Men have a responsibility to stand firmly in the spiritual war to protect and support their families. #daybydaylw Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to follow.lifeword.org! ~~~ Be of Good Courage and fight: Because we have people who depend upon us. Notice the speech given at this point. “Be of good courage, and let us be courageous for our people, and for the cities of our God.” Of course I like how the King James reads at this point. It reads, “Be of good courage, and play the man.” The idea is that men are to be courageous, resolved, strong. Be of Good Courage! What does it mean to “Be of good courage,”? The word means to be firm, resolute, hardened, to be rigid, severe, to be secure. Stiffen your legs and stand strong. Stiffen up your spine and ready yourself for war! Be resolute. This is what we have to do. This is what we must do. Why? Because they have people depending upon them! They have people, families, wives, sons, daughters, parents, neighbors, cities who depend upon them to defend them. Every man present during that speech had someone back home who was depending upon them, that if they did not fight this war, then those enemy armies would have easier access to their land and to their families, to pillage and destroy. Hear this clearly men, there is a reason why this verse is translated in some translations as “play the man.” It has been given to the man by divine design to be his responsibility to fight for the sake of those around him. Your courage, your strength, your resolve to step into the arena and fight is not just for yourself, but it is for the protection and welfare of your family. You cannot abandon the post.
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