A warrior without armor is a casualty waiting to happen. Put on the full armor of God. #daybydayvideo Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to follow.lifeword.org! ~~~ David trained warriors and made sure they were equipped. Jesus does the same thing. One of the most dangerous things a Christian can do is step into a battle unprepared. The Bible warns us that we have a real enemy who is constantly trying to destroy us. But God has not left us defenseless—He has given us armor. The belt of truth – because deception is Satan’s favorite weapon. The breastplate of righteousness – because holiness guards our hearts. The shield of faith – because the enemy will try to shake our confidence. The helmet of salvation – because our hope in Christ protects our minds. The sword of the Spirit – because God’s Word is our greatest weapon. Are you putting on your armor daily? Or are you stepping into battle exposed and vulnerable? Points of Prayer Lord, help me to recognize the spiritual battles around me. Equip me with Your armor so that I stand firm in faith. Teach me to wield the sword of Your Word effectively. 2 People to pray for Gerson Orellana and his family, our National Changemakers in Peru The Cebuano Lifeword broadcast for the people of the Philippines Summary Thought A warrior without armor is a casualty waiting to happen. Put on the full armor of God.
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