Sin is a frontal assault on the kingdom of God, but we are rescued from it by God’s grace. #daybydaylw Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to follow.lifeword.org! ~~~ There are two ways a king and kingdom can be overthrown, and that is either by external forces, or from within, by internal forces. You can have an enemy overthrow the kingdom, or you can have a coup take place. We have all those scenarios in our text for study this week in 2 Samuel 17. The first threat we come across is the enemy’s attempt to sabotage the kingdom. In this passage, Absalom is the external threat. He is the threat to King David, God’s anointed one, and by extension, Absalom is the threat to God’s kingdom. And we see clearly that God ordained that Ahithophel’s good counsel would be defeated, but why? Well, the text answers that for us as well when it says, “SO THAT the LORD might bring harm upon Absalom.” We will read and study about that harm next week. It’s a real hairy mess, if you catch my drift. And the real laugh that is taking place here, is that God is going to take the insight and strength of the enemy and turn it on its head to work against the enemy. When we step back and think about this, we realize that, biblically speaking, we have all been born wanting to overthrow God’s kingdom, or we have wanted the throne for ourselves. This is at the heart of sin. Sin is not a mere dismissal of God and His word. Sin is not a bit postmodern foolishness where we say, “Well, that may be okay for God but this is what is true for me.” Sin is a frontal assault on the Creator of universe. It is a satanic attempt to sabotage God’s kingdom. And what is needed to rescue us from ourselves is for someone to overthrow our own hearts, and that is exactly what takes place in the gospel. God, because of His grace and mercy, invades our souls. He regenerates our heart, gives us a new heart, gives us faith to believe, justifies us, adopts us into his family, sets us upon the Rock of of His Son, washes us, cleanses us, forgives us, gives us eternal life! This is the gospel, and this is what we desperately need, and what many of you have experienced! Praise be to God!
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