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A daily word of encouragement

By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Apr 11, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Why are you still living in the past!?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Apr 10, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Self Control in a world of indulgence.
First I want to point out that self control is a fruit of the spirit, which means its not a fruit of our flesh. That means it's going to take work. We don’t just become Christ like over night.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Apr 09, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Do our thoughts really matter?
I mean if we never say what were thinking out loud then it never hurts anyone right?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Apr 08, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Do you have church hurt?
If you have had a bad experience at church or with a Christian this video is for you.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Apr 04, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

He will send you!
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Apr 05, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Just one touch…
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Apr 03, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Pearls and pigs and stuff…
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Apr 01, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Is there a plank in your eye?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 29, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Don’t miss today worrying about tomorrow.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 28, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Who you LOVE the most matters…
Here’s why!
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 27, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

How to love them when they hate you.
If you're wondering how you could possibly love your enemy. Let's take a closer look at his passage.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 25, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Is this you today?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 22, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Are you choosing life or death?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 21, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

What are you building your life on?
Are you going to church and doing your quiet time every day but are not applying anything that you're reading?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 20, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

What are you looking at?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 18, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

When someone slaps you in your face…
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 15, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Do our words mean much?
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 14, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Let your light shine bright.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 13, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Don’t lose the flavor of our Savior.
Our saltiness is Jesus within us and our excitement to follow him and tell others about Him.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 12, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

The Beatitudes - #8
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 11, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

The Beatitudes - #7
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 08, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

The Beatitudes - #6
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 07, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

The Beatitudes - #5
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 06, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

The Beatitudes - #4
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 05, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

The Beatitudes - #3
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 04, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

The Beatitudes - #1
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 01, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

The Beatitudes - #2
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Mar 01, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Will it ever be enough?
Those “if onlys” will never end so long as we are searching for happiness in anything other than Jesus.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Feb 29, 2024
A daily word of encouragement

Leave everything behind & follow me.
By: Allison Hawkins
Aired on Feb 27, 2024