The Christian life was never meant to be a lone journey. True strength is found in biblical fellowship. #daybydaylw Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to follow.lifeword.org! ~~~ The story that we see in 2 Samuel 21 takes place later in King David’s reign. The nation of Israel has faced numerous battles against the Philistines, and David, once the fearless giant-slayer of his youth, is now an aging king. He finds himself weary in battle. But David is not alone—his mighty men stand by him. Verses 16-22 lists four Philistine warriors, all of whom were “descendants of the giants,” likely from Gath, the same city that once produced Goliath. These were not ordinary enemy soldiers; they were fearsome warriors intent on destroying Israel. However, David had built a culture of courage within his men. One by one, mighty warriors of Israel rise up to defeat the enemies, particularly the freakishly strong giants, proving that the strength of a kingdom is not in one man but in the brotherhood that fights together. This passage reminds us of an essential truth—we were never meant to fight alone. Just as David had his mighty men, we too need community, accountability, and discipleship. With that in mind let me give you 3 points of prayer, 2 people to pray for, and one summary thought. 3 Points of Prayer Lord, help me to recognize my need for godly community. Show me how to be an encourager and protector of those around me. Keep me from the pride of self-sufficiency, and draw me into deeper fellowship with Your people. 2 People to pray for Oscar Gaitan and his family, out National Changemakers in Nicaragua The Spanish Lifeword broadcast for the people of the Americas, Caribbean & Spain 1 Summary Thought The Christian life was never meant to be a lone journey. True strength is found in biblical fellowship.
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