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Lori Cline

What God Wants You To Teach Your Children
Parents must teach their children to pursue and love God with all their hearts.   ~~~   Parents, what are you diligently teaching your children? Think about it. Let’s look first at the definition of diligently. To do anything in a diligent manner is to do so persistently, not carelessly. There is ongoing focus and intentionality with doing something diligently. Some dads are diligent in teaching their children to hunt. Their dad taught them. His dad taught him and it’s been passed down. Some of you have recipes from your great great grandmother. Those ingredients and steps when mixed and mastered just right, deliver dishes that have been enjoyed and diligently passed down for generations. Many of you want your children to LOVE sports or LOVE knitting or LOVE and appreciate woodworking, gardening, music or art. I begin thinking of how I spend my time with my children. What’s my focus. What are our conversations centered mostly around? What am I diligently teaching them? Did you know that God cares greatly about what you teach your children? In fact, He made it very clear early on in scripture what we are to be diligent about, when it comes to what we pass down. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. This command of God was not to be taken lightly then and it is not to be taken lightly today. When Jesus was asked in Matthew 22, “which is the greatest commandment in the law”, this is what he quoted. LOVE God with ALL you are. Give Him your heart, your soul and live that OUT with all your strength! Diligently TEACH this to your children. Can you teach your children to LOVE hunting without GOING hunting? NO. Can you teach your children to LOVE those treasured recipes without cooking them and letting them taste the goodness? NO. Can you teach your children to LOVE God with ALL they are and how they live their life and how they LOVE others without DOING IT YOURSELF, diligently? NO. Talk about the goodness of God in the morning. Share about the grace, provision and blessings of God when you sit, walk, lie down or rise up. Bind these words on your hand and your head. Write them on your walls, your doors and your gates. It should be crystal clear to your children what is the most important thing they need to know and taste and see on a DAILY basis from you and that is to love the Lord their God with all their heart and all their soul and all their strength. If anything has gotten in the way of that teaching, then you’ve placed something above God. That’s the truth. A life of worship is what God calls and commands us all to. Our heart, soul, mind, strength, time, talent, treasure, dreams, gifts and abilities should display to our children, our neighbors and the world that our life is not our own, but lived for God and God alone. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Oct 10, 2023
Lori Cline

Come Ye Sinners Poor And Needy
To truly be found, we must first see that we are indeed lost.   ~~~   We don’t like to think of ourselves as poor and needy do we? We want to be in control of our destiny, strong, independent, care free, righteous even and good. If we’re honest we like to stay away from the poor and needy. The truth is, none are righteous, none of us are good, apart from Jesus. Go spend some time in Romans chapter 3. Even at our best, we still can’t measure up. That’s why we so desperately NEED Jesus. We are all sinners. We all fall short. There but for the grace of God go ANY of us. We are all prodigals in a way. We run from truth, we run from accountability, discipline and run ultimately from the love of the Father. We squander what we’ve been so freely given all while pointing fingers of judgment at everyone else. Time and time again the Father’s unfailing love pursues us, leads us to repentance and welcomes us back to His arms of grace. “Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy” is an old hymn written in the 1700’s by Joseph Hart. The lyric goes like this - Come, ye sinners, poor and needy, weak and wounded, sick and sore; Jesus ready stands to save you, full of pity, love and power. I will arise and go to Jesus; he will embrace me in his arms; in the arms of my dear Savior, O there are ten thousand charms. Many feel this hymn was inspired by Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son. In Luke chapter 15 we see Jesus tell three parables and each one in different ways deliver the same truth: God loves the lost. There is the parable of the lost sheep, a lost silver coin and a lost son. The Father is represented in each parable and does not rest until what was lost is found. Luke 15:4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? Luke 15:8 “Or suppose a woman has ten silver coins and loses one. Doesn’t she light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it? Luke 15:20 So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. Jesus told these stories to a crowd of tax collectors and sinners. They drew near to Him because they wanted to hear. Also in the crowd were Pharisees and scribes. They weren’t around Jesus to draw near and hear, they were around Jesus to judge and complain about everyone else. How dare Jesus welcome and even eat with these poor and needy sinners. What these religious elites failed to recognize is that they too were just as sinful and lost without Jesus. Their pride in believing they could be good enough to reach God is what ultimately separated them from the Father who was running after them. In Luke 19:10 Jesus made His mission and purpose clear as he was once again about to have a meal with sinners, he replied, “for the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” To truly be found, we must first see that we are indeed lost. Only then will we arise and go to Jesus because it’s in that moment we understand our great need for a savior. That’s the truth. Arise and go to Jesus. He’s waiting with open arms. I’m Lori Cline.  
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Oct 05, 2023
Lori Cline

What Are You Waiting For?
We don’t need a big sign from God to know that it is time for us to move.   ~~~   Don’t we all want the wind beneath our wings so we can fly high in life? Of course we do! We all cried our eyes out listening to Bette Midler sing about it. We need the wind beneath our wings to fly, or do we? More on that later, but speaking of wind, have you ever tried to fly a kite without any? I must say I have. Now I know you can’t fly a kite without wind, but if you have kiddos you probably have as well! I bought a kite for my girls when they were little and even though it wasn’t a windy day, they wanted to run through the back yard trying to fly it. Meaning I was running through the backyard trying to fly it. That didn’t last long. To fly a kite up to the highest height, you MUST have wind. If you don’t, you have to wait for a windy day. I’m not usually waiting for wind. I don’t fly kites these days unless I’m at the beach, but I want to tell you about a girl that found herself in a situation where she really needed the wind to blow. In the movie True Spirit, based on the true story of 16 year old Jessica Watson, she became the youngest sailor to circumnavigate the globe, ALL BY HERSELF. She was sixteen! It’s a pretty amazing story and her journey was full of adventure and challenges. Now while the big screen did play things up a bit more, compared to the actual events, there was a time when she was out at sea and no wind was blowing. There she sat, waiting. In an interview she had this to say about that part of the journey. "In reality, you never get such long stretches without wind," she said. "Often, it's more like a couple of days. And even within that, you might get a few puffs along the way. It is, however, very true to what that experience is like for a sailor, how incredibly frustrating it is to just be at the mercy of the elements and just waiting for the wind to come back. There's nothing you can do. Emotionally, they were some of the toughest days." She was at the mercy of the elements, waiting for the wind. What are you at the mercy of? What elements of life are you up against? What are you waiting for to either arrive or pass on by so you can move? For 16 year old Jessica, she needed wind to move forward, but she never walked away from the adventure even in her waiting. What about you and me? Do we really need wind beneath our proverbial wings? No. Birds don’t need it. Their flight is determined by lift, the force that opposes the weight of their wings. They simply must move their wings and fly the way God designed them to fly. They aren’t sitting around on limbs waiting to move. If today you are waiting for some MIGHTY WIND to blow INTO your life so you can finally fly, you’ve grounded yourself. Maybe where you are today is you’re exhausted and maybe even afraid to move. Don’t believe the lie that YOU are at the mercy of the elements of this life. God is asking, “what are you waiting for”? In 1 Kings chapter 19 we get a glimpse of a scene in the life of the greatest of all Old Testament prophets, Elijah. Instead of being alone out at sea, waiting for the wind, he was alone in a cave, feeling He was at the mercy of the elements and circumstances that surrounded him. God provided a gentle reminder that HE was and will always be, in control. 1 Kings 19:11-12 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. There was quite the display of elements out on the mountain that day. God controls them all and is in fact IN them all, but that day, He used a still small voice to remind Elijah He was not alone and there was still work to be done. You see Elijah wasn’t moving because he was afraid. He was believing the lie that he was alone and there was no hope. What are you believing Elijah? What are you doing here Elijah? What are you waiting for? You are not alone. There are others waiting for YOU, so go. It’s time. You don’t need a mighty wind, shooting star or some BIG sign to move into where God wants you. You need only be still and listen for the gentle whisper of the Father reminding you of who you are and how He wants to move you. That’s the truth. What are you waiting for? It’s time to fly. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Oct 03, 2023
Lori Cline

Truth For Finding A New Normal
Even when life as we know it has been completely shaken, we should remain focused on God.   ~~~   Is this season one that finds you trying to find a new normal? I’m right there with you. What was… is no longer. Something has changed. Something has shifted in life. For me and my family, we lost my Dad. We’re trying to find a new normal. Some days I feel like a new born calf trying to stand and walk. I’m emotionally wobbly in a way because something’s missing, something is not as it was. A BIG piece of my heart and life is gone from this world. Can you relate? I KNOW you can. I KNOW you may be hurting, emotionally wobbly in some way for some reason. Maybe you’re an empty nester. Maybe you’ve been uprooted and moved across the country. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one or maybe you’ve lost everything. Maybe a diagnosis stares you in the face every single day. While the circumstances vary that may leave us wobbly or searching in some way for a new normal, the root ache I think is missing what life used to be. What used to be was awesome and now it’s not as awesome. We miss what was because what was, was beautiful and full of life and laughter. We can still laugh and have hope and joy in the midst of it all, but it’s a new normal and we’re all in some way trying to find our way. If you’re wobbly today, trying to take a step forward, you’re not alone. I guarantee you, every single person you pass by, connect with or watch in your stories, is walking through something. I’m thankful for new morning mercies and grace we can share. They are poured out for each new day. Lamentations 3:21-23 Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. If you’re not familiar with the book of Lamentations in the Bible, it is often called the most sorrowful book in the Bible and it is believed to have been written by none other than the weeping prophet, Jeremiah. Devastation, desolation and sorrow consumed what was left of Jerusalem. What once was, was no longer. What I love about Lamentations is that these are honest cries. We should never hide our grief or pretend we aren’t hurting. Those seasons should move us closer to the Father with our arms raised high for Him to hold us and mold us through it. We can find rest there. We can find strength for each step of each new day as we seek the Lord first and try to find a new normal. In our own seasons of lament, like we read in Lamentations 3, we can call to mind and remember the Lord’s great love, His compassions and His faithfulness. It’s only THROUGH the faithfulness of God that we can stand, even when our steps may be a bit wobbly. I love the phrase, desolation brings restoration. When the landscape of life as we’ve known it is altered, our focus should remain on the faithfulness and goodness of God because THAT is what ushers in healing, comfort, new growth, new possibilities, new purpose for today and bright HOPE for tomorrow. That’s the truth. If you’re finding your way to a new normal, remember… Great is thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies I see: all I have needed thy hand hath provided-- Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me! I’m Lori Cline
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Sep 28, 2023
Lori Cline

Try This Spiritual Workout
Believers must make an effort to strengthen our faith and be more like Christ.   ~~~   Are you familiar with leg day? If you work out you most certainly are! If you are not familiar, here’s a little leg day 101. Leg day is any day that focuses on the lower body muscles, such as glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. The goal of leg day is to target all of the major muscle groups in your lower body, strengthening the areas you need for daily movement. Without strong legs, climbing up stairs, running after your toddler, and lifting or carrying heavy boxes all become a little more difficult. My youngest daughter plays middle school volleyball. They had leg day. She came home limping. They were strength training and working out their legs so they can move quickly and have strength and stamina on the court. She needed to recover a bit and she was super glad that the next day they focused on upper body! Her soreness was expected. She hadn’t worked out much all summer and her coach knew those girls needed some working out to get in shape. I heard that if you can walk after leg day, you’re doing something wrong! I guess her limp proved she was doing it right. I started thinking about my walk with the Lord. Does my faith walk need a work out? Should we be walking with a spiritual limp as a result of training, repetitions and really wrestling it down and working it out? We don’t usually think about it that way do we? Just keeping it real, my preferred faith work out is my quiet time with God, digging through scripture in my big comfy chair, coffee in hand, with a blanket and my beagle dog laying on my lap. I can tell you right now I’m not working up much of a spiritual sweat. But… what if we did. What if we seized the day, every day, with a no pain no gain attitude for growing in maturity, self control, discipleship and strength in the Lord? What would THAT look like? Well you might be surprised to know that we are in fact supposed to be ‘working OUT our salvation’. Philippians 2:12-13 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. What Paul is NOT saying here is that we must work FOR our salvation. Salvation is a gift of grace through faith in Jesus alone. Here though, Paul is highlighting the importance of staying fit for Christ through our consistent faithfulness to the Lord and through our obedience. Dr David Jeremiah puts it this way, “The Christian’s role is to work OUT what God has worked IN by cultivating the characteristics of a godly life.” I love that! What naturally takes place is as we work OUT what God has worked IN us, we will then be a light in the darkness through the life we live and the works we do for Him that He created us to do. Paul tells a young Timothy, ‘train yourself to be godly’. Our goal as believers is to be like Jesus. This doesn’t happen overnight and the process only begins when you give your life to him. Just like in physical training or even leg day, there is intentional movement in the areas that are weak. There is daily discipline to follow a healthy diet of good choices and deny the bad. If you’re looking for a place to start when it comes to working out your faith, here are some places to start. Read, study and memorize scripture. Pray and spend time talking to God daily. Intentionally give of your time and resources on a consistent basis. Gather with believers by committing to a church and invest in discipleship growth in both large and small gatherings. Deny yourself through fasting food, social media, movies or something you need to take a break from. Seek simplicity, practice silence or maybe plan a day to celebrate the goodness of God in a season. Are you limping yet? See what I mean? I think we can all use a good spiritual work out and as we move and work OUT our salvation, we will see more of God working OUT of and through our lives. That’s the truth. Hey no pain no gain and the goal set for us all, as we work it out, is ultimately to look more like Jesus. I’m Lori Cline.  
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Sep 26, 2023
Lori Cline

What’s The BEST That Could Happen?
Rather than be afraid, we should be confident that we can trust God with anything.   ~~~   Is God calling you to step out of the boat? What are you afraid of? If you recall the story of Peter stepping out of the boat and walking on water, it started by him asking Jesus, “Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the water.” He put it out there. He took the risk of asking Jesus to call him to step out. So what happens? Jesus said, “come”. He stepped out of the boat. It was going great! He was water walking! Then, he took his eyes off of Jesus and looked around. He saw the waves. He saw the deep water. Then what happened right before he began to sink? Matthew 14:30-31 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Did you catch it? The thing that derailed him from his water walking experience with Jesus, was fear. Maybe you can relate. You’ve been water walking with Jesus full of faith and trust and then BAM, fear. But Jesus what if THIS… I’m just afraid that… Did you see the giants I’m facing? I’m afraid I’m not good enough… I can’t see how this will work out… Fear takes root when we believe the lie that God can’t handle what we are facing and the deeper root lie is that God can not be trusted. Fear IS a liar. Fear says, ‘you can’t walk on water’ and we buy into it even when we are literally walking on water with Jesus in our gaze. The thing is we love to take things into our own hands. We do our own ‘water walking’ risk management in a way, looking at all the possible ‘worst case scenarios’ of what COULD happen all for the sake of trying to control the outcome. Carefully weighing probabilities and seeking sound wisdom and council IS a good thing, but if you move forward with a root of fear in anything in life, you’re not going to get as far as you would without it! What fear is holding you back? I read an article recently that stepped on my toes a bit. It basically said to stop asking the question, ‘what’s the worst that could happen?’ Thinking like that may move us forward, but in our mind we’ve already tried to control the outcome by managing our expectations all for the sake of accepting the probability that something bad WILL happen or that something GOOD will not! We limit what God wants to do in and through us as we attempt to manage our own outcomes. I’ve been guilty. Do you do that? What lie are you believing that has led you to be afraid? Ask God to forgive you and lay it as His feet. Trust Him with all the lies you’ve been believing. Trust Him with every single part of your life, even the scary parts you try to manage. The phrase ‘fear not’ is in the Bible 365 times, that’s enough for every single day. Dig into more of what God has to say about fear if you struggle in this area. You’ll find so many scriptures to encourage you in choosing faith over fear. One of my favorite scripture verses is one I had my girls learn when they were little. Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. It’s so simple. That’s why I love it. I trust in the Lord because I stand in awe of who He is and His neverending love for me. That’s the truth. When I stand in that kind of love, I can say with confidence each new day, “what’s the BEST that could happen”? Let’s get out of the boat. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Sep 21, 2023
Lori Cline

LIVE Like You’re Leaving!
Every day should be lived in preparation for our eventual trip to heaven.   ~~~   What’s your process for preparing for a trip? We all have one. Women, ours is bit more extensive. I take days to prepare for a trip. My husband, he can pack in 30 minutes and he’s good to go. This past summer we had the opportunity to go to Puerto Rico to be with some missionary friends who were celebrating 19 years of ministry. We decided to make it a family trip. If you’re like me, it doesn’t matter how far away I’m going or how long I’m going to be there, the preparation is the same. We have two dogs, a rabbit and a guinea pig. When we leave town we have to have a house and pet sitter. This requires preparation. Not only for any trip do we have to get all the laundry done and pack up all we will need, we also must have our house in order a bit and have it ready for someone to stay there with our animals. Getting ready to leave takes intentional planning and time. I’ve got another trip I’m preparing for. It will be EPIC as my husband likes to say. The good news is I won’t have to pack a thing, but every single day I’m given, IS a day of preparation. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. As a believer in Jesus, one day, I’m gonna take a trip on that good old gospel ship, as the Imperials used to sing on their 1978 Imperials LIVE album! I’m going far beyond the sky. Jesus said it, I believe it. He’s never not kept a promise. He said in John 14 I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. I am a child of God. I believe in and have accepted God’s gift of salvation through His son Jesus. I know that trip is coming, one way or another. So how am I or can I even prepare for it? I definitely can’t take anything with me. All the stuff I hold so dear. Ecclesiastes 5:15 Everyone comes naked from their mother’s womb, and as everyone comes, so they depart. They take nothing from their toil that they can carry in their hands. So what can I do to get ready? My husband put it this way, LIVE like your leaving. I love that. I don’t have to live like I’m dying as a country artist has put it, because I know this life is not the end, it simply leads to my life eternal with Jesus. That changes everything! So how can we LIVE like we’re leaving? I thought you’d never ask! Here are a few to do’s found in scripture we can follow for each day we have up until take off. Love God with ALL your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:30-31 Don’t cling to earthly treasures, but store up treasure in Heaven. Matthew 6:19-21 Be alert, SOBER and watchful, there is a deceitful enemy that wants to destroy your life. 1 Peter 5:8 Put your armor on every single day! Ephesians 6:10-18 Go and make disciples! Matthew 28:19 Throw off the sin that is holding you back and RUN your race! Hebrews 12:1-3 Watch and be ready! Titus 2:13 Those are just a few ways, to LIVE like your leaving. There are many more to do’s that lead to the most abundant life on this earth, but the point is this, we have work to do today that prepares us for our eternal tomorrow. That’s the truth. Eyes to the skies my friends, soon and very soon we’re all gonna take a trip. I pray your destination is Heaven. Settle that in your heart today. That’s the most important step of being ready. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Sep 19, 2023
Lori Cline

You’ll Be Talking About This For Years To Come
We should live out our love for Jesus by giving Him everything we have.   ~~~   You know what one of my favorite features is of social media? The memories. I love when random memories pop up for me to see. For nearly two decades now we’ve been posting status updates, photos and selfies! With ALL of those posts, pictures, stories and moments in time captured and put out for the world to see, we have LOTS of memories. Aren’t you thankful for the memories? I love seeing my girls when they were little or times I was with dear friends and family. You see, I take A LOT of pictures. Like… A LOT. I love being in the moment and I guess deep down I want to capture it and make it last forever, or at least be able to look back and remember it. I find myself, now that my Dad has gone to be with Jesus, clinging to the memories. As I dig back through photos or as a family we’re going through things, I hold it all so dear. It keeps him close in a way I guess. We tell stories and the moments of his life and legacy live on. We remember. I want my girls to remember. I want them to tell stories of their Pop to their children. I love how Paul said in Philippians 1:3, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” I as well thank God for the moments and the memories. They can shape who we are and how we live our life. In ancient times they did not have camera phones or social media, but they told stories and passed those stories and memories down for generations to come. The Bible, being one complete story of God’s redeeming love for us, from Genesis to Revelation, is made up of 66 books filled with 236 stories. Out of them ALL, there is one in particular that Jesus said would not only be remembered, but would be told anywhere the gospel is preached in the world. Do you know what story it is? It caused a bit of a fuss, but to this day, we’re still talking about it. Mark 14:3-9 While he was in Bethany, reclining at the table in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, made of pure nard. She broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head. Some of those present were saying indignantly to one another, “Why this waste of perfume? It could have been sold for more than a year’s wages and the money given to the poor.” And they rebuked her harshly. “Leave her alone,” said Jesus. “Why are you bothering her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me. She did what she could. She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” Jesus was about to be betrayed. He was spending precious time with his disciples and dear friends. And this woman, who we read in John 12 is Mary, the sister of Lazarus, knowing what Jesus had told them about his death, did what she could. She took what she had, in the moment she was given with her savior, and she didn’t hold back one ounce. She took this costly, aromatic essential oil and poured it freely on Jesus’ head and feet. The smell filled the room. There is much we could unpack in this story, but here’s what I want you to know today, she gave her ALL to Jesus. And even in the presence of critical disciples, she was only focused on Jesus and this moment of lavish worship. I can’t help but think that maybe as the crown of thorns were being put on Jesus’ head and the nail was being pounded through his feet that maybe, just maybe, the aroma of that oil still remained on his skin. Could it be the memory of that moment brought some comfort in the midst of his pain. I don’t know, but what I do know is her act of pouring out her love for Jesus in this way is not only one Jesus wants us to remember, it’s also her example he wants us to follow. That’s the truth. Dig deeper into this story and don’t only remember it, live it out today as you follow and give your all to Jesus. I'm Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Sep 14, 2023
Lori Cline

Who Put You In Chains?
The chains of sin bind us in a place of no joy or freedom.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Sep 12, 2023
Lori Cline

Where Was God?
God is with us in our journeys even when bad things happen.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Sep 07, 2023
Lori Cline

The Unanswered Cosmic Question
God holds all the answers we seek, more than any other wisdom or understanding.   ~~~   Are you a know it all? Keep in mind, your answer may differ from those who know you best. We like to be ‘in the know’. Knowledge is power. When you know something someone else doesn’t, there can be a temptation to feel a bit superior. That’s why gossip is so tempting. Also remember in the garden, the serpent ultimately lures Eve with knowledge. “You will be like God, knowing good and evil” the serpent said in Genesis 3. We devour the latest news, information and discoveries! But the truth is the more we discover, the more we understand or seek to understand, there will always be more that we don’t. I love the saying, just when you think you have the answer, they go and change the question. Did you see the most recent image from the James Web Space Telescope? It went viral. Take a look. Do you see it? This massive 10 billion dollar space telescope, that some Nasa directors say will offer up answers to questions we don’t even know yet, delivering mind blowing images from galaxies far far away, in its latest image, delivered a question mark. Oh the irony is not lost on me. Yes, as they look closer the question mark image is a possible merging of galaxies, tidal tails and a star forming cloud. The image is clear and as always, there is more to investigate and discover. Just as we think we are uncovering so much, we are left still with more questions. Life is full of questions. I don’t need a picture from 1,470 light years away to know that. I don’t think you do either. But the real question is, where do we go for our answers. I look to the one who spoke those billions of stars and galaxies into existence. Isaiah 55:8-9 ​​“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Friend, we will never know all the answers to life’s questions. Why do things happen? Why does evil prevail? What purpose and good could possibly come from this pain or loss? Where is my place and purpose in the midst of it all? As we seek to understand, we must ultimately rest in the will of the Father just as Jesus did. The wisest man to ever live, King Solomon, wrote in Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,”. God is the beginning and the end and He has the final word. I stand in awe of that. He is holy. He is just. He is grace giving. He is loving. He is righteous and He holds my life and all my questions in the same hands He holds the galaxies and stars that make up that cosmic question mark. We can seek wisdom and understanding in so many places and even look far beyond the outer limits of our existence, but at the end of the day, as we lay our head down to rest, we must trust and rely only on the Lord to hold ALL the answers. That’s the truth. Give your life, your heart, your hurts and all your questions to Jesus. Only then, even in the unknown of it all, will your heart find peace and be satisfied. I’m Lori Cline
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Sep 05, 2023
Lori Cline - Lessons I Learned in Loss

One Day Closer
In our darkest times, Jesus provides us hope and light.   ~~~   If you’ve walked through a season of grief, what did you discover to be true as you walked through it? I’ll never forget the words of a dear friend who lost a child way too soon. She said, “I’ve never experienced such pain in all my life, but at the same time, I’ve never known such grace.” We walk through seasons and the reason for it all or the purpose for the pain isn’t instantly made crystal clear on the other side. We simply wade through the fog of it and at times discover things along the way. God is gracious and meets us right where we are in every moment. I’m so thankful. This month I’ve put a lot of my heart on the table as I’ve shared glimpses into my current season of grief. My dad went home to be with Jesus this past June and I wanted to bring you into how I’m processing through it. Maybe you’re walking through loss or grief in some way as well. I’m sorry you’re hurting. God sees. He knows. He is near your broken heart and He loves you. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. We are comforted so we can comfort others. It’s someone saying, “hey, I’ve been there. It’s going to be ok.” I’ve been comforted in that way by sweet friends and family that surround me. As I am comforted, I want to pass that comfort along to you as well. As I’m wrapping up this month I had to share one very clear moment God met me and made me smile. So it was a day I was just blah. That’s the only way I can describe it. Blah. I was getting my makeup on and I looked up at a picture of my dad I have in my bathroom. More blah followed. Then I started thinking about what day it was and how with the passing of each day, each week and each month I’m getting farther away from my dad! My heart was taking a nose dive. The thought ‘one day farther’ was still hanging in the air when I looked down to see a coin in my makeup bag. Guess what it said? One day closer. Now I’ve had this coin for well over a year. On this day, God used it to gently redirect my thoughts. You’re one day closer, not one day farther. Hmmmm. My blah quickly turned into a smile. I felt like I could see my dad smiling at this same thought. This coin is one my dear friend Glenna gave me. On one side it reads, one day closer, on the other side, Titus 2:13 which says, “looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.” We’re one day closer, so keep your head up! Look to the skies! Life is often how we look at it isn’t it? I could focus on being one day farther away or I can look to what is true and focus on Jesus more than my ‘blah’ and know I am in fact, one day closer to Jesus coming back and one day closer to my Daddy. Now you could say that coin just happened to be in the right place at the right time and it was all just a coincidence. You could say that. I know better. My God is a God of comfort and He knew I needed a little encouragement that day. Maybe you do today as well. Look up, even in your grief, even in your struggle. Jesus is closer than you could ever imagine, in fact, he’s actually one day closer. That’s the truth. And it makes me smile. If you missed any of this month's broadcasts and you’d like to hear more of what is true and lessons I’m learning in the midst of loss, you can find them all at Thanks for watching - I’m Lori Cline
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 31, 2023
Lori Cline - Lessons I Learned in Loss

Why Heaven Changes Everything
Because heaven is eternal, we can have a hope that changes everything.   ~~~   Do you ever think about heaven? When I was little I mostly thought about angels. I wanted wings. I loved being an angel in our little Christmas play. I knew God loved the world so much that He sent His son Jesus down to earth from Heaven, so that whoever believes in Him can have eternal life. John 3:16 lays it out pretty clearly. I believed it. Why wouldn’t I? It’s the best news ever for this fallen and broken world. There is life to come that is everlasting beyond this one and if your faith is in Jesus, you will spend eternity in Heaven. As I grew a little older I began to understand that my life on earth and how I live it matters. I didn’t put my faith in Jesus simply to secure me for heaven and keep me from going to hell. I mean that’s a huge part of it, but I am here for such a time as this for a purpose and this is not the end! I read through the pages of scripture about people just like me who chose to listen and obey God. Their life didn’t always go as they planned, but God showed up in amazing miraculous ways, fulfilling His purpose and plan and He was forever faithful to His people. So many times I have looked up to the skies on a starry night, thinking about heaven some, but mainly I found myself searching for a sign. God is this your plan for my life? I know you’re up there so could you just give me a shooting star, like right now if it’s a yes? Don’t tell me you’ve never done that. Listen we’re in good company! The Lord said through the prophet Isaiah, “Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these stars…” David in Psalm 123, “To You I lift up my eyes, O You who are enthroned in the heavens!” Jesus in John 11, “raised His eyes, and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me.” Stephen, in Acts chapter seven, about to be stoned to death, “being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God.” There’s a reason we look up to heaven and we think about heaven, it’s because we were made for it! Knowing heaven is our eternal home changes everything for every single day of this life. This world is not the end. Jesus said in John 14:3, “if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be there with me.” He’s never NOT fulfilled a promise. 2 Corinthians 5:7-8 For we live by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. My dad left this earth on June 15th. He lived his life by faith. I know the moment he left his earthly body, he was in the presence of the Lord. His faith was made sight and because of that faith, we don’t grieve as those do who are without hope! The hope and promise of heaven changes everything! My dad is there with my sweet mother in law and my grandparents and precious friends and saints that have gone on before! Christian author Randy Alcorn, wrote this about ‘Heaven’. “Earth is a in-between world touched by both Heaven and Hell. Earth leads directly into Heaven or directly into Hell, affording a choice between the two. The best of life on Earth is a glimpse of Heaven; the worst of life is a glimpse of Hell.” That’s the truth. Know where you’re headed. This life is not the end. Jesus is the cure for all that is broken in this world. Give your heart to him. When you do, it changes everything! I’m Lori Cline
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 29, 2023
Lori Cline - Lessons I Learned in Loss

This Harvest Is Sweet
What we plant and how we give of our time matters.   ~~~   What are you seeing grow around you? If you planted a garden back in March or April and it’s done well, then you may be reaping the yummy benefits. This may be a sweet season of harvest for you. All the time, money and effort that goes into gardening may be finally paying off! When I was little my grandparents had a huge garden. I remember them growing everything! Literally everything. They grew all the normal garden stuff like corn and tomatoes, plus flowers and roses, but then they also had pomegranate trees, fruit trees, figs, grapes, peanuts, watermelons and so much more. When it was purple hull pea season, the afternoons were spent shelling peas on the porch swing out on their big screened in front porch. It was awesome. We had races to see who could shell the most! Now I know the “race” was just to get us to do it, but I didn’t mind, I loved my fingers being purple. This season, whatever you planted in the soil you prepared, tilled, fertilized and watered, should now be at its peak. How beautiful it is to reap the benefits. I’m reaping the benefits of something that was planted but it’s not anything that grows out of the ground. It’s a life well lived. My dad went to be with Jesus this summer and while as a family our hearts are mourning, all throughout this season, we have seen and continue to see beautiful things grow from what my dad planted all throughout his life. My dad loved a good garden, he did. But what he loved to plant most, was the love of Jesus in the hearts of people and students around him. He did that for the majority of his life in a small town in Louisiana, but the impact is far reaching. Since his passing there have been countless stories told about my dad. Story after story told through laughter and tears of lives changed, lives impacted, lives encouraged and lives saved as a result of his life LIVED for Jesus. The harvest we’ve seen and continue to see is abundant and sweet. While my dad wouldn’t want one ounce of glory, the reality is this, what he planted he worked and what he worked he watered and he had a blast doing it and God blessed it. 2 Corinthians 9:7-9 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written: “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.” My dad was a cheerful giver. He gave his life away freely to Jesus, to his family and to people. I am a part of that harvest. His good works led me in so many ways to mine. What are you seeing grow around you? What you plant and how you give of your time and resources matters. Lay up your treasures in heaven. Here’s what I’ve seen in my dad’s life and in mine, when you give your life to Jesus, every part of it, He gives it all back and does MORE in and through you, than you could ever ask or imagine. That’s the truth. If you’re not seeing a harvest like you had hoped to see, maybe start planting something new. With a changed heart and a new mission, you and those around you will reap the benefits. I’m Lori Cline
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 24, 2023
Lori Cline - Lessons I Learned in Loss

When The Waters Don’t Part
When God doesn’t meet our needs as we expect, He is still with us.   ~~~ If you’re standing at the waters edge, praying for a red sea road to cross on dry ground and the waters never part, is God still good? Your toes are in, you’re praying, believing, knowing He can part the sea, but as you walk in, the water keeps getting deeper and deeper. Is He still in control? Maybe you’re out in the deep and a storm is rolling in, you pray for the waves to ease up, but they don’t, so you weather the storm. Does God still love you? Those are honest questions when your faith is tested. When prayers aren’t answered the way we would hope, do we still believe? I grew up listening to Contemporary Christian Music. CCM. You know why I listened to that music? My dad LOVED it! He was influenced by the music that emerged from the Jesus Movement of the late sixties and early seventies. The music never stopped in our house. I was introduced to those CCM pioneers like LoveSong from day one and as I grew, so did the artists and the genre. We loved the Imperials and of course the breakout baritone, Russ Taff. In 1987 on his self titled record, there was a single called ‘I Still Believe’, written by Michael Been and James Paul Goodwin. Some of the lyric goes like this - I still believe Through the pain And through the grief Through the lies And through the storms Through the cries And through the wars I still believe Flat on my back Out at sea Hoping these waves Don't cover me I'm turned and tossed Upon the waves When the darkness comes I feel the grave But I still believe Through the shame And through the grief Through the heartache And through the tears Through the waiting And through the years I still believe Friend, when the water doesn’t part for me, I still believe. I’m too deep in the grace and love of Jesus! Like David, I’ve tasted and seen the goodness of God and He is my refuge. I gave Him my life when I was eight years old and I never looked back. It wasn’t just my dad’s sermons or the songs I would sing at the top of my lungs, I believed it then and even though life at times doesn’t turn out the way I had hoped, I still believe it now. I love the exchange that happens between Jesus and his disciples in the gospel of John chapter six. Go read the whole chapter. John chapter six! Jesus feeds the five thousand. He walks on water. Miracles are happening all over the place. Then the people start asking questions which ultimately reveals how shallow their faith was to begin with. John 6:28-29 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” We want to do things to be right with God. We keep trying to save ourselves! Jesus says, I am the way, believe in me. Then Jesus put it all on the table by saying, “I AM the bread of life.” They didn’t understand. They wanted Jesus to give them what they wanted when they wanted it, but they didn’t want Jesus. So, many walked away. John 6: 67-68 “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.” Do you believe and follow because of what Jesus can or should DO for you? He’s not a spiritual vending machine. They walked away because they couldn’t see that JESUS was ALL they needed. When I sat by my dads bedside, holding his hand, my prayer, my hope was for him to sit up, stand up and say “let’s get outta here!” God is able. But the water didn’t part the way I wanted. My dad breathed his last breath and instead of a Red Sea road I experienced a wave of peace, joy and gratefulness washing over my soul. Whatever you think you need today, Jesus is enough, nothing more. That’s the truth. I’m all in! I still believe. Where else would I go? I’m Lori Cline
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 22, 2023
Lori Cline - Lessons I Learned in Loss

Don’t Miss This Moment
We should be intentional and make the most of every moment we have.   ~~~ Would you agree that the days are long but the years fly by? I do. Especially when your kids are little. Those diaper days and toddler years are busy and exhausting. It’s an all day everyday adventure! I remember after I had my first daughter a friend of mine told me, ‘don’t worry, you’ll sleep again one day.’ He was so right! When we had our girls we were already over a decade into our marriage. We struggled with infertility and so our timeline looked a bit different than others, but our girls were right on time. There’s something in the waiting that gives you a different perspective. I didn’t mind the long days as much. I actually loved every single minute. I didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything by spending as much time as I could rolling around on the floor, having deep face to face conversations with my girls. So even though yes, there were long days and at times long nights, I cherished every moment, every milestone and every memory made along the way. My desire was to be present. I didn’t want to miss a thing. Life is different now. At 16 and 13, my girls don’t need mama as much. They’re growing in their independence and their schedules at times are full. Being present actually takes more intentionality the older our children get. I see friends who are empty nesters and they treasure any time their children are all under the same roof. Moments made then have to be planned and put on schedules. I’m finding myself in this season so very thankful for the moments. My dad went to be with Jesus in June and I’m literally clinging to every moment and memory. I’m scrolling through old text threads. I’ve gone back to voice mails I kept and even found some in my deleted that now I play just to hear the sound of his voice. My family is creating shared photo albums so we can share every memory we’ve got. Conversations over coffee, face time calls where he never could seem to keep the camera on his face, singing together at a senior adult banquet songs we used to sing when I was 8 and a big family dance at my nephews wedding are all now treasured moments. We don’t realize it at the moment do we? I’m beginning to. If we truly realized every moment is a gift, every moment is holy and God is IN every single one, we wouldn’t be so concerned with the past or worried about the future. We would BE present and grateful for THIS moment and watch for what God is doing right now. Colossians 1:15-17 ​​The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. I love this first chapter of Colossians. It’s all about Jesus. He was and is and is to come. He IS in every book of the Bible and in him all things were created and in him ALL things hold together. He is IN every moment. Every grain of sand in the hourglass of our lives matters. Every moment is holy and is a gift to us to then be offered back as a living sacrifice in how we live and how we love. Don’t miss this moment. It’s been given to you today as maybe a wake up call to make the most of every moment you’re given. Call someone you need to. Have coffee and make things right. Laugh, live and be intentional with those you love. The moments you don’t miss today could be the memories someone treasures tomorrow and I know this for sure, God is in every single one. That’s the truth. Make the most of this moment. If you don’t know Jesus, give your life to him. That’s the best place to start. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 17, 2023
Lori Cline - Lessons I Learned in Loss

Grateful In The Grieving
Even in tragedy, we can be thankful for the ways God is with us.   ~~~ Have you ever heard the scripture that talks about being ‘thankful in all things’? This is the one that compels us to live each day no matter what it may bring with an attitude of gratitude. Let’s look at it. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. There’s a lot to unpack in these three little verses. Paul is wrapping up a letter to the church in Thessalonica. They were faithful and fruitful, even in the midst of persecution. But, they had lots of questions about Christs return. Here, Paul is simply encouraging them with what he knew to be true. No matter what you may face, rejoice, pray and give thanks, because God is at work in the midst of it all and Jesus IS coming back. This is not the end! That’s good for us to remember today too, especially when the days get rough. I’m personally walking through a season of grief. I lost my dad not long ago and through it I’ve thought about these verses quite a bit. Throughout the entire journey of my dad’s illness and ultimately him leaving this earth, if there was one word I could use to describe what I’ve felt the most in my heart through it all, I am grateful. From the day he fell ill, God met us all along the way. Details I can’t even begin to list out for you all fell in to place. Family, friends, churches, medical professionals and more hands and feet than I can count stepped up and met us in every moment. We gave thanks. During our time at a hospital in a city none of us lived close to, provision was made, prayers were prayed, so many prayers were prayed, and messages of encouragement, comfort and love were pouring in. We were grateful. We rejoiced in that hospital room. We lifted up the name of Jesus and we had hope through every single day. The expertise, patience and care of the neurosurgeons, doctors and ICU nurses we met with daily was something we were grateful for. We always held out hope, but even as my dad took his final breath, we rejoiced through our tears as we cheered him on to glory! Looking back now over the past couple of months, there are countless things our family is grateful for. Even though the reality of life without my dad is settling in, we still are forever grateful for his life. Story after story after story of my dad has left us again grateful for his life and the legacy he leaves. Some things you just can’t explain. My heart is hurting. My heart is rejoicing. I miss my dad, but I know where He is and that makes me smile. Faith is something you can’t see but one day will be made sight. It’s faith that moves you to trust God is in all things and He brings peace that passes all understanding. Phillipians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Paul wrote those words from a prison. With thanksgiving, in every circumstance, pray, don’t be anxious, trust and peace will come. That’s the truth. And I am grateful… I’m Lori Cline
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 15, 2023
Lori Cline - Lessons I Learned in Loss

Life Isn’t About Keeping Up
We should let the rhythms of grace carry us through life.   ~~~   Did you start this day feeling behind? You’re not alone. School’s about to start, I don’t know where Summer went and stores already have pumpkins lining the aisles. I can’t keep up. There are some seasons that are worse than others. Life can get turned upside down and as you’re trying to keep up with all the things it’s easy to feel like everyone else is passing you by and doing WAY better than you! I’ve felt that some in this season, but I’m also applying truth to those feelings, giving myself grace and learning some valuable lessons along the way. This month I’m sharing some of that with you. They’re lessons I’m learning in loss. You see, my dad passed away this summer. It was unexpected. He had two hemorrhagic strokes and ultimately Jesus called him home. In the days and weeks that have followed, I’ve felt at times like I’m moving in slow motion. The earth keeps spinning and life keeps passing me by, but my grief has me standing still. The lesson I’m learning is life isn’t about keeping up. If you’re in a season of loss, if you’re mourning or grieving something or someone, you’re in a different lane than everybody else and that’s ok. Psalm 46:10 says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God.’ Sometimes the pace we need to keep is one of being still. When we are still, we can hear God’s voice above everything else. We can know He is near our broken hearts and His spirit is there to comfort us in our deepest need. Life isn’t meant to be lived keeping up with anybody, but it should be about walking it out, clinging to Jesus, one day at a time. God has you in the lane He wants you in. Resting in that means you are right on time with what He has for you today. What our family has seen over and over again is God meeting us right where we are, in each moment, equipping us for every task. We all had to let some things go. Priorities shift, the calendar gets thrown out the window a bit and you do what you have to do, but in the midst of that we experienced deep grace and a rhythm that moved us forward. That grace is still moving us along. Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” If you’re tired, weary or broken hearted, come to Jesus. No matter what you’re walking through, let Him walk with you. The unforced rhythms of grace carry you as you trust Him with the season you’re in. Picture a leaf floating down a river. It’s not having to do one thing to get down the river, it’s simply being carried by the current. At times it may be in a holding pattern over by the rocks and other times it may be flying over rapids, but no matter where it is on any given day, it’s still moving. Your life is not meant to be lived trying to keep UP with anyone. Your life is meant to be lived on purpose, trusting the one who created you for it. That’s the truth. Rest in that and be carried by the grace and mercy that meets you and is sufficient for each new day. I’m Lori Cline
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 10, 2023
Lori Cline - Lessons I Learned in Loss

Tomorrow May Be Too Late
Because we have no guarantee of the future, trusting Jesus in the present is essential.   ~~~   What do you have planned for tomorrow? What about the next day? Some of you have plans this time next year! Our phones are full of alarms and reminders to help keep us on track. We live by our calendar. We have personal calendars, work calendars, family calendars and all sorts of others to fit into one big calendar that helps us plan. I love sticky notes. Often they are my reminders. Yes they may cover my counter at times, but whatever works! You know what they say? Fail to plan then plan to fail. Planning is a must, however you do it. Time IS a precious gift. It isnot to be wasted and God is very much about timing and order all throughout scripture. Look at creation. There is purpose in the process and timing of it all. Look at Jesus’ ministry. He was so intentional with the time he had on earth and who he spent it with and all he accomplished during His ministry. Planning IS a good thing. Ephesians 5:15-16 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. God has a perfect plan for your life and He doesn’t want a minute wasted. In fact, He created you FOR it and your path becomes clear as you trust and follow Him. I live each day trusting He guides me through it, even when something UNPLANNED happens. On May 31st, plans suddenly shifted. I got a call and in a matter of hours, my Dad was being life-flighted to a neuro ICU in New Orleans. This event was not on any of our calendars, but God knew all along it was the day it would take place. James 4:13-15 Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” It’s good to make plans and work those plans, still God orders every step and HE holds every moment of every day of our life. My dad had plans for May 31st. He was putting his running shoes on and was about to start his day with a three mile run. He lived his life full on for Jesus and every moment counted for him. That moment, that day, while not on his calendar or expected, was no surprise to God. He was near. And every day following that day, while we sort of threw the calendar out the window, God had all of our steps ordered even in the midst of unplanned circumstances. There is a time to die. My dad took his last breath in the early morning hours of June 15th. God knew theday and the hour he would call him home. This life is but a mist. This day, this new and beautiful day you’ve been given and the breath in your lungs and the beat in your heart is a gift of grace. Jesus is giving you an opportunity right now to trust Him. Today IS the day of salvation. While you may make your plans and trust in those plans, your steps, your life and the days you have been given are ordered by God. You are not promised tomorrow. None of us are. But I know if tomorrow doesn’t come for me, I know where I’m going. Right now, call on the name of the Lord and you’ll be saved. Tomorrow may be too late. That’s the truth. Rest in His love for you and rest in the perfect plans He has for your life. They are for your good and no matter what tomorrow holds you can know who holds it and have peace in your heart. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 08, 2023
Lori Cline - Lessons I Learned in Loss

The Race You Run Matters
We can choose to run in circles chasing nothing, or press on toward Jesus.   ~~~   What race are you running? Who are you running for? What do you hope to find at the finish line? While these are all questions about running, the race I’m referring to is LIFE. We have a beginning and we will have an end. You were created for a purpose. (Ephesians 2:10) Within that purpose there is beautiful meaning to it all. (Ecclesiastes 12:13&14) You don’t live this life by accident.You are here for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14) If you happen to be believing the lie that you are an accident, you my friend are NOT. You are created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:27) You are known. (Psalm 139:13-16) And you are deeply loved by God. (John 3:16) From the moment our feet hit the floor with each new day, we all are running a race. But, there are two very different races. One is all about YOU. It’s run for YOU, to further your goals and dreams. What you hope is at the finish line is full awareness and fulfillment of SELF. It’s all about you. The other race is run with an awareness that this life is in fact, not about YOU at all. It’s about the ONE who created you for His purpose. That race is one of surrender and sacrifice. It’s run for God’s glory and it’s all about His path, His plan and His purpose. That race leads to the BEST LIFE on this side of Heaven and everlasting life in the one to come. So, what race are you running? My Dad loved to run. He was a Marine and at some point after serving in Vietnam, he began running three miles a day, every single day. No matter the season, no matter where he was, he would run. He loved a good race. It was just a part of who he was. He passed away a few weeks back and while our hearts are hurting deeply, we know the finish line he crossed. There was a point along his journey he gave his life to Jesus. From that moment on, he ran for something bigger than himself. He loved God with all of his heart, soul, mind and strength and he loved people. He wanted everyone to know that a life lived for Jesus is the BEST life anyone can live. He ran it full force, no looking back. Everyone that knew my dad knew what race he ran. He lived his life for Jesus. Do people know what race you’re running by watching your life? All the running, all the striving, all the ways you may be searching for your best life will only be found when you lay your life down and live it for Jesus. The Apostle Paul knew that and lived it out. He started out on one path, but then Jesus redirected his steps and he never looked back! He kept his eyes on the prize. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.   In Paul’s last days he knew his race was coming to an end. His faith never wavered. From day one when Jesus called him, through ALL the journeys, persecution and obstacles he faced, until he crossed the finish line, he stayed the course. He knew full well the race he was running. Anyone can say they believe in Jesus. But only those who faithfully follow and run after Jesus will hear Him say, “well done, good and faithful one.”   That’s the truth.   If you’re running this life for anything other than Jesus, you’re running in circles. Choose the straight and narrow path and don’t look back! It’s the race you were created for.   I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 03, 2023
Lori Cline - Lessons I Learned in Loss

Take The Time You Need
It is okay to take time to rest, rejuvenate, and reconnect with God.   ~~~   Do you need to take some time? I know I always need more time! If I’m getting ready, I’m gonna need one more minute. If I’m with a friend in deep conversation over coffee, I don’t want it to end. If I’m shopping, my sweet husband knows I’ll always be longer than what I said I would be. On the beach, watching the sunset, I want to stay till the stars come out. I want more time to linger in the moments and seasons that bring me joy. I’ll hang out in those all day long. In those mountaintop moments, the air is clear and the view is beautiful. But, as is life, we find ourselves in the valleys as well. Sorrow and suffering can quickly become our companions as a new day begins.We don’t naturally want to rest in or hang out in those moments do we? When pain, loss and struggle surround me, if I’m honest, I want to blow right by those, push down the feelings, put on my game face and just keep going. Thankfully the spirit gently reminds me what is true in Ecclesiastes 3, there IS a time for everything. Even though life doesn’t stop or slow down for anything, WE should. God is OVER and IN every feeling, every moment and every season. He wants to lovingly meet us, provide for us and hold us in each one. I’ve been in a season like that. This summer wasn’t what I expected. Maybe you can relate. For me, as the school year was coming to a close, my Dad faced an unexpected health journey that ultimately led him home to be with Jesus. We’re still all in shock. While yes he was 77 years old, he was NOT your typical 77 year old. He was something else. The entire month of June was upended. While the world kept spinning around us, time stood still for our family. We were present for the journey and God met us beautifully all along the way. Stepping back in this month with you, I wanted to share some of my journey. The reality is we ALL walk through pain and loss. The rain WILL fall, so when it comes, when the storm that you didn’t see coming hits, what truth can you cling to? I’m thankful for the hope I have in Jesus. That hope, the truth found in His word, is my foundation. A dear friend told me, ‘take all the time you need’. When life gets hard, you have to take the time you need to feel what you’re feeling, process through it as it comes and ultimately give it all to God. Taking time to wrestle through it is so important. Waves of grief meet waves of mercy as our hearts long even more for heaven. I’m thankful Jesus knows, sees and is acquainted with my sorrow and grief. (See Isaiah 53:3) He is with me. And if you read through the gospel accounts of Jesus, you find He always took the time He needed. He took time to spend with the Father, with his friends, he took time with children, he wept, he rested in the midst of storms, he took time to fast, feast, mourn and celebrate. He took time to heal and he also took time to step away from it all.   Luke 5:15-16 Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.   The three words I want you to hear today are these, Jesus often withdrew. But people were waiting! Jesus took the time He needed. If He did, how much more do we need to take time when our hearts are broken, when our strength is gone and when seasons of life become the boulders that weigh heavy on our soul. Taking time is not wasting time. It’s a vital spiritual discipline. As we take time away, we too will find our burden lighter and our strength renewed for each new step of the journey. That’s the truth.   Today, take all the time you need. Find rest as you lie down in green pastures. You may not know it, but you need it. Be still and know God is near your broken heart. He sees where you are, what you’re walking through and He wants to meet you in every moment. He’s walking with me through mine and if you’re hurting today, he wants to walk with you too. I’m Lori Cline.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Aug 01, 2023
Lori Cline

Be Content With What You Have
If we love God more than anything and trust Jesus, we can be content.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Jun 29, 2023
Lori Cline

Sometimes You Have To Be Mean To Yourself
Sometimes we must discipline ourselves to move closer to God.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Jun 27, 2023
Lori Cline

You Can’t Hide From God
No matter where we may try to hide, God sees our hearts.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Jun 22, 2023
Lori Cline

Cry Out For Help
It is better to ask God for help than to stubbornly do it ourselves.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Jun 20, 2023
Lori Cline

When I Want To Give Up
We must remain faithful in our service because God is doing a good work.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Jun 15, 2023
Lori Cline

Put The OUT Back In Outreach
Believers must reach outside our comfort zone to profess the Gospel to the lost.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Jun 13, 2023
Lori Cline

I Let This Get Out Of Control
If we ignore our sin, it will get out of control.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Jun 08, 2023
Lori Cline

Is There A Place For Me?
Because of Jesus, we can be sure of forgiveness, salvation, and a place to belong.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Jun 06, 2023
Lori Cline

Are You Heaven Ready?
Peace with God remains in our hearts through trial and struggle.
By: Lori Cline
Aired on Jun 01, 2023