David was a mighty king. But Jesus is the eternal King who has won the greatest victory. #daybydayvideo Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to follow.lifeword.org! ~~~ David was a great king. But Jesus is the greater King. The battles in 2 Samuel 21 remind us of David’s first battle—the one against Goliath in 1 Samuel 17. But this time, it isn’t just David slaying giants. His men are stepping up, proving that David has raised up warriors who will continue the fight. In the same way, Jesus doesn’t just fight for us—He fights through us. Where David fought against the Philistines, Jesus fights a greater battle—against sin, death, and the enemy himself. David defeated giants with a sword; Jesus defeated Satan with the Word of God (Matthew 4:1-11). David was a lamp to Israel; Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12). David raised up warriors; Jesus raises up disciples to continue His mission (Matthew 28:19-20). David was great, but Jesus is infinitely greater. And here’s the good news: Jesus has already won the victory. The battles we fight now are fought with the full assurance that the war has already been won. Points of Prayer Lord, thank You for fighting the battle I could never win. Help me to trust in Your victory rather than trying to fight in my own strength. Teach me to walk in the confidence of Your triumph. 2 People to pray for Regino Acuna and his family, our National Changemakers in Paraguay The Burmese Lifeword broadcast for the people of Myanmar/Burma Summary Thought David was a mighty king. But Jesus is the eternal King who has won the greatest victory.
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