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Search results: 27 matches Found
Bible Tidbits
Here's the Shortcut to Wisdom [ BT // 050 ]
How do we gain wisdom and become wise? We all have to gain wisdom through experience, but it doesn't have to be OUR experience. Learn the shortcut to becoming wise by learning from others.
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Mar 30, 2022
Bible Tidbits
00:09:11 min.
00:09:11 min.
Bible Tidbits
Paul's Letters: Beliefs Determine Behavior [ BT // 048 ]
Why does Paul seem to always start with theology before pivoting to application? Does what we believe affect how we behave? Do our convictions lead to our conduct? Why do I have on a mullet wig?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Mar 25, 2022
Bible Tidbits
00:04:03 min.
00:04:03 min.
Bible Tidbits
Why did Paul write letters? [ BT // 047 ]
Why are there letters in the New Testament? Why did Paul write letters to churches? Why don't we have a book of the Bible called "Systematic Theology"? Here's why Paul's letters are critical to the church throughout the ages.
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Mar 18, 2022
Bible Tidbits
00:05:44 min.
00:05:44 min.
Bible Tidbits
Can We Trust Bible Translations? [ BT // 046 ]
Why does one translation phrase something one way and another translation phrases it another? Why are there differences between Bible translations? How do Bible translations work? Can we trust Bible translations?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Feb 11, 2022
Bible Tidbits
00:08:20 min.
00:08:20 min.
Bible Tidbits
Should Christians Work? [ BT // 045 ]
What is The Great Resignation? What does Lay Flat mean? Should Christians work and provide for themselves? Recently, I watched a  Daily Wire video that talked about why so many people are switching careers and quitting their jobs. That got me thinking... What does the Bible say about work?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Feb 04, 2022
Bible Tidbits
00:13:37 min.
00:13:37 min.
Bible Tidbits
What does it mean to "Deconstruct" Christianity? [ BT // 044 ]
What does it mean to "deconstruct" your Christian faith? What is an "Exvangelical"? How are these movements contributing to what the Bible calls falling away, rebellion, and apostasy?
With people like Joshua Harris, Marty Sampson, Kevin Max, Jon Steingard, and others walking away from their faith in Jesus, should we as believers be shocked at these developments? What does the Bible say?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Jan 28, 2022
Bible Tidbits
00:08:14 min.
00:08:14 min.
Bible Tidbits
Does God Still Do Miracles? [ BT // 043 ]
What happened when God didn't give you the miracle you prayed for? Does God still do miracles? Does God even care about us?
These are questions which we all will wrestle with in our life. We see that God performed miracles in the Bible, so why doesn't He perform them more often today?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Jan 18, 2022
Bible Tidbits
00:07:33 min.
00:07:33 min.
Bible Tidbits
The Final Devastation: Crossing the Red Sea [ BT // 042 ]
What was God doing at the crossing of the Red Sea in the Book of Exodus? This eleventh and final judgment against Egypt devastated the empire and granted freedom to the Israelite people.
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Sep 23, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:07:17 min.
00:07:17 min.
Bible Tidbits
The Ipuwer Papyrus -- Proof of the Ten Plagues? [ BT // 041 ]
Is there any proof outside of the Bible that the Ten Plagues of Exodus actually took place? What is the Ipuwer Papyrus and what does it mean for the historicity of the Exodus from Egypt?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Aug 31, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:07:03 min.
00:07:03 min.
Bible Tidbits
The Ten Plagues // The Death of the Firstborn [ BT // 040 ]
What was the tenth plague and why did it cause Pharaoh to let His people go? Was God morally right to do this? Justice is never pretty, but we can rest in the fact that all evil will give an account to God one day.
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Aug 20, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:06:17 min.
00:06:17 min.
Bible Tidbits
The Ten Plagues of Egypt // God DESTROYS the Egyptian Economy [ BT // 039 ]
God turns up the heat against Pharaoh and the Egyptian people in the next set of plagues. In addition to proving that the Egyptian pantheon is powerless, God also guts the economy of Egypt leaving them devastated.
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Aug 12, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:11:52 min.
00:11:52 min.
Bible Tidbits
The Ten Plagues of Egypt // Who God Was REALLY Targeting in Exodus [ BT // 038 ]
You've probably heard of the Ten Plagues of Egypt from the Book of Exodus, but have you really thought about them? What was God really really trying to accomplish through these disasters?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Aug 10, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:08:25 min.
00:08:25 min.
Bible Tidbits
It's Not Your Fault that You're Simple... But You Don't Have to Stay that Way [ BT // 028 ]
Don't take this the wrong way, but you're simple. It's not your fault, you're just young! In the Book of Proverbs, we see four different types of people--one of which is THE SIMPLE. How do the wise become wise? How can be become wise? How do we gain experience to know how to live best?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Apr 08, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:06:25 min.
00:06:25 min.
Bible Tidbits
Who Were the Essenes--and What HUGE Thing Happened in 1946? [ BT // 020 ]
Who were the Essenes? Why aren't the Essenes mentioned in the Bible? Though they weren't of much relevance in the first century, they made a HUGE contribution in the twentieth century with the Dead Sea Scrolls!
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Feb 11, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:10:41 min.
00:10:41 min.
Bible Tidbits
Who Were the Sicarii? // The World's First Assassins [ BT // 019 ]
Who were the Sicarii? Who was the world's first assassin organization? Who were the Assassins of Acts 21:38? What happened at Masada? What is Palestine? Where did Palestine come from? Who is Palestine named after?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Feb 04, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:09:23 min.
00:09:23 min.
Bible Tidbits
First Century Freedom Fighters // Who were the Zealots? [ BT // 018 ]
Who were the Zealots? Who was Simon the Zealot? What does Zealot mean? Why was Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Jan 28, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:08:35 min.
00:08:35 min.
Bible Tidbits
Who Were the Herodians--And What Was Their Beef with Jesus? [ BT // 017 ]
Who were the Herodians? Who was Herod the Great? Who was Herod Antipas? Who was Herod Agrippa? What was the Herodian Dynasty?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Jan 21, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:11:01 min.
00:11:01 min.
Bible Tidbits
Who Were the Sadducees? Why Did They Dislike Jesus? [ BT // 016 ]
Who were the Sadducees? Why did they hate Jesus so much? Are there still Sadducees today? What is the Sanhedrin? What does the Bible say about money? What does the Bible say about the love of money? Why did Jesus wreck tables in the Temple?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Jan 14, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:07:49 min.
00:07:49 min.
Bible Tidbits
Who Were the Pharisees? Where Did the Pharisees Come From? [ BT // 015 ]
Who were the Pharisees and where did they come from? Why did they hate Jesus so much? Are there still Pharisees today? Why did the Pharisees add to the Law of Moses? What is legalism and how can we avoid it?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Jan 07, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:12:09 min.
00:12:09 min.
Bible Tidbits
THREE Ways to Actually Read the Bible in 2021 [ BT // 014 ]
Most Christians will make a resolution to read the Bible in 2021, but HOW do we take this resolution and make it actually happen? Here are three FREE plans to help you actually stay consistent in Scripture reading!
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Jan 01, 2021
Bible Tidbits
00:06:51 min.
00:06:51 min.
Bible Tidbits
Who Were the Wise Men and Why Did They Follow the Star? [ BT // 013 ]
Who were the Wise Men? Do we even call them that? Magi? We Three Kings of Orient Are? What caused them to pack up for a cross-continent trip just to see a newborn? How did they even know to look for a star?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Dec 24, 2020
Bible Tidbits
00:11:50 min.
00:11:50 min.
Bible Tidbits
Where Is the Christmas Story in the Bible? [ BT // 012 ]
How do I find the Christmas story? Where in the Bible is the Christmas story? Here are three different ways you can read the Christmas story this year with your family or in your personal study.
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Dec 17, 2020
Bible Tidbits
00:04:00 min.
00:04:00 min.
Bible Tidbits
Here's Why All Four Gospel Accounts Matter [ BT // 010 ]
Why did God choose to pack four different accounts/biographies of Jesus into the Bible? Wouldn't one do?
Who is Theophilus?
Four Gospels Sermon:
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Dec 03, 2020
Bible Tidbits
00:11:07 min.
00:11:07 min.
Bible Tidbits
FOOTNOTES: How Do We Understand All the Little Words at the Bottom of Our Bible Pages? [ BT // 008 ]
What are all those tiny words at the bottom of your Bible? How can we understand Bible footnotes and gain greater confidence with our Bible?
Why are there missing verses?
Did Jesus Use a Translation?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Nov 19, 2020
Bible Tidbits
00:06:50 min.
00:06:50 min.
Bible Tidbits
What Bible Should I Buy? How to Shop For a Bible [ BT // 007 ]
It’s time for Christmas shopping! You want to buy a Bible for either yourself or a loved one, but where do you start with SO MANY options?
Why isn’t the Old Testament in chronological order?
Why isn’t the New Testament in chronological order?
0:00 Intro
0:33 Picking the Translation
5:58 Study, Life-Application, and Journaling Bibles
7:30 How Big Should the Text Size Be?
7:52 Do You Want a Red Letter Bible?
8:03 What Size Bible Do You Prefer?
8:56 What Is the Best Cover for You?
9:41 Recap
9:58 Question of the Video
10:10 Three Additional Bible Options
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Nov 12, 2020
Bible Tidbits
00:11:59 min.
00:11:59 min.
Bible Tidbits
THE SEPTUAGINT: What does Jesus think about translations? [ BT // 006 ]
What is the Septuagint--and why does it matter?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Nov 05, 2020
Bible Tidbits
00:04:29 min.
00:04:29 min.
Bible Tidbits
HOW IS THE OLD TESTAMENT ARRANGED? How Can I Find What I'm Looking For In the Bible? [ BT // 003 ]
Have you ever wondered how the Books of the Old Testament were arranged—and how you can learn to find them faster?
By: Stephen Castleberry
(Stephen Castleberry)
(Stephen Castleberry)
Aired on
Oct 15, 2020
Bible Tidbits
00:08:08 min.
00:08:08 min.
Lifeword Shows
Click show name below for all episodes- A daily word of encouragement (380)
- Another Day, Another Way. (7)
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- Bible Tidbits (27)
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- Creation Science (4)
- Day by Day (2185)
- Doc Talks with Dr. Brian Sheppard (25)
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