God is transforming everything, even acts of wickedness, into elements of His ultimate plan. #daybydaylw Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to follow.lifeword.org! ~~~ One of the difficulties of reading narratives is that we have to read the whole narrative to catch what God is doing, and that can be difficult to do in a 2 minute episode of Day by Day. But when we pull back, or when we finish this drama, we will all be amazed at how God used the sin of man, the scheming of man, to accomplish his great goal of providing us with a perfect King. This entire passage in 2 Samuel 3 should make us long for a king who acts with perfect righteousness, who sees the desires of the human heart and can protect his people from deceit and seduction of human scheming, who is able to snuff out the schemes of wickedness, who is completely honorable, who has no need to negotiate and use political power plays in order to consolidate power and authority. And that is what we get in Jesus. He is that King! And so as we look back, this one thing we must understand is that God is not up in heaven reacting to the sin of man and his schemes; He is taking these sour lemons and making lemonade. All of this is happening under the providence of God, which is a sweet security at night when you lay your head on the pillow.
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