matter how strong we are, there comes a time when we need help. The Philistine warrior Ishbi-benob sees David’s fatigue as an opportunity to strike. It is a moment of vulnerability that could have cost Israel their king. But Abishai steps in and slays the giant before he can reach David.
This passage makes us aware of the weight of leadership. David was a great leader, but he was not invincible. Leaders grow weary. They need people who will stand in the gap, support them, and fight alongside them.
How often do we try to carry the weight alone? Do we allow others to help us, or do we pridefully press on until we collapse or burnout? God places people in our lives for a reason. We must learn to lean on them. As you walk with the Lord today, consider these 3 points of prayer, 2 people, and closing thought:
Points of Prayer
Lord, help me to recognize when I need to lean on others.
Surround me with godly people who will step in when I am weary.
Give me the humility to receive help when I need it.
2 people to pray for
Angel de Jesus, our National Changemaker in Puerto Rico
The Arabic Lifeword broadcast for the people of Australia, Canada, United States,& Lebanon
Summary Thought
Even leaders grow tired. The wise ones surround themselves with faithful warriors.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 19, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:15 min.
00:02:15 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
We Were Never Meant To Walk Alone
The Christian life was never meant to be a lone journey. True strength is found in biblical fellowship.
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The story that we see in 2 Samuel 21 takes place later in King David’s reign. The nation of Israel has faced numerous battles against the Philistines, and David, once the fearless giant-slayer of his youth, is now an aging king. He finds himself weary in battle. But David is not alone—his mighty men stand by him.
Verses 16-22 lists four Philistine warriors, all of whom were “descendants of the giants,” likely from Gath, the same city that once produced Goliath. These were not ordinary enemy soldiers; they were fearsome warriors intent on destroying Israel. However, David had built a culture of courage within his men. One by one, mighty warriors of Israel rise up to defeat the enemies, particularly the freakishly strong giants, proving that the strength of a kingdom is not in one man but in the brotherhood that fights together.
This passage reminds us of an essential truth—we were never meant to fight alone. Just as David had his mighty men, we too need community, accountability, and discipleship.
With that in mind let me give you 3 points of prayer, 2 people to pray for, and one summary thought.
3 Points of Prayer
Lord, help me to recognize my need for godly community.
Show me how to be an encourager and protector of those around me.
Keep me from the pride of self-sufficiency, and draw me into deeper fellowship with Your people.
2 People to pray for
Oscar Gaitan and his family, out National Changemakers in Nicaragua
The Spanish Lifeword broadcast for the people of the Americas, Caribbean & Spain
1 Summary Thought
The Christian life was never meant to be a lone journey. True strength is found in biblical fellowship.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 18, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:22 min.
00:02:22 min.
Day By Day Expressions
Day By Day Expressions
One of the best ways to increase our knowledge in a subject is to talk to an expert.
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By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 17, 2025
Day by Day
00:07:00 min.
00:07:00 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Lifting The Curse
The empty tomb is proof that God accepted Jesus’ sacrifice as payment for our sins.
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"Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us."
Rizpah’s heartbreaking vigil over the bodies of her sons reminds us of the weight of covenant-breaking. Day and night, she fought off scavengers, mourning the gruesome consequences of sin. Her sorrow moved David to act, gathering the bones of Saul and his sons for a proper burial. And then, the curse was lifted—the famine ended, the rain fell, and the land was restored.
But this was just one curse, in one place, at one time. Humanity carries a greater burden—the curse of sin. Our rebellion against God has separated us from Him, leaving us spiritually dry, longing for renewal. Just as Israel’s curse was removed through burial, our ultimate curse was removed through Christ’s death and resurrection.
Jesus became the atonement for our sin, and His empty grave is the undeniable proof that God accepted His sacrifice. He alone bridges the gap between us and God. Because of Christ, the famine is over, the curse is removed, and all who trust in Him have access to the Father.
Is your life marked by spiritual famine? Come to the King who has mediated for you, who has made atonement, and who lifts the curse. Surrender to Him today.
Prayer Focus:
Thank Jesus for becoming your atonement.
Ask God to restore any dry or broken areas in your life.
Lift up Denis Lopez and his family, serving in Honduras.
Pray for the Sign Language-American Lifeword broadcast in the USA.
Jesus is the Good King who has made things right. Will you trust Him today?
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 14, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:39 min.
00:02:39 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Jesus, Our Atonement
Jesus stepped in as our mediator to become our atoning sacrifice and pay for our sins with His blood.
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"God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith."
When famine struck Israel, David knew there was unfinished business—an offense that had not been atoned for. The Gibeonites still held resentment over Saul’s violation of a covenant made in the name of the Lord. This was more than a political issue; it was a spiritual crisis. Was God truly righteous, just, and faithful to His promises? David sought to make atonement—not just to restore the people of Israel but to uphold the name of the Lord.
The atonement price was steep: seven sons of Saul, executed to satisfy the demand for justice. The shedding of blood was the means by which forgiveness was granted, a theme that runs throughout Scripture. The burden of guilt was lifted, the famine was ended, and the integrity of God’s justice was upheld.
Does this sound familiar? It should. This event foreshadows the ultimate atonement—Jesus Christ. Like Israel, we are starving in a famine of righteousness. We are dead in sin, burdened by the guilt passed down from Adam. But Jesus, our perfect Mediator, stepped in. He became our atoning sacrifice, shedding His blood so that we could be forgiven. His death on the cross not only secures our redemption but also proves that God is perfectly righteous and just.
Prayer Focus:
Thank God for His justice and mercy through Jesus Christ.
Ask for a heart that seeks righteousness and honors God's faithfulness.
Lift up David Marroquin and his family, serving in Guatemala.
Pray for the Quechua Lifeword broadcast in Bolivia & Peru.
Jesus alone makes things right between us and God—for our good and His glory!
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 13, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:33 min.
00:02:33 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Jesus, Our Intercessor
When we don’t know what to do or pray, Jesus intercedes on our behalf.
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"Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them."
When famine struck Israel for three years, David did what a good king should—he sought the face of the Lord. He didn’t rely on his own wisdom or power. He didn’t ignore the suffering of his people. Instead, he interceded on their behalf, pleading for God’s mercy.
To seek God’s face means to seek His presence, His favor, His peace. Israel was suffering because God’s blessing had been withdrawn. David knew that only by understanding the heart of God—His displeasure, His justice—could restoration come.
David’s intercession points us to the ultimate Mediator, Jesus Christ. Before going to the cross, Jesus prayed for His disciples and for all who would one day believe in Him. That includes us. Jesus stands in the presence of the Father, interceding for us even now. He prays for our sanctification, our unity, our endurance.
When we don’t know what to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf (Romans 8:26). When we are weak, Jesus strengthens us through His prayers. He is the perfect Mediator, the eternal King who cares deeply for His people.
Prayer Focus:
Thank Jesus for continually interceding for you.
Ask God to help you seek His face in all circumstances.
Lift up Rigoberto Jimenez and his family, serving in El Salvador.
Pray for the Mixteco/Mixtec Lifeword broadcast in Mexico.
Because of Jesus, we can boldly approach God, knowing that we are never without an advocate in heaven.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 12, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:24 min.
00:02:24 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Making Things Right
Unresolved wrongs don’t disappear, because all sin has consequences.
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"Now there was a famine in the days of David for three years, year after year. And David sought the face of the Lord."
Israel faced a crisis—a three-year famine. People suffered, and there was no end in sight. But the famine wasn’t just a natural disaster; it was the result of an unresolved sin from Saul’s reign. The Israelites had broken a covenant with the Gibeonites, shedding innocent blood. Now, the weight of that injustice hung over the nation.
David, recognizing that this was more than bad luck, sought the Lord. When he learned of the cause, he took action to make things right. The Gibeonites didn’t ask for money or land. They asked for justice. And though it was difficult, David honored their request, ensuring that Israel upheld its promise. Only then did the famine lift.
This passage reminds us that sin has consequences. Unresolved wrongs don’t just disappear—they linger until they are dealt with. Are there areas in your life where God is calling you to make things right? Are there past hurts, broken relationships, or sins left unaddressed? Seeking God’s face means being willing to bring those things before Him and taking the necessary steps to reconcile.
Prayer Focus:
Ask God to reveal any unresolved areas in your life.
Pray for courage to take steps toward reconciliation.
Lift up Jairo Bonilla and his family, serving in Costa Rica.
Pray for the Kaqchiquel/Maya Lifeword broadcast in Guatemala.
When we seek the Lord and act in obedience, He is faithful to restore and heal.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 11, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:22 min.
00:02:22 min.
Day By Day Expressions
Day By Day Expressions
There are ways that working with natural life can allow us to help people around the world.
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By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 10, 2025
Day by Day
00:07:02 min.
00:07:02 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
God Is Our Refuge
Throughout our trials and problems of life, God is our refuge.
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"The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge."
When reading the final chapters of 2 Samuel, the stories may seem scattered, but they follow a carefully designed pattern. At the very center of this structure are two songs of David—songs that declare one unshakable truth: God is our rock and refuge.
David’s reign was filled with triumphs and failures, victories and judgments. Yet, through it all, he knew where his true strength came from. The same is true for us. We may go through seasons of hardship, times of battle, moments of uncertainty, but at the core of it all is this truth—God is faithful.
A good king, like David, seeks justice and righteousness for the good of his people and the glory of God. In the same way, we are called to trust and rest in the One who rules with perfect wisdom and love.
Are you standing on the rock, or are you trying to navigate life on your own? Let the songs of David remind you today—God is your refuge, your fortress, and He is always faithful.
Prayer Focus:
Thank God for being your rock and refuge.
Ask for strength to trust Him in uncertain times.
Pray for Rama Bochung and his family, serving in Myanmar.
No matter what comes, let’s stand firm on the Rock that never fails.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 07, 2025
Day by Day
00:01:58 min.
00:01:58 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
The Legacy Of A King
Our stories will be remembered not by our mistakes, but by God’s redemption.
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"As for God, his way is perfect; the Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him."
A visit to a presidential library offers a curated version of history. It highlights achievements, showcases milestones, and sometimes, strategically frames controversies. The Clinton Library, for example, acknowledges the Monica Lewinsky scandal but presents it as a battle for power, shaping public perception in a specific way.
The last four chapters of 2 Samuel function similarly for King David’s reign. They are not in chronological order but serve as a carefully selected narrative, shaping how we remember David—not as a perfect man, but as an ideal king, chosen and used by God despite his failures. The author wants us to see David through the lens of God’s grace and faithfulness.
Just like with historical figures, our lives tell a story. What legacy are we leaving? Will people see our failures alone, or will they see how God’s grace worked through us? The truth is, our stories will be remembered not by our mistakes but by God’s redemption.
Prayer Focus:
Ask God to shape your legacy for His glory.
Pray for faithfulness in your walk with Christ.
Lift up our Creative Access missionaries in India.
Pray for the Guarani Lifeword broadcast in Bolivia & Paraguay.
May our lives reflect not just our struggles but God’s sovereign grace.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 06, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:16 min.
00:02:16 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Cut It Off At The Head
When we recognize sin’s hold in our lives, we should sever it immediately.
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"If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away."
Sheba thought he could escape justice, hiding behind fortified walls. But no city can stand against a relentless siege. As Joab’s army battered the gates, a wise woman stepped up, bringing a swift end to the rebellion—literally. Sheba’s own people cut off his head and threw it over the wall. With that, the battle was over.
This story is more than ancient history. It’s a picture of what sin does in our lives. Sin seeks a stronghold, a refuge where it can grow unchecked. It hides in our habits, our thoughts, our excuses. But God doesn’t tolerate rebellion in His kingdom or in our hearts. He calls us to deal with sin the way Abel dealt with Sheba—decisively. Cut it off. Throw it out. Don’t let it take root.
Maybe today, the battering ram of God’s Word is pounding at the door of your heart. Maybe He’s using circumstances, conviction, or even other people to get your attention. What are you holding onto that needs to go? A rebellious habit? A toxic relationship? A hidden sin? The time to deal with it is now.
The kingdom of God still stands. It has faced attack after attack, but it remains. And so do we—not because of our strength, but because God sustains us. If we trust Him, He will give us the power to cut off what destroys us and cling to what gives life.
Prayer Focus:
Ask God to reveal any sin you need to cut off.
Pray for courage to remove anything that keeps you from Him.
Lift up Eudo Rodriquez and his family, serving in Cape Verde.
Pray for the Garifuna Lifeword broadcast in Belize, Guatemala & Honduras.
Through it all, we learn to trust in Jesus. Let’s not wait—let’s cut sin off at the head.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 05, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:39 min.
00:02:39 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Steadfast Allegiance
We must retain steadfast allegiance to God even in a culture that pushes against it.
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"As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him."
Listen to me, friends—when rebellion makes itself known, so must our allegiance to Christ. We’ve all seen it—troublemakers within the church, stirring division, leading others astray, and yet, no one says a word. Too often, people choose passivity over action, afraid to make a scene or take a stand. But silence in the face of rebellion is not neutrality—it is surrender. Many churches have been wrecked by those unwilling to uphold truth.
This is why Scripture warns us to deal decisively with those who stir up division. Paul tells Titus to warn a divisive person twice, then have nothing more to do with them. In Romans, we’re reminded that these individuals serve not Christ, but their own desires, deceiving the naive with smooth words. Rebellion within the covenant family demands a resolute response.
The same is true in our homes. Parents, when a child turns from God’s authority, it is not the time to waver. That is the moment to stand firm, to make it known that your loyalty is to Christ above all. Too many have placed their allegiance in their children over the Lord. But when rebellion rises, love compels us to stand firm in truth.
So, ask yourself today: In a culture that rejects truth, and even among professing believers who rebel, is my allegiance clear? Am I following the King steadfastly?
Prayer Focus:
Pray for courage to stand firm in truth.
Ask God for wisdom in handling division biblically.
Lift up Eli & Rana Costa El-Hage, missionaries in Lebanon.
Pray for the French-Haitian Lifeword broadcast in Haiti.
Let’s not be lukewarm. Let’s make it known where we stand—with the King.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 04, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:34 min.
00:02:34 min.
Day By Day Expressions
Day By Day Expressions
We can find beauty in the nature of growth and plants in the natural world.
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By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Mar 03, 2025
Day by Day
00:06:40 min.
00:06:40 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Clinging To The King
When others rebel against Jesus, it gives us the opportunity to show our faithfulness.
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“But, the men of Judah followed their king steadfastly from the Jordan to Jerusalem."
David had just endured the rebellion of Absalom, and now, another enemy arose—Sheba. The question loomed: Would David’s kingdom crumble? Would another war break out? In moments like these, when the battle seems never-ending, we hold our breath, wondering what will happen next.
This is the way of the enemy. He doesn’t wait until we’re strong; he strikes when we’re weary. Just as one battle ends, another begins. Perhaps you feel this in your own life—one hardship after another, no time to catch your breath. Maybe this is even what we see in the church today—attack after attack, trial after trial.
But look at the response of the men of Judah. Instead of scattering, they clung to David. They followed him more closely than before, standing firm by his side. One pastor insightfully put it this way: When others rebel against King Jesus, it gives us an even greater opportunity to show our loyalty to Him.
The men of Judah didn’t shrink back. They didn’t let the rebellion of others shake their faithfulness. They drew near to their king, strengthening their allegiance. And we must do the same. When opposition rises, when rebellion increases, let it drive us closer to Christ. Let our loyalty be made clear—not just in word, but in action.
Prayer Focus:
Ask God for strength to remain steadfast in times of hardship.
Pray for faithfulness to Christ when others turn away.
Lift up Joe & Mira Costa, missionaries in Lebanon.
Pray for the French-Canadian Lifeword broadcast in Canada.
Trials will come. Rebellion will rise. But let it be said of us: We followed our King steadfastly.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Feb 28, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:39 min.
00:02:39 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
The Heart Of A Rebel
We must determine whether we are truly following God, or only obeying when it is convenient.
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"We have no portion in David, and we have no inheritance in the son of Jesse!"
Sheba enters the scene in 2 Samuel 20 with a clear purpose—to stir rebellion. The Bible calls him a "worthless man," a term also used for Hophni and Phinehas in 1 Samuel 2. These were men who disregarded God’s authority, choosing their own power and desires over submission to the King.
Sheba saw the tension between the northern and southern tribes and seized the moment. Instead of calling David "king" like the rest of Israel, he refused to acknowledge David’s rule. That’s the mark of a rebel—rejecting rightful authority and drawing others away to serve their own ambitions.
Rebellion isn’t just an ancient story. It exists today. Some resist God’s Word, twisting it to fit their own agenda. Some play along with God’s authority until it no longer benefits them. When the heat turns up, they turn away, seeking to build their own little kingdoms rather than submitting to the King of Kings.
Sheba’s story is a warning. We must examine our hearts: Are we truly submitting to God’s rule, or are we resisting His authority when it doesn’t serve our own desires? Do we follow Christ wholeheartedly, or only when it’s convenient?
**Prayer Focus:**
- Ask God to reveal any rebellion in your heart.
- Pray for humility and submission to His authority.
- Lift up Sam & Suzan Jordan, missionaries in Jordan.
- Pray for the English Lifeword broadcast in Canada & the U.S.
Let’s not be like Sheba—choosing pride over obedience. Instead, let’s honor the King.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Feb 27, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:20 min.
00:02:20 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
The Value Of The Old Testament
Stories like those in 2 Samuel remind us of God’s faithfulness, justice, and mercy.
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"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness."
Some may wonder why we spend time studying the Old Testament. Isn’t it outdated? Shouldn’t we just focus on Jesus and the New Testament? The Bible itself answers this question. Paul reminds us that all Scripture is God-breathed and beneficial for our growth.
Romans 15:4 further tells us that whatever was written in former times was for our instruction, so that through endurance and encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. The Old Testament provides wisdom, reveals the character of God, and prepares us for His kingdom. It convicts us, encourages us, and strengthens our faith.
When we study books like 2 Samuel, we aren’t just reading ancient history—we are learning about God’s faithfulness, His justice, and His mercy. These stories shape us, equip us, and point us to Christ.
Prayer Focus:
Thank God for the richness of all Scripture.
Ask Him to give you a hunger for His Word, both Old and New Testaments.
Lift up Charles & Mona Costa, serving in the Middle East.
Pray for the Cherokee Lifeword broadcast in the United States.
God’s Word is timeless. Let’s cherish and study every part of it!
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Feb 26, 2025
Day by Day
00:01:53 min.
00:01:53 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Yielding To The King
Bitterness, jealousy, and selfish ambition will put us at odds with God.
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"What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?"
The men of Israel were jealous of the men of Judah, frustrated that they were not the first to bring King David back. Their selfish desires created division rather than unity. Conflict arises when personal ambitions outweigh devotion to the King.
John Henderson, in Catching Foxes, describes this as spiritual adultery—loving the things of the world more than loving Christ. When we allow bitterness, jealousy, and selfish ambition to fester, we are choosing to be at odds with God rather than living in harmony with Him.
So what is the solution? More Mephibosheth, more Barzillai. More humility, more contentment, more joy in simply being with the King. Unity in the church, in our homes, and in our friendships comes when our hearts are fully yielded to Christ—when honoring Him becomes our priority over our own desires.
Are you yielding? Are you honoring? Or are you chasing selfish passions that divert your attention from the King?
Prayer Focus:
Ask God to reveal areas of selfishness in your heart.
Pray for unity in your home, friendships, and church.
Lift up Cristian & Vanessa Martinez, serving in Romania.
Pray for the Aymara Lifeword broadcast in Peru & Bolivia.
May our love for Jesus outweigh every other desire, bringing peace where conflict once ruled.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Feb 25, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:13 min.
00:02:13 min.
Day By Day Expressions
Day By Day Expressions
The pastor of a church has a responsibility to guide the shape of the worship service.
Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Feb 24, 2025
Day by Day
00:05:39 min.
00:05:39 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Barzillai’s True Contentment
True contentment is not found in possessions but in a faithful heart at peace.
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"I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content."
Barzillai was a faithful supporter of David, using his wealth to bless the king and his men during difficult times. Now, as David returns to reclaim his throne, he offers Barzillai a great reward—an honored place in Jerusalem, where he will be cared for the rest of his days. But Barzillai declines.
At eighty years old, he recognizes that his greatest joy is not in luxury or prestige but in living out his remaining days in the home he loves. Instead of seeking his own gain, he asks that the blessing be given to a younger man, Chimham. Barzillai models true contentment, understanding that earthly rewards pale in comparison to the peace of knowing one’s place and purpose in life.
In a culture obsessed with chasing more—more success, more recognition, more comfort—Barzillai’s wisdom speaks volumes. True contentment is found not in possessions or positions but in faithfulness, humility, and a heart at peace. Do we trust God enough to be content where He has placed us?
Prayer Focus:
Ask God to cultivate a heart of contentment in your life.
Thank Him for the blessings you have, rather than longing for more.
Lift up Sara Filimon, serving in Romania.
Pray for the Ashaninka Lifeword broadcast heard throughout Peru.
Like Barzillai, may we find joy in faithfulness rather than fleeting rewards.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Feb 21, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:14 min.
00:02:14 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Mephibosheth’s Surrender
We should approach God wishing to be in His presence, rather than with an agenda.
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"Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere."
David had a decision to make. Mephibosheth had been falsely accused, yet David had already given his land to Ziba. In an effort to act shrewdly, David ordered them to split the land. But Mephibosheth’s response reveals the heart of a truly surrendered man: “Let him take it all, since my lord the king has come safely home.”
Mephibosheth’s love for David surpassed his concern for possessions. He wasn’t interested in land, status, or wealth—he simply longed to be near the king. His response echoes the heart of the psalmist: “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.”
Contrast this with Shimei, whose repentance was shallow and self-serving. Mephibosheth’s was genuine—rooted not in self-preservation but in gratitude. He knew he had no right to claim anything, only to rejoice that the king had returned.
How often do we approach God with personal agendas, seeking what He can do for us rather than delighting in His presence? True repentance and worship say, “Lord, it is enough that I can be with You.”
Prayer Focus:
Ask God to give you a heart like Mephibosheth’s—one that delights in His presence above all else.
Repent of any self-seeking motives in your walk with Christ.
Lift up Candra Barnett, serving in Romania.
Pray for the Apache Lifeword broadcast heard throughout the USA.
Don’t wait—surrender to the King today!
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Feb 20, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:19 min.
00:02:19 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Mephibosheth And The Grace Of The King
When we come to Christ, we bring nothing but our brokenness, yet He welcomes us to the table.
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"Mephibosheth said to the king, ‘Let him take everything, now that my lord the king has returned home safely.’"
Mephibosheth had been accused of betrayal, yet his unkempt appearance told a different story—one of grief, loyalty, and heartbreak. He had not cared for himself since the day David left Jerusalem. His sorrow was not the response of a man expecting a throne but of one whose heart was tied to the king.
When David returned and questioned him, Mephibosheth explained how his physical limitations had kept him from following. Instead of demanding justice, he placed himself completely in David’s hands, acknowledging the extravagant grace he had already received. “Do whatever seems good to you,” he said. Mephibosheth knew he had no claim—only gratitude for the mercy shown to him.
This is a picture of the believer’s posture before Christ. We bring nothing but our brokenness, and yet, He brings us to His table. When accusations come, when trials arise, we don’t demand rights—we rest in the grace of our King.
Prayer Focus:
Thank God for His extravagant mercy and grace.
Ask for a heart of humility and gratitude.
Lift up Bryan & Pam Risner and their ministry in Romania.
Pray for the Zanaki Lifeword broadcast in Tanzania.
Like Mephibosheth, may we trust in the goodness of our King, resting in His grace.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Feb 19, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:02 min.
00:02:02 min.
Day by Day - 2 Samuel
False Repentance
We should be careful to show true repentance rather than putting on a false show.
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"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap."
Shimei was a master schmoozer—aligning himself with David out of self-interest rather than genuine loyalty. David, seeing the political landscape, chose not to punish him immediately. But David knew the truth—Shimei’s loyalty was only as deep as his personal gain. Years later, Solomon would deal with him as his true heart was revealed.
Shimei’s still sit among us today. There are those who show up in church for appearances, to appease a spouse, or to maintain business relationships. But their hearts are not with the King. And when following Christ no longer benefits them, they will take their loyalty elsewhere.
But here’s the warning: there is a day of reckoning. False repentance will not stand before the King of Kings. The outward show means nothing to a God who sees the heart. Don’t play games with your faith. True repentance is not about convenience—it’s about surrender.
Prayer Focus:
Ask God to reveal any false motives in your heart.
Pray for true repentance and genuine faith.
Lift up Sean & Kendall Pasley, missionaries in France.
Pray for the Yoruba Lifeword broadcast in Nigeria.
God is not fooled. Will you bow before the King in true repentance today?
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Feb 18, 2025
Day by Day
00:02:16 min.
00:02:16 min.
Day By Day Expressions
Day By Day Expressions
There are ways to express ourselves in worship while still maintaining truth.
Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on
Feb 17, 2025
Day by Day
00:04:02 min.
00:04:02 min.
Lifeword Shows
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