The life of Jesus was characterized by the presence of God and victory. #daybydaylw Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to follow.lifeword.org! ~~~ When we look at the kingdom that David ruled over, although it was characterized by victory, and worship, and righteousness, it was done imperfectly, and eventually the kingdom would fall and deteriorate and crumble. But the Anointed One does come! And God gave to Jesus victory everywhere Jesus went. Jesus had victory over the murder plot of King Herod Jesus had victory over Satan in the wilderness. Jesus had victory in the temple while teaching, bringing encouragement and life to those who were oppressed, and bringing stinging conviction and rebuke and shame on those who were cruel. * Jesus had victory over sickness and disease, and blindness and deafness, and demons and death! * Jesus had victory over the elements of the world when they would rise up and threaten Him or His apostles. The gospels are written so that we would see that the Jesus’ life was characterized by the presence of God and victory! “The LORD was with him and gave him victory wherever He went.”
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