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A daily word of encouragement

How can you love others correctly if you don’t love yourself?
To truly love others as you love yourself, it's essential to grasp your inherent worth and value in Jesus.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 27, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

But they don’t deserve it…
Treating others with respect, even when they are not respectful towards you, is a challenging but important aspect of living according to the teachings of Jesus.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 24, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

What if Thanksgiving could be everyday?
Are you thankful today? We have so many reasons to be thankful, from the material things that God has provided down to the breath in our lungs.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 23, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Joy year round! 🎄
The really cool thing about placing our faith in Jesus is that we can have this excitement and joy year-round. How?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 22, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Do your actions match your words? Part 1
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 21, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Our journey is full of hardship…. BUT!
Special Guest: Heith Mitchell
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 20, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Why does God allow us to suffer when He could stop it⁉️Part 2
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 17, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Why does God allow us to suffer when He could stop it?
There’s a profound lesson to learn from Elijah.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 16, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Why is Gods voice a whisper not a yell?
Maybe you're not hearing God because you're not taking the time to stop and listen to Him.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 15, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Building a legacy! Part 2
Your mission is important, greater than you could ever imagine. But there is another side to this.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 14, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Building a legacy!
If you're a parent, then your number one mission should be to teach your children to love God.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 13, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

The spirit really is enough.
Empty eloquence fades, but the power of the Holy Spirit within us speaks volumes. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 reminds us: 'My message was not with wise words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power.' Let's embrace the privilege of being vessels for God's work, relying solely on the Holy Spirit.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 10, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Faithfulness when it’s not easy.
Special Guest: Heith Mitchell
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 10, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Seeking God's wisdom is a journey, not a destination.
1 Corinthians 8 reminds us that it's not just about knowledge, but love that strengthens us. Let's humbly embrace this journey, always recognizing we have more to learn.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 08, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

It’s starts with the small things.
Special Guest: Heith Mitchell
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 07, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

It was never the staff that split the sea!
Special Guest: Heith Mitchell
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 06, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

God will align others hearts.
Special Guest: Heith Mitchell
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 02, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

God equips us when we’re faithful
Special Guest: Heith Mitchell
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Nov 01, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

The things of Christ are not easy.
Special Guest: Heith Mitchell
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Oct 31, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

God uses the least likely.
Special Guest: Heith Mitchell
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Oct 27, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

The Lamb of God
Why has John called Jesus the lamb of God?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Oct 23, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Practical applications.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Oct 20, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Praise the walls down!
The most powerful thing you could do in the midst of your hurt. Is to worship the Lord in the middle of it.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Oct 19, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

The dark side of the holidays.
The holidays are on their way and for some people it's the best time of the year. But for others, it's the most difficult.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Oct 18, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

The truth will set you free.
Have you ever gone through something that you felt ashamed of and so you told no one?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Oct 17, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Dear people pleaser.
To the person who struggles with people pleasing.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Oct 16, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Pick up the phone 📞
You don’t have to keep trying to figure out life on your own. In fact, if you were never meant to.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Oct 12, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Don’t lie to yourself.
Have you ever tried to justify something being okay?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Oct 11, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

Will this make you a diamond or dust?
How could I possibly consider it pure joy when I face trials?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Oct 13, 2023
A daily word of encouragement

“I’ll be praying for you.”
Have you ever used “I’ll be praying for you” as an excuse to do nothing?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Oct 10, 2023