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FamilyLife Today

Trauma and Truth
When we are hurt by people we trust, the trauma is so deep, but on FamilyLife Today, best-selling author Lysa TerKeurst encourages us to declare what is true of God and find healing.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 31, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Enough Suffering
There are times when our pain seems unbearable. On FamilyLife Today, best-selling author Lysa TerKeurst talks honestly about how some of her deepest pain affected her life, and how the blood of Jesus not only covered it, but became her anthem to help others.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 30, 2021
FamilyLife Today

It’s Never About You
On FamilyLifeToday, former baseball All-Star, Darryl Strawberry, along with his wife Tracy, declare the most important thing for one's true identity is living God's plan.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 27, 2021
FamilyLife Today

The Big Leagues and Brokenness
On FamilyLife Today, world-famous baseball player Darryl Strawberry, and his wife Tracy, recount the story of Darryl's childhood, his journey with the big leagues, and how God used Tracy in the midst of his darkness to help him see his need for Jesus.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 26, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Parenting Kids With Anxiety
We want to help our kids with their anxiety, but how? On FamilyLife Today, therapist and author Sissy Goff talks about when our children might need counseling, the voices that speak into their lives, and the hope we have in the Lord.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 25, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Easing Anxiety – Like 1, 2, 3
When our anxiety seems to be spiraling out of control, what can we do? On FamilyLife Today, therapist and author Sissy Goff presents three steps to help ground us in the truth.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 24, 2021
FamilyLife Today

High Anxiety
With the rise in anxiety, what can we do to help ourselves and others? On FamilyLife Today, therapist and author Sissy Goff pinpoints some sources of anxiety and shares a simple way to cope with it in a moment's notice.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 23, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Mile Markers
Are you needing a game plan for discipling your kids? On FamilyLife Today, pastor and president of Downline Ministries, Kennon Vaughan, gives some simple ideas for marking milestones in their lives.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 20, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Faithful Routine
What should family discipleship look like? On FamilyLife Today, pastor and president of Downline Ministries, Kennon Vaughan, shares a simple routine that anyone can take on.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 19, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Fire Carriers
No matter what trials the Church has faced in history, the fire of the Gospel has continued. On FamilyLife Today, international AWANA leaders Valerie Bell, Matt Markins, and Mike Handler declare that the Church is meant to carry the fire to the next generation.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 18, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Heart and Spine for Children
What do we want the future of the Church to look like? On FamilyLife Today, international AWANA leaders Valerie Bell, Matt Markins, and Mike Handler call on the Church to raise up children who love Jesus for the rest of their lives.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 17, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Strength for the Future
How can we prepare our kids to stand strong and not be blown away by the culture? On FamilyLife Today, international AWANA leaders Valerie Bell, Matt Markins, and Mike Handler call for the raising up of the greatest generation of disciples.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 16, 2021
FamilyLife Today

The Passing of Wynter
Pastor and author Jonathan Pitts was married to his wife Wynter for many years as they served in ministry together. On FamilyLife Today, he tells the story of her passing, his love for her, and how God ministered to him during that time and since.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 13, 2021
FamilyLife Today

A Wynter Memorial
On FamilyLife Today, pastor and author Jonathan Pitts tells of the love story he had with his wife Wynter, their last work as a couple, and the ways God showed him love after her passing.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 12, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Contentment In Singleness
Is it okay to be single? Is Christ truly enough? On FamilyLife Today, pastor and author Sam Allberry affirms that our relationship with God does not depend upon our marital status.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 11, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Loving Your Daughters
What do you think makes your daughter feel loved? On FamilyLife Today, authors and podcasters Matt and Lisa Jacobson share practical insight into knowing how to build a close and lasting relationship.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 10, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Loving Your Sons
It can be easy to love our boys when they are really little. On FamilyLife Today, authors and podcasters Matt and Lisa Jacobson give us practical ideas for loving them throughout their whole lives.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 09, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Being a Man in Your Marriage
What does it mean to be a man in your marriage? On FamilyLife Today, host Dave Wilson shares not only what it means to be a godly husband, but also what wives need in a husband.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 06, 2021
FamilyLife Today

The Difference Between Boys and Men
How do you define manhood? What source do you use? On FamilyLife Today, host Dave Wilson clearly defines the difference between that of a boy and that of a real man.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 05, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Work at Home Matters
The blessings of working at home can be great and eternal. On FamilyLife Today, author and Bible teacher Courtney Reissig explains how it is not only a ministry to those inside our homes, but an act of worship to our God.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 04, 2021
FamilyLife Today

God's Dreams Are Bigger
What place does God actually have in the plan for our lives? On FamilyLife Today, writer and professor Trevin Wax reveals the limitations in our own understanding, and the limitless God whose dreams for us are way bigger and better than we can ever imagine.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 03, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Searching For Identity
In the search for our identity, we may look within, look around, or look up. On FamilyLife Today, writer and Professor Trevin Wax helps give direction for the journey, and warnings for pitfalls we may experience along the way.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 02, 2021
FamilyLife Today

The Color Comes Back
Facing the loss of a loved one can leave life feeling so empty and gray. On FamilyLife Today, Ron and Nan Deal, along with Brad and Jill Sullivan, give listeners the hope that the color WILL return!
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 30, 2021
FamilyLife Today

A Place To Grieve
The loss of a child can leave many parents feeling there's nowhere to turn. On FamilyLife Today, Ron and Nan Deal, along with Brad and Jill Sullivan, share how they understand that personally and about the While We're Waiting retreats, which minister to parents right where they are on their grief journey.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 29, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Hannah’s And Connor’s Stories
On FamilyLife Today, we hear the stories of two children, Hannah and Connor, who both lost their lives to illness. Hosts Dave and Ann Wilson sit down with their parents, Brad and Jill Sullivan and Ron and Nan Deal, as they share the stories of their precious children and the hope they have in the Lord of seeing them again.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 28, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Devotion Over Disctraction
If God's voice is life to us as believers, how do we filter out and ignore all the other voices we hear? On FamilyLife Today, hosts Dave and Ann Wilson talk with author Wendy Speake as she encourages us that our Lord will make us lights in this world...brighter that the glow of any screen.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 27, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Is Media King?
What holds our hearts' attention and affection? On FamilyLifeToday, author Wendy Speake asks listeners to evaluate whether our phones are actually the ones sitting on the throne of our hearts.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 26, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Look Up
When we look around today, we see most of the world absorbed in a screen, and on FamilyLife Today, podcaster Arlene Pellicane points to the need for engaging in life by simply looking up.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 23, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Screens and Family
Is technology bringing your home together or pulling it apart? On FamilyLife Today, podcaster Arlene Pellicane shares with hosts Dave and Ann Wilson the five skills every kid should have and how you can build them into their lives.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 22, 2021
FamilyLife Today

Live To Forgive
Being let down by those closest to us can sometimes make them the hardest to forgive. Someone who understands this well is former ESPN producer and podcaster Jason Romano (Ro-MAHN-oh). On FamilyLife Today, he tells hosts Dave and Ann Wilson the story of the work God did to help him forgive his dad.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 21, 2021