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Day by Day - 2 Samuel
God’s Providence Is Pushing Through The Crowd
Clif Johnson
Aired on Jan 16, 2025
Show Day by Day
Jan 08, 2025
00:02:35 Minutes


2 Samuel 15:30-37

Sometimes we expect a supernatural answer to prayer, but God works in routine providence.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   God’s Providence—-Read the text 15:32-37 You have to see this picture in your mind. We are told in 2 Samuel 15:30 that while David was traveling to the top of the Mount of Olive, he was told of Ahithophel. And while traveling to the top, he prayed that guttural prayer “please turnt he counsels of Ahithophel into foolishness”. And then we read in verse 32, “While David was coming to the summit, where God was worshiped, a man by the name of Hushai showed up! Hushai was sharing in the distress of David, robe torn, dirt on his head as symbols of being in mourning. And here is the answer to David’s prayer from verse 31. Notice that David says, “…you will defeat for me the counsel of Ahithophel.” This is absolutely God’s providence on display for all of us to see and take hope in. While David was taking one strained step after another, trying to make it to the summit, carrying his broken heart, tears in his eyes and this prayer on his lips, while all of that was going on and David reaches the summit, the designated place of worship, Hushai is pushing through the crowd to get to David. My friends, see in this passage, that when you think all is lost, when confusion has set in, don’t ever forget that God is moving in the crowds, God hears your prayers, and He has already put the answer to your prayers in motion. This is the providence of God. Now, the answer to the prayer, especially for us, may be difficult to discern, because I think we are always thinking in terms of the unexpected, supernatural, when many times, the answer to the prayer is in the routine providences of God. We just have to have the spiritual insight and discernment to recognize what is going on.

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