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Day by Day - 2 Samuel
In God’s Kingdom, Pt. 2
Clif Johnson
Aired on Sep 04, 2024
Show Day by Day
Sep 03, 2024
00:03:03 Minutes


Psalm 110:1

Believers are to worship with our hearts, our words, and our actions.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   In God’s Kingdom there is humble worship. We saw where David obeyed the law of God at several crucial points in 2 Samuel 8 (not taking many horses, not accumulating wealth to himself) and also dedicated to God all the bounty from his kingdom’s victories. It was humble worship. In Jesus’ kingdom we see something similar. We see Jesus obeying the will and word of God with every breath he takes. He fulfills all the law in that way, becoming a perfect substitute for us. But we also see people come and bow down in front of Jesus and worship at His feet, and He does not help them up or plead with them to stop worshiping Him. He does not deflect their worship. He accepts their worship. Where David deflected honor and worship, Jesus receives it. And it is because Jesus is the one worthy of worship. David even recognizes the Lordship of the Messiah when he says in Psalm 110:1, “The LORD says to my Lord, ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.’” even before the Messiah was born. So now, we are the ones who are to humbly worship. Worship is the recognition that we owe everything to our God. Worship is the remembering that we are weak and He is strong. Worship is the reminder that we are servants and soldiers and Jesus is the King. Worship is the expression of a grateful heart to a great ruler. Worship is the live, real trust we place in God’s word in the trial of testing and the fire of temptation. Worship is the realization that Christ is rest for our weary souls, comfort for our troubled hearts, wisdom for our thinking minds. Worship is the clinging to Christ as our Rock, our Refuge, our Hope, Strong Tower, our Light House. So followers of Christ are to be humble worshipers of Christ. We are to worship with robust singing of joy and strength. We are to worship through whispers and tears. We are to worship with empty hands and empty plans waiting to be filled and assigned by the King. And we are to worship by walking with Jesus day by day.

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