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Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Stop Moping Around
Clif Johnson
Aired on Jan 29, 2025
Show Day by Day
Jan 22, 2025
00:02:39 Minutes

We should not hesitate to obey God’s call because we are afraid of failing.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   The threats to God’s kingdom that exist are many. There is the threat from the external enemy, but there is also the threat from within. All of us who have experienced the grace of God in salvation know that the fight doesn’t end there don’t we. Our struggle against sin continues. The difference between a believer’s struggle and battle against sin and an unbeliever’s struggle is that the believer is fully equipped to battle, where the unbeliever is not, and does not really want to battle it. But there is something in this wider text we need to realize, take comfort in, regarding the believer’s sin. This whole mess started because of David’s sin. And as wide as these ripple effects go, David’s sin is not able to overthrow the kingdom of God. You see, I believe that many times as Christians, we get into our heads a defensive posture of not doing what we know God has commanded us or called us to do because we believe we will mess it up big time. And so we just sit on the sidelines. But David will learn a lesson here. And we need to learn the lesson as well—The kingdom will not be overthrown by our sin. Why is that? Because our sin has been forgiven, removed from the ledger, cast away from us as far as east is from the west. Praise be to God! So believer, you must believe this aspect of the gospel as well. And since this is true, then your work within the kingdom is not over, has not been cancelled. Take hope in this believer. There is a place for you. There is a purpose. There is a work for you. Stop moping around, being pitiful, and get after it.

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