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FamilyLife Today

When In Doubt, Make It A Song
Randall Goodgame admits when he first became a father he was intimidated at the thought of leading his family in devotions. Hear how Randall ultimately started putting Scripture to music as a way to communicate spiritual truth for his children, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 24, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Inviting The Hard Questions
Today on FamilyLife Today, Shelby Abbott coaches parents on how to respond when their own kids begin asking tough questions, and how we can discern the difference between sincere searching vs. a refusal to bend the knee to the Savior?
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 21, 2020
FamilyLife Today

A New Creation
Becket Cook tells the story of coming face to face with the God of the universe when he attended a church service. On FamilyLife Today, Becket tells how his belief in Christ has influenced and changed every part of his life.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 20, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Wrestling With Your Doubts
Is doubt in the Christian life something to fear, or a healthy part of authentic faith? Shelby Abbott responds that doubt is different than unbelief, and while we should not fear doubt, neither should we make it a badge of honor. Hear more, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 19, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Face To Face With The Author Of Love
As Becket Cook moved through one relationship after another, he never remotely considered that God might be the answer to his restlessness. It wasn't until a chance encounter with a Bible study group at a coffee shop that Cook began to take an interest in spiritual matters. Cook tells how his encounter with God changed his life forever. That’s on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 18, 2020
FamilyLife Today

A Happy Childhood
Becket Cook recalls when his same-sex attraction first started. Cook tells how his Christian parents reacted when he finally came out to his family, and advises parents on what to do and what not to do when their son or daughter comes out as being gay, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 17, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Two Homes, Two Sets of Values
After their parents’ divorce, having two homes with two different sets of values can make the blending process especially difficult for children. As a teen, Melody Fabien was hearing one thing about dating and relationships from her mom, and something very different from her dad who had recently come to Christ. She tells her story to Ron Deal, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 14, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Respecting Girls
How do you teach your sons to respect girls? Author Vicki Courtney encourages mothers to talk to their sons about chivalry. It can’t stop there, however. Courtney lists some of the things mothers and fathers should also talk to their sons about, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 13, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Childhood Is Only for a Season
Is your son ready for the real world? Author Vicki Courtney talks about the "snowflake generation" and considers what role parents play in it. Courtney advises moms to encourage their sons toward independence and responsibility so they will be eager to leave home when it’s time, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 12, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Teaching Your Kids the Word of God
Many families struggle having devotions in God's Word together. Jason Houser of Seeds Family Worship and John Majors, author of the book "True Identity" and FamilyLife's Passport2Identity, help discouraged parents find ways to make things easier. That’s on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 11, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Enjoying Family Worship
Jason Houser and John Majors discuss why Scripture that is put to music is such a powerful force in a child's life. Hear how we can help our kids hide God's Word in their hearts on a daily basis in a way that is simple and easy, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 10, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Rooted In Grace
There is a special relationship between a father and a daughter, but only a mom can model feminine integrity—how to live in accordance with God's design—for her daughter. Terra Mattson explains why daughters learn more from what they are experiencing than what you are teaching; on FamilyLife Today
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 07, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Feel It To Heal It
Raising daughters today may be different than in years past, but the core of what it means to be a girl is still as God designed it. Terra Mattson, author of "Courageous: Being Daughters Rooted in Grace," helps listeners develop a greater appreciation of femininity, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 06, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Faith Isn’t A Formula
What makes some young adults resilient in the faith, while others walk away completely? Pastor Mark Matlock and researcher David Kinnamon talk about the five characteristics and practices of resilient Christians; on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 05, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Following Jesus In A New Babylon
How are our kids actually living out their faith in a post-Christian world? On FamilyLife Today, David Kinnamon and Mark Matlock explain the difference between the four types of spiritual exiles. Together they remind parents of the correlation between parents with a vibrant faith and kids who follow in their footsteps.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 04, 2020
FamilyLife Today

How Are Screens Influencing Us?
Authors David Kinnamon and Mark Matlock talk about the challenges youth face spiritually as they navigate all the opposing views and opinions of the spiritual Babylon we're living in. Together Kinnamon and Matlock explain how parents can help their children use technology wisely, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Aug 03, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Love Is Tenacious and Committed
Today on FamilyLife Today, Dave and Ann Wilson interview Bob Lepine about the qualities of biblical love from 1 Corinthians 13. Learn how to bear and endure all things when things feel unbearable. And we'll hear how to avoid enabling wrong behavior, including physical and emotional abuse, as we pursue a marriage that goes the distance
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 31, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Love Is Virtuous and Honest
Bob Lepine, along with hosts Dave and Ann Wilson, continue their discussion of agape love found in 1 Corinthians 13, a passage that reveals the most common cracks found in marriage relationships, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 30, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Love Is Humble
"FamilyLife Today" hosts Dave and Ann Wilson sit down with Bob Lepine to discuss 1 Corinthians 13:4 and why humility is such a key feature of biblical love. Learn how to get a "PhD" in this kind of love and turn away from your natural default setting—self-centeredness, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 29, 2020
FamilyLife Today

The Joy of Being a Grandparent
There is so much fun that comes with being a grandparent—sleepovers, reading books together, and connecting with each grandchild uniquely. Mary Larmoyeux, author of the book "One-of-a-Kind Grandparent Connection," explains the lasting value of grandparents; on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 28, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Ideas for Connecting With Your Grandkids
Today on FamilyLife Today,Mary Larmoyeux shares her wisdom as "Nana" on how to make connections with grandchildren. This is especially important when passing down spiritual truths from generation to generation.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 27, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Consistency Is Key
Pastor Sam Crabtree offers parents practical help for raising young children. Crabtree reminds parents that issues only get bigger as the kids get older, so it's important to address the issues as soon as they see them; on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 24, 2020
FamilyLife Today

The Importance of Discipline
Today on FamilyLife Today,Sam Crabtree helps young couples understand the importance of loving discipline in their children’s lives. He emphasizes that parents must mean what they say and be consistent with the boundaries they set.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 23, 2020
FamilyLife Today

It's Not About the Money
Do you and your spouse fight about money? Do you avoid the topic altogether to dodge a conflict? How do you stack up to other couples in this area? Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn share discoveries from their research interviewing thousands of couples and reveal the gender trends behind it all. That’s on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 22, 2020
FamilyLife Today

When One Spouse Is a Saver and the Other a Spender
Jeff Feldhahn is frugal with money, but his wife Shaunti has no problem spending freely. FamilyLife Today hosts Dave and Ann Wilson share this same saver/spender dynamic. Listen as these couples unpack both sides of this equation with real-life marriage examples every couple will relate to, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 21, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Why Couples Struggle to Talk About Money
On FamilyLife Today, Dave and Ann Wilson talk to Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn about why couples so often fight about money in marriage. Based on interviews with thousands of couples, the Feldhahns shed light on this and explain why just having conversations about money is the most stressful (but important) part.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 20, 2020
FamilyLife Today

Communication: Be Willing To Go There
If you want to connect with your teens, you have to be available. That's the advice of author Jeffrey Dean. Today on FamilyLife Today, he gives parents some practical advice for effectively communicating with their kids.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 17, 2020
FamilyLife Today

A Parent's Influence
Moms and dads each have something unique to bring to the table when it comes to raising spiritually healthy kids. According to Jeffrey Dean, each child is looking for real authenticity and wants to know if Christianity connects to the real world. Dean tells moms and dads how they can help their kids know that God's Word is still applicable today. Hear more, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 16, 2020
FamilyLife Today

The Marks of a Successful Teen
Jeffrey Dean, author of the book, "Raising Successful Teens," knows that raising a successful teen is less about perfection and more about pursuit. Getting good grades is great, but Dean says parents should have a bigger goal than that. Parents should be intentional about raising kids who love the Lord above all else, and that begins with parents who model a thriving walk with Christ. That’s today, on FamilyLife Today.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 15, 2020
FamilyLife Today

The Risk of Rejection
Today on FamilyLife Today, college pastor Shelby Abbott talks about dating and why the important parts should not happen digitally—especially asking for a date. Shelby talks with Dave and Ann Wilson, encouraging parents to teach their daughters how a boy should treat them.
By: FamilyLife
Aired on Jul 14, 2020