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Day by Day - 2 Samuel

The King of Glory Died. On Purpose.
Everything that happened to Jesus, including His death on the cross, was part of His planned victory.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   But you say, “Clif, what about the cross? No victory there. That is defeat. That is horrible defeat.” On the surface it absolutely looks like horrible defeat. A man who lived a pristine and perfect life, only to have been nailed to the cross for no justifiable reason. And in one major way it was defeat. It was real death. Jesus really died. But that is not the major defeat. For you see, death on the cross was the purpose of His life. He came to become a ransom, and to give his life for many; he came to serve His people in that very way. So the cross, too, was a victory! It was a success in that Christ fulfilled the plan for which he was sent to accomplish. "Then in what way was it a defeat, you ask?” Sin was defeated! You were defeated! Your sin was defeated! Your own kingdom was subdued and destroyed. The old man of the believer in Christ was buried in the grave. You lose your old self at the cross, but it is also at the cross that we gain. The one who has put their hope in Christ gains the gift of forgiveness. You gain the transference of your guilt on to Christ. But you may ask, “What good is a dead king, because that is what you are saying Jesus is. He died on the cross.” Yes he did. The king of glory died. On purpose. As part of God’s plan. But, as Abraham Kuypier once said, ““There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry ‘mine’.” —including the grave. You see, Jesus had victory over the grave, in that he came back to life, proving that God accepted Jesus’ sacrifice, proving that God had awarded forgiveness to us based on the merits, not of our accomplishments and righteousness, but based on the merit of Jesus’ perfect life and righteousness. Al Mohler puts it this way—“The most visible star and the invisible atom sit under the rule of Jesus Christ. Every throne on earth, every king in authority, every power in the cosmos, submits to the reign of the One who conquered the grave.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Aug 30, 2024
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Doc Talks

"Driving Purpose and God's Plan" - ft. Nathan King
Ministers have the opportunity to help people recognize God's plan.   #doctalkspodcast   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: Brian Sheppard
Aired on Aug 29, 2024
FamilyLife Today

Should Your Partner Be Your First Priority
Should your partner be your first priority in a blended family? What if your biological kids are still reeling from transition? Listen in as Ron Deal and Gayla Grace join Dave and Ann Wilson on FamilyLife Today!   #FamilyLifeToday   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 29, 2024
Lori Cline

The Lie I Was Believing
The truth is that in God, we are thoroughly equipped to accomplish what we have been created for.   #theloriclineshow   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   What lie are you believing today that is NOT true? This can be a tough question to answer because we don’t know what we don’t know. Often we must walk back our behaviors, thoughts and patterns to dig deeper into what we are actually believing to be true. What we value, how we live and interact with those around us reveals our beliefs. If I’m believing a lie, it’s usually something I need to surrender and trust God with. When we shine a light of truth on the roots of our heart, good things grow. There’s a beautiful exercise I’ve learned that helps me do this. I look at the fruit of my life and then walk it back to the root. You see, just like a root is what supports a tree and nourishes the fruit that grows, our beliefs support our behaviors that produce the fruit in our life. That fruit can be good and sweet, like the fruit of the spirit, or it can be bitter and dying on the vine. Recently I discovered a lie I was believing. I wanted to share it with you and the process I walked through to discover it, because maybe it’s a lie you’re believing as well. When we become aware we can repent, have new awareness of how it creeps up in our thoughts, and replace it with what IS true. It all began with me asking a simple question. How do they do that? Now there’s obviously nothing bad about wondering how someone does anything. We sharpen one another and when someone around you has something figured out, you want to learn it for yourself. Give me the scoop? What’s your secret? How did she lose that weight? How does she manage career, kids and home and still look amazing? How did they DIY that project? How are their kids so self-sufficient? How do they have a home cooked meal on the table every single night of the week? Where do they find the time to get it all done? See where I’m headed? Now while on the surface these questions are not bad in themselves, the Holy Spirit gently opened my eyes to something deeper I was believing. I was in a time of silence with the Lord. Psalm 46:10 says to “be still and know that I am God”. So I was still. My mind let go of all my racing thoughts. I was listening. A root was revealed. In many areas of my life I’ve felt a bit like I’m on the sidelines watching how everyone else ‘does it’. Whatever it is. Remember all the questions? The lie that can creep in is, “everyone has it figured out but me”. While it’s great to learn from others if they’re excelling in an area or can inspire you to move forward, the lie that can creep in is this, “I’m not enough”. I’m not capable. I don’t have it all together and everyone else does. Have you ever believed that one? As the Lord was gently shining a light on this root belief, in the same moment He reminded me of what is true. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. The truth is, I am thoroughly equipped. No lie or false belief can stand against the word of God. The impact of hiding God’s word in my heart and knowing who I am IN Christ equips me for any task! But here’s the thing, no one has it all together. We do our best, but what completes me, makes me enough and able to accomplish every good work I have been created to accomplish, is the word IN me. His strength IS perfect. And it’s not about what I do, it’s about who I AM and what I allow Jesus to do through me. That’s the truth. Be still. You may discover a lie that’s tripping you up today or causing you to walk in shame. Repent, lay it down and believe the truth of what God says about you. You are loved and you are well equipped. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 29, 2024
Day by Day - 2 Samuel

Everywhere Jesus Went
The life of Jesus was characterized by the presence of God and victory.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   When we look at the kingdom that David ruled over, although it was characterized by victory, and worship, and righteousness, it was done imperfectly, and eventually the kingdom would fall and deteriorate and crumble. But the Anointed One does come! And God gave to Jesus victory everywhere Jesus went. Jesus had victory over the murder plot of King Herod Jesus had victory over Satan in the wilderness. Jesus had victory in the temple while teaching, bringing encouragement and life to those who were oppressed, and bringing stinging conviction and rebuke and shame on those who were cruel. * Jesus had victory over sickness and disease, and blindness and deafness, and demons and death! * Jesus had victory over the elements of the world when they would rise up and threaten Him or His apostles. The gospels are written so that we would see that the Jesus’ life was characterized by the presence of God and victory! “The LORD was with him and gave him victory wherever He went.”
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Aug 29, 2024
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Lori Cline

Let The Water Clear
When we meet Jesus, the muddy waters of our life make way for clarity.   #theloriclineshow   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   What do you see when the dirt settles? If you have a jar of dirty water and you keep shaking it and shaking it, the water will never be given a chance to clear. Look around, there’s a whole lotta shakin goin on and I’m not talking Jerry Lee Lewis lyrics. The water around us is murky. It’s hard to see through all the dirt that keeps getting stirred up. Truth is being clouded and sadly many will never clearly see. Matthew 13:15 For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.’ Here Jesus is quoting the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah was prophesying about Jesus seven hundred years before Jesus. Many would see and witness all the miracles and cultural impact of Jesus’ ministry, but they wouldn’t SEE and know Jesus. Jesus was using Isaiah's words to once again highlight that the more you refuse to be still, seek and know God, the water will always be cloudy in a way and your eyes will never see. If you’re watching this today, by God’s grace, you have been given an opportunity to be still and stop shaking the water. Let the rhetoric and noise around you fall to the ground. Open your eyes and your heart to see what God would have you see. For you, this could be the moment the water becomes clear and you see Jesus. There was a moment like that for the Apostle Paul. He couldn’t see what was right. His ways and thoughts were not the ways and thoughts of God. What he thought was right was wrong and the truth he was convinced he was protecting, he was actually persecuting. But the water was about to clear and his eyes were about to be opened. Acts 9:1-8 Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. What Saul thought was right, was wrong. He had it all upside down. He couldn’t see the truth of Jesus because he kept muddying up the water with his own way over God’s way. Jesus stopped him in his tracks and turned his life around. Saul’s encounter with the Lord left him literally blind for three days. But I guarantee during those three days he couldn’t physically see, the waters of his life were becoming crystal clear. What he was believing to be true and how he was living his life was all about to change. He even got a new name. That’s what happens when we meet Jesus. The water settles, we see what is true and He makes us new. That’s the truth. Let the water clear. Listen for the voice of the Lord in your life. Call upon His name right now and be saved. You’ll see yourself on a different path with a new name. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 27, 2024
FamilyLife Today

Soul Care for Stressed Moms
Are you trying to be supermom? Lean in and listen as Maggie Combs shares how to tap into divine power for motherhood -- with Dave and Ann Wilson on FamilyLife Today!   #FamilyLifeToday   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 28, 2024
Day by Day - 2 Samuel

David Is Not Our Example
Though we wish to live under prosperity and peace, this will come from Jesus and not any human ruler.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   2 Samuel 8 ends with a summary of the atmosphere in the God’s kingdom of Davidic rule—justice and equity for all. In other words, order and peace was brought to every place that David ruled. How are we to think of these events, and what relevancy do they have to us? That is our goal when it comes to studying the Bible. We want to do the best we can in understanding the text as it was presented to that first, original audience. And then we want to understand whatever we have learned there in light of the entire Bible, in order to help us know what this passage means for us today and how we are to apply it. I will tell you what we better not do with this. I will tell you what we must fight against when it comes to its relevancy for today. We must fight against inserting our name where we see the name of David. But that is what we want isn’t it? The LORD gave victory to Clif (Mary, Becky, Larry, Mike, Keith) wherever He went. We are naturally tempted to take up David as our great example and say, “If I want to defeat the enemy then I must be righteous and humble like David was, and then God will give me victory and success wherever I go! But we can’t do that with this passage. David is never intended to be our example, or our hero. In just a few short passages David will be the one pulling the levers that lead to adultery, manipulation, and murder. No, David is not our example. There is another feature here that we must remember that will keep us from grabbing this passage and personalizing it too ourselves in the wrong way, and that is this—David is being presented to us as a king chosen by God, and is acting in his role as king of Israel. but we are not kings over nations. So we have to be careful to understand the text correctly. But when we do read this, it does make us long for a king that has this type of success rate doesn’t it? Especially today! “Pease LORD, deliver unto us a leader that is half of what David is!” We want to belong to a kingdom, that is characterized by victory and success and wealth and justice and righteousness. We all crave this and agree that this is the type of canopy we wish to live under! But who can bring us these things? And this is where the story gets oh so good. You see, there were promises made to David in chapter 7, but there were also promises made to God’s people in chapter 7, and the promise was for an Anointed One to come after David’s death, to sit on David’s throne forever and His kingdom would reign forever. And this kingdom to come was longed and spoken of all throughout the OT, especially Isaiah. And it is Jesus who is the Greater David. Jesus is the One who is the substance to David’s shadow.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Aug 28, 2024
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FamilyLife Today

When Lonely Moms Long for Relationship
If people need people, then moms need people (grown-up ones). Learn the importance of finding a support system & be encouraged by fellow mom and author, Maggie Combs, as she joins Dave and Ann Wilson on FamilyLife Today!   #FamilyLifeToday   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 27, 2024
Day by Day - 2 Samuel

Rerouting Tribute
When God sends blessings our way, we should use them for His glory.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   But the author doesn’t want you just to see the dominance of David in this passage. He also wants you to see the dedication of David to the LORD. We are told, beginning verse 7, that David acquired much wealth through gold, silver, and bronze as a result of the victories he had won. Part of it came as the bounty of war, and part of it came as other nations began to see the dominance, and they wanted to either thank David for destroying their enemies, or perhaps they didn’t want to be next on David’s list. So in order to show homage, they send gold, silver, and bronze. But did you notice what David did with it? “These also David dedicated, together with the silver and gold that he dedicated from all the nations subdued, from Edom, Moab, the Ammonites, the Philistines, Amalek, and from the spoil of Hadadezer the son of Rehab, King of Zobah,” (vs. 11). So instead of hoarding wealth and taking care of only himself, David is dedicated to humility of self and worship and honoring God. It would have been easy for David to think that he was deserving of these tributes and offerings since was the King of Israel. But David understood who was the One truly deserving of honor. What do you do with the blessings that come your way? Do the end with you? Do you see them as what you deserve? Or do you humble reroute the honor and praise and generosity to God?
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Aug 27, 2024
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FamilyLife Today

True Confession: Mommy Guilt
If you're a mom, you know the struggle is real. But so is the joy. Learn what to do about motherhood guilt and all the pressure on moms as Maggie Combs joins FamilyLife Today with hosts, Dave and Ann Wilson.   #FamilyLifeToday   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 26, 2024
Day By Day Expressions

Day By Day Expressions
We can create beauty for God in many different ways.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Aug 26, 2024
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Moving Works

A Privilege | 2 min short
There is great difficulty in reaching the Amazonian people, but that doesn’t stop Nilton. This two minute short was derived from the original film, Not Ashamed.   #MovingWorks   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: Moving Works
Aired on Aug 22, 2024
FamilyLife Today

Marriage Myths You Might Believe
Looking for marriage advice? Don't believe these common myths about relationships and marriage. On FamilyLife Today, join Dave and Ann Wilson and learn what to watch out for from Allen and Jennifer Parr.   #FamilyLifeToday   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 23, 2024
Day by Day - 2 Samuel

Extending In Every Direction
The impact and influence of the church should be felt in all directions.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   But now we look to verse 3, to the defeat of Hadadezer, and here, as with what we read later in verse 13, we get numbers. Zobah sat east of the Euphrates river, but their kingdom extended westward, past the Euphrates River, into what God had promised Israel. He promised the Israelites land as far east as the Euphrates River. So David, acting upon Kingdom promises, marches forth, takes down 20,000 soldiers, and disables the horses, which seems kind of odd, until we remember that the king who rules over Israel was not supposed to have many horses or chariots. He wasn’t supposed to try and accumulate wealth to himself. Additionally, David sets up garrisons in these lands, to keep these nations subdued, and also receives tribute, or annual offerings from these nations. But I want us to notice a geographical feature that the original audience would have picked up on immediately. It is not written out for us in the text directly with words, but in the naming of the nations that are defeated a certain picture starts to form. The Philistines territory was to the east of Jerusalem. The Moabites land was to the west of Jerusalem. Zobah sat many miles north of Jerusalem, and Edom was located to the south. West, east, north, and south. And then we have the phrase to sum it all up—“The LORD gave victory to David wherever he went.” David’s victory extended in every direction. God’s kingdom through David was extending in every direction. And this is how it should be with the Lord’s churches. Their influence and impact should be felt in every direction. God’s kingdom today should be spreading through every people, tribe, and nation. What part is your church playing in that spread?
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Aug 23, 2024
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FamilyLife Today

Just how important is chemistry in a relationship?
Just how important is chemistry in a relationship? On FamilyLife Today, hosts, Dave and Ann Wilson are joined by Author and YouTube influencer Allen Parr and his wife Jennifer who share what mattered--and didn't--as their relationship developed over time and distance.   #FamilyLifeToday   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 22, 2024
FamilyLife Today

That Time We Fled Iran; Life as a Christian Refugee
What's life like as a refugee? On FamilyLife Today, Author Daniel Nayeri fled Iran due to persecution. Don't miss his story of faith, resilience, and the kindness of others as he joins Dave & Ann Wilson on FamilyLife Today!   #FamilyLifeToday   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 20, 2024
FamilyLife Today

Father & Son (When You Didn't Have a Good One)
How would not having a strong father figure affect someone embarking on their parenting journey? On FamilyLife Today, Dave and Ann Wilson are joined by Daniel Nayeri, and are reflecting on the impact on the father and son relationship.   #FamilyLifeToday   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 21, 2024
FamilyLife Today

Never Retire from Spiritual Growth
You never retire from spiritual growth, according to Dennis & Barbara Rainey. On FamilyLife Today, learn tips on avoiding pitfalls of aging and on lifelong service to others in their discussion with hosts Dave and Ann Wilson!   #FamilyLifeToday   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 15, 2024
FamilyLife Today

No Fear in Death
Do you fear getting older? On FamilyLife Today, Dave and Ann Wilson host former FamilyLife President Dennis Rainey and his wife Barbara as they share how "no fear in death" fuels their desire to live purposefully.   #FamilyLifeToday   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 16, 2024
FamilyLife Today

Everything Sad is Untrue
On FamilyLife Today, Dave & Ann Wilson are joined by award-winning author, Daniel Nayeri, discussing his epic memoir, Everything Sad is Untrue.   #FamilyLifeToday   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 19, 2024
Mental Health Minutes

High Expectations
High expectations drive people to rise to them.   #mentalhealthminutelw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: Brian Sheppard
Aired on Aug 22, 2024
Day by Day - 2 Samuel

How Defeated Is The Enemy?
When God defeats our enemies, He takes away their ability to harm us.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   Notice that in 2 Samuel 8:1, David defeats the Philistines, subdues them, and “took Metheg-ammah” out of the hand of the Philistines. Over in 1 Chronicles 18, this same passage is repeated, but there, instead of Metheg-Ammah being used, it gives the name of the city “Gath.” So what gives? Why did the author of 2 Samuel use this more obscure name of the city? Well, Metheg-ammah is a combination of two words. Metheg means bridle or bit, and “Ammah” means mother. The phrase meteg hāʾammâ would then mean “the authority of the mother-city/metropolis” (BDB, 52; ASV; Driver, 277; cf. 20:19, which refers to a “city that is a mother [ʾēm] in Israel”). Most commentators agree that this meaning conveys the general sense of the phrase and note that the parallel in 1 Chronicles 18:1 interprets it to refer to “Gath and its its daughters”). The summary of Kirkpatrick (Second Book of Samuel, 105) is typical: The most probable explanation of this obscure expression is that David took the bridle of the metropolis out of the hand of the Philistines, i.e. wrested from them the control of their chief city.1 So David, and the Israelite army, didn’t just defeat the Philistines and subdue them or calm them down, they broke Philistine reign and started controlling them. The Philistines had long been the great enemies of Israel, and now they are broken down, and you do not hear from them much any more causing harm to the Israelites. This is but a small reminder that God doesn’t just defeat enemies, he de-claws them, de-fangs them. Did you know that the enemy is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour? But that the enemy cannot ultimately or completely defeat you. The follower of Christ has the resurrected life of Christ living in Him, and His resurrection cannot be undone. 1 Youngblood, R. F. (2009). 1, 2 Samuel. In T. Longman III & D. E. Garland (Eds.), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: 1 Samuel–2 Kings (Revised Edition) (Vol. 3, p. 401). Zondervan.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Aug 22, 2024
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Lori Cline

Are They Ready For Back To School?
The best way to prepare our children to face the world is to remind them of their need for Jesus.   #theloriclineshow   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   This school year, as your kids leave the house in their very thought through outfits, new shoes, backpacks, lunch boxes and way too expensive water bottles, do you find yourself asking this question, ‘have I done enough to get them ready’? If so, you’re not alone. My girls are both in High School this year. One is a freshman and one is a senior. We’re in the final stretch for our twelfth grader. We can see the finish line and even though we have her at home for one more year, I’m wondering even now if we’ve done enough. Have I prepared her? Have we taught her what she needs to know to weather the storms and people of life? Is she ready? I begin feeling a little anxious. Maybe you can relate and your student is headed off to college, officially leaving the nest. I believe as parents we feel this at just about every stage of our children's life. Preschool, first day of elementary, middle, high school, college and maybe even on their wedding day, are they ready? Have I done enough to prepare them for what’s to come? That’s our job as parents! As a follower of Jesus I follow Godly wisdom from Proverbs 22:6 that tells me to ‘train up a child in the way they should go’. So what way should they go? To answer that question I go back to what God commanded first in Deuteronomy and then what Jesus seconded in Matthew. Deuteronomy 6:5-9 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. That’s pretty clear. Love God with everything you have! Keep His commands in your heart and write them everywhere so you never forget! Follow them because you love Him and His way IS best! If you or someone in your home has a football team or a sports team they LOVE, have your children fallen in love with that team as well? Usually that’s the case. You buy them baby onesies and raise them to LOVE that team! Are we raising our children to LOVE Jesus? From the moment they are born, with the same energy and passion, we should be telling them about God’s AMAZING love for them! A love for sports, fame or money won’t save them from Hell but a love for Jesus WILL! Parents, give them Jesus. My husband and I have tried to do that every single day of our girls' lives. Do we get it right all the time? No. Have I done enough? Here’s an honest and real answer to that, NO, and neither have you. Now before you hang your head in shame, here’s the GOOD NEWS! We weren’t meant to be enough! We love them. We train them. But the BEST thing we can do to prepare them for any season is to GIVE THEM the only one who IS enough. Give them Jesus. He is the only one who can satisfy. Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. The BEST way to prepare our little ones and not so little ones for back to school or any stage of life is to continually remind them of their need for a savior. We weren’t meant to meet their every need. Only Jesus can. When we mess up and let them down, give them Jesus. When we can’t rescue them from the pains and heartaches of life, give them Jesus. When they are running on empty, point them to Jesus and He will fill their cup. Are they ready? If my girls walk into this new year loving God with all they are and with a hunger and thirst for more of Jesus, yes they are! That’s the truth. Train them up to love Jesus and when it’s time for them to fly, you’ll have done enough. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 22, 2024
Day by Day - 2 Samuel

God is faithful to His word and always makes good on His promises.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   From the opening of 2 Samuel 8 we are to notice one main word—“Defeated.” Vs. 1—David defeated the Philistines Vs. 2—David defeated Moab Vs. 3—David defeated Hadadezer The style changes a bit, but the theme continues when the writer uses, “strikes down. Vs. 5—David struck down 22,000 men Vs. 13—David…striking down 18,000 men There can be little doubt what the message is. This is no mere history lesson. This is a declaration! The kingdom of David defeated his foes! He not only defeated them, but the text seems to indicate that he REALLY defeats them. With each victory we are given descriptions of how David defeated his foes. We will get into that tomorrow. But the main lesson I want us to see here is that chapter 8 is not necessarily a chronological retelling of events, but rather give us a snapshot of David’s career. And all of this is to help prove that God made good on His promise to David in chapter 7, and that was to give David’s kingdom victory and rest and that violent men would endanger them no more. God is faithful to his word.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Aug 21, 2024
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Mental Health Minutes

Psychological Mortality
Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any psychological disorder.   #mentalhealthminutelw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: Brian Sheppard
Aired on Aug 20, 2024
Lori Cline

Salty, Not Snarky
The enemy wants to distract us by using the opinions of others to make us combative.   #theloriclineshow   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   Does it need more salt! No I’m not talking about your lunch, I’m talking about your comments and conversations. Have you been more salty or snarky lately? If you’re like me, you have your days. And if you scroll for too long through social media, you’re going to see examples of both. For anyone that has no idea what I’m talking about, I’ll explain. I’m referring to how we respond, how we answer someone and overall how we communicate each and every day. One way to respond is to be snarky. The word ‘snarky’ used to mean, cranky or bad tempered. Over the years the word has evolved to now also mean, sarcastic and rude. Now that we’re clear on what the word means, have you been snarky? Have you been tempted to be snarky? The struggle is real. Temptation is not only at our door, it’s in our hands for hours a day. We see posts, we watch videos and we read opinions and headlines that fire us up. We get angry. We get offended. We feel obligated to respond, justified even, in our anger. But guess what, we aren’t meant to hold on to that anger and for sure not respond in anger. But we do. We get snarky. Instead of getting snarky, we need to get salty. Now what does that mean? Colossians 4:5-6 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Are we making the most of every opportunity or are we missing the opportunity altogether because we’re so quick to be angry and offended? Paul is telling the church of Colossae to be wise! Make the most of every opportunity that comes your way to share the gospel today because it may not come back around again. We get lured into the fray of it all and we’re missing opportunities to REFLECT Jesus in how we RESPOND. In Ephesians chapter 6, the Bible tells us to put our armor on every single day. Friends, we need ALL the armor. We are in a battle and what we need to remember is that it is NOT with our brothers and sisters in the Lord and it is NOT with anyone you disagree with. We are in a spiritual battle and it will NOT be won with arguments or snarky comments. It will ONLY be won with truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation and the word of God. That’s how we fight our battles. Didn’t your mama ever tell you, if you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all. I would add to it a bit. If you can’t say something nice, pray about it, maybe don’t say anything at all or maybe say something salty. People of God, our words, our responses and our conversations should be FULL of grace and seasoned with salt. Build up more than you tear down. Bring people together more than you divide. Pray more than you politicize. Love so well that people can’t help but see Jesus and taste the goodness of God. One of the enemies greatest weapons is distraction. Don’t get distracted by the words and opinions of the day. Focus on the hearts behind those words and opinions and love them. Pray for them. Bless them even. That’s Jesus! It’s the kingdom work we’re called to. That’s the truth. When our responses are full of grace and seasoned with salt, hearts will be left wanting more. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 20, 2024
Day by Day - 2 Samuel

Only Home Runs
Success in life does not come from earthly accomplishments.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   When I was but a wee lad, attending Mabelvale Elementary School, home of the Mustangs, I loved spending time in the library. I can still remember the old card catalogue. I remember exactly where all the Encyclopedia Brown books were located. I read through every one of them by the time I was in third grade. After reading all of those, I had to find something else to read, and I came across a book entitled, The Kid Who Only Hit Homers. How would you like that on the back of your baseball card? Today we have a very similar statement in our text. The author ends two different descriptions of warfare in 2 Samuel 8 with these words, “The LORD gave victory to David wherever he went.” How would like that as a description for you job performance? The businessmen who had success wherever he went! The business owner who only made profits! The teacher who produced only A students. The doctor who saved every life! That would be a pretty successful life, and I think that is a goal that everyone has—to live a successful life. But we all know that success in life doesn’t necessarily come in the earthly accomplishments. So what does it come in? We have a blue print of sorts given before us in chapter 8. This week we will walk through this text to see what was going on with David so that he had victory wherever he went. And maybe, just maybe, we can find some keys for living Day by Day with the Lord.
By: Clif Johnson
Aired on Aug 20, 2024
Show Day by Day
Outdoors with Shaun Merrell

Turkey season is here and we're sneaking into the woods. Did you know Turkey have great eyesight? In this episode of Outdoors with Shaun Merrell, we're talking about camouflage!   #outdoorswithshaunmerrell   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: Shaun Merrell
Aired on May 01, 2024
Outdoors with Shaun Merrell

Sunflower Fields
Shaun's out in the sunflower field, but you'd never know it from the looks of it! See what's happening with these Spring food plots and why he's so excited about it!   #outdoorswithshaunmerrell   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!
By: Shaun Merrell
Aired on Aug 15, 2024